Despite the massive popularity of the original anime, the live-action adaptation of Ghost In the Shell became one of the big flops of 2017 on its release last month. The film stands to lose more than $60 million, and the studio has admitted that the casting controversy affected the film’s take at the box office. Despite this, Ghost in the Shell has done reasonably well in the overseas market, preventing it from being a total failure.

Given both poor reviews and low ticket sales, there’s little doubt that Ghost in the Shell has its problems, and they aren’t just because of the casting. However, the film has its good points, too, and one of the biggest positives for the movie lies in the absolutely stunning visuals. A good chunk of the film’s $110 million (reported) budget was spend on creating Major’s body, her world, and the incredible action sequences. Now, one of the artists behind the film has released some new images for fans to enjoy.

Ash Thorpe, one of the concept artists for the film, posted a series of images on his website that show various concept scenes, poster art, logos, and even behind-the-scenes shots of the process. Some of the alternate logo designs involve different fonts and Japanese characters, as well as different ways of incorporating the triangle that made it into the final image. The concept art includes images of Major’s bike, the Geisha-bots, city buildings and street signs. Some of the most interesting images posted are the alternate posters. These include images of Major curled up or sitting, plugged in, and Major’s face breaking through a white substance.

[vn_gallery name=“Ghost in the Shell Unused Promotional Materials” id=“945438”]

All of the art, posters, and logos still bear a strong resemblance to the visuals that ended up being chosen for the film, showing that there was a clear artistic vision for the project from the beginning. Some of the city scapes and Geisha-bots look particularly similar to the film itself. Thorpe has also posted a reel of some of the art and the process of creating it.

While these images have little impact on the film itself at this point, it’s still fascinating to see some of the other designs considered, and the way that the visuals were built. Ghost in the Shell is a visually stunning movie, as well, which makes the artwork even more impressive to consider. While the final posters and logos chosen are just as gorgeous, these versions would have made just as much of an impact.

Next: What Ghost in the Shell Can Teach Hollywood About Adapting Anime

Source: Ash Thorpe

  • Ghost in the Shell Release Date: 2017-03-31