Gemma Chan is ascending. The 36-year old actress has been working in Hollywood for more than a decade and is breaking out in a big way. After a scene stealing role in Crazy Rich Asians, Chan is suiting up (uncomfortably so) as Kree Starforce member Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel.

In the comics, Minn-Erva has long been an adversary of Captain Marvel’s, though she wasn’t always fighting Carol Danvers. A scientist, Minn-Erva hoped to use the original Captain Marvel, the Kree warrior Mar-Vell, to kickstart the evolution of her people. Over the years, her self-experimentation led her to become a powerful foe to Carol Danvers. While the MCU version of Minn-Erva may not be directly translated from the comics, she’s definitely on trajectory to become a thorn in Carol’s side.

In an interview with Screen Rant, Chan discussed her character’s relationship with Jude Law’s character, the team dynamic on Starforce, her time on set with Goose and more.

So to start could you tell us, who is your character and tell us a little bit about her?

If you can expand on it, is the rivalry more for power position or for affections?

Gemma Chan: Yeah, I pay a character called Minn-Erva. She is a member of Starforce. She is a sniper. Yeah, she’s talented. She’s very dedicated to her team. So she’s a Kree, obviously. See? I’m blue. [Laughs] So, the Kree have been involved in this very bitter war with the Skrulls, which has been going on, and Starforce are the Kree’s elite special forces team. And the beginning of the movie, I can say they’re on a mission? Yeah, a secret mission.

Yes, so Brie’s character is on our team as well and there’s a slight rivalry between the two characters. I would say that to a certain extent, Minn-Erva doesn’t quite trust Carol but they’re all, as a team, they’re very efficient and they get stuff done. Yeah, I don’t know what else to add.

When you say she’s a sniper is that like what we would think of traditionally or is there like a sci-fi spin?

Gemma Chan: Not so much affections. I suppose before Carol joined the team, Minn-Erva was probably kinda of the star of this Starforce team, and she was probably the favorite of the commander who is played by Jude Law. So yeah, so I suppose there’s more to do with their abilities rather than affections as such. But yeah, I think there’s a mutual respect, but yeah, someone else who’s also very good at their job. It’s kind of playful rivalry.

What does the makeup process entail?

Gemma Chan: I would say it’s fairly traditional. I mean, obviously the gun, it’s like a long gun. So yeah, I have skills in that department.

How long does that application take in the morning?

Gemma Chan: Really early starts. [Laughs] I think my call times have been at like 3:00am this week. But yeah, then we’ve got an amazing team and it’s airbrushing, lots of layers of airbrushing and the upkeep throughout the day when it gets hot and sweaty and the costume rubs at it, but they’re great. They try to maintain.

What’s something you’re going to do with this role that you’ve never gotten to do before?

Gemma Chan: It started off taking four hours, but we’re cutting it down. So we’re around about three at the moment. But we can get it even quicker, hopefully.

How close to the comic book version of the character are you?

Gemma Chan: Well, I’ve been doing some boxing training, which has been good fun. Because she is this elite warrior, I’ve got to do lots of physical stuff. So, I’ve gone work training with the stunt team and yeah, it’s fun, really fun. It’s really different to anything I’ve done before.

In the comic book Minn-Erva is more of an antagonist for Captain Marvel, so are we gonna see hints of that?  

Gemma Chan: I would say it’s a little bit of a - they’ve definitely taken it in their own direction in terms of their imagining of this team. There are elements of her there, but I would say it’s a little bit different.

Were you into comic books before this or did you have to study up?

Gemma Chan: That’s a good question. I think it’s definitely a developing relationship. I’ll say that, yeah.

You were saying you get to take it in your own direction. Is it fun to kind of expand on something that is beloved and [that] people are really passionate about, but also carve your own?

Gemma Chan: I was interested in comics, but I’ve definitely read more since entering this world. It’s great to see how much love there is out there for these characters. And yeah, it’s exciting.

One second, guys. They need you for a quick walk-in then you can come right back. They just need to see you real quick and then you’ll come right back.

Gemma Chan: Yeah, definitely. I mean, I should say there is all this affection for the comics, but the script and what we’re doing is very much the same thing so in a certain sense, you can’t get too tied to the versions, because there have also been different versions of that character through different kind of time periods. In a way, you have to kind of just go on what the character that is in this script, so that’s what I’ve tried to do.

Now we’ve got full costume.

So Jude Law said that his relationship with Carol is kind of a mentor/mentee. Would you say that’s a similar relationship you have with his character or are you more independent?

Gemma Chan: This is full costume. Yeah.

Just looking at the costume, just curious how that is to move in and what kind of physical stunts you’ve been doing.

Gemma Chan: He definitely was her mentor as well. He still is, I should say, not in the past tense. Yeah, I would say actually they have quite a complex dynamic between the two of them. She doesn’t always agree with his decisions. I can say that. But obviously he is still her mentor and her superior. But yeah, there are a few cracks in that relationship starting to show.

What’s the general group dynamic for Starforce? Are you like a family?

Gemma Chan: There are a lot of parts to it and it’s not the most comfortable costume I’ve ever worn. [Laughs] But I’m sure, yeah, Brie would tell you the same about hers. Yeah, it’s cool though. I like it.

Do you get to work with the cat?

Gemma Chan: Yeah, there’s lots of banter between them. They are a close knit team. They have to work together intimately all the time. So yeah, they are kind of like a family. They have their in-jokes and their little kind of, yeah, playful rivalry things going on.

Do you know which cat it was?

Gemma Chan: I have worked with the cat, yes. I’ve worked with the live cat as well. I had to hold the live cat. But they’re so well trained. They’re amazing! Like, yeah.

Has there been something so far with Minn-Erva that you’re really excited for audiences to see? Like a moment that you feel is really going to speak to them or be kind of iconic for your version of this character?

Gemma Chan: It was the real, real live cat. Although there were two. I think I might’ve worked with both of them, actually. But they’re, yeah, they were great. I didn’t get scratched.

But you have a moment that you are really excited about, even if you can’t tell us it?

Gemma Chan: Probably can’t say without giving too much away, yeah.

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Gemma Chan: I think the whole - well, yeah, there are several moments I think, yeah.

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