Ghost Rider has taken many forms over the years, and every single one of them has been impressively powerful and without a shadow of a doubt dangerous. For each individual who completes the bargain with Mephisto, they get the joy of being bonded to a demonic being of some sort.

Theoretically, the Ghost Rider is then the thrall of Mephisto but that rarely seems to be the case as they all seem to go into business for themselves. The funny thing about being a Spirit of Vengeance with a flaming skull is that you tend to make more enemies than friends. But the allies you do have are only the staunchest.


As a superhero, Spider-Man operates under a strict code that is frequently summed up as, “With great power comes great responsibility.” But part of that code includes never using lethal force.

Ghost Rider rarely has those kinds of compunctions, using any type of corporal punishment at his disposal to dispense vengeance. Keeping mind that Spider-Man and Ghost Rider have worked together, even serving as members of the replacement Fantastic Four, the Wall-Crawler certainly does not approve of the Spirit of Vengeance.


If anyone in Marvel wants to be best friends with Ghost Rider, it’s Deadpool. Why wouldn’t he? Ghost Rider has so many likable qualities. He can inflict incredible amounts of punishment. He’s virtually indestructible. He’s made of fire. If there are three things Deadpool loves, it’s violence, indestructible friends and fire.

Deadpool understands better than most the role someone like Ghost Rider plays in the grand scheme of things and is 100% supportive of his mission of dishing out vengeance on those that deserve it.

DESPISE HIM: Daredevil

The Man Without Fear has a long, strange history with demons, specifically Mephisto. Marvel’s iteration of the Devil actually has a bit of an issue with Matt Murdock dressing like something evil but always doing good. But that’s not why Daredevil dislikes Ghost Rider.

He has spent years trying to atone for his past sins, the type of sins Ghost Rider seeks out and punishes people over. While Daredevil can handle himself, he doesn’t take someone else casting judgment on others lightly, let alone someone casting judgment on him.


From the first moments of his life, Blade has been defined by the vampires he hunts. The Daywalker is about as proficient a fighter as you’re going to find in the Marvel Universe. His training and weapons are definitely geared towards hunting and killing vampires though there are few butts Blade can’t kick.

Given their mutual desire to destroy the evil hiding in all the dark places, Ghost Rider and Blade have teamed up on more than a few occasions. They know what’s waiting in the shadows and what to do about it. They know how to make what is supposed to be in the grave stay there.

DESPISE HIM: Doctor Strange

As Marvel’s Master of the Mystic Arts, Doctor Strange is well acquainted with the machinations of Mephisto. He’s equally familiar with the Ghost Rider, and the role each version has played over the years. Saying Doctor Strange is not a fan of the Ghost Rider as a general rule is a definitive understatement.

The creature is usually a demonic entity bonded with a human that’s loose on Earth and committing acts that are often only marginally heroic at best. Doctor Strange tolerates the Ghost Rider because he plays a role in the larger scheme but Strange sure doesn’t like it.


Through various mutant teams, the Apache-born Warpath has created a name for himself as a prominent hero. His mutant abilities give him highly enhanced strength, speed, agility, and sense as well as a latent ability to fly, which appeared more recently. But he also has mystical shaman abilities which he learned about thanks to Ghost Rider.

They were both drawn to fight a mystical creature called the Demon Bear. Ghost Rider unlocked Warpath’s shaman abilities to help them in the fight. Their partnership opened Warpath to a part of himself he didn’t know was there.


The bad blood between Thor and Ghost Rider goes back a long time. When Ghost Rider was fighting the X-Men many, many years ago, the Avengers stepped in to help. Ghost Rider quite literally took every last one of them down.

This animosity was rekindled recently when Johnny Blaze, now the King of Hell, faced off against Thor one more time. Naturally, Thor brought Mjolnir to the fight. Blaze responded by morphing his motorcycle into an even bigger hammer and took the Thunder God on. The issues between Blaze and Thor will never become water under the bridge.


It’s highly likely that no one in the entirety of the Marvel Universe feels a stronger kinship to the Spirit of Vengeance than the Punisher. Their missions are incredibly similar, though their methodologies do differ slightly. They have ridden together a few times but their most infamous battle was alongside Wolverine against Blackheart, the son of Mephisto.

Blackheart summoned the three of them to carry his banner on Earth. They declined. Violently. The pairing of Punisher and Ghost Rider is an unnaturally natural one.

DESPISE HIM: Captain America

Captain America has gone through a lot of phases in his incredibly long career. He has fought and died and lived again more times than most, giving him a very unique perspective on existence.  It’s that unique perspective that makes it hard for him to accept Ghost Rider in any way, shape or form.

As a military man and a pragmatist, Captain America might be able to see Ghost Rider as a powerful asset. But as a man of principles and morals, Ghost Rider as a spirit of vengeance is not something Captain America can work with.

RESPECT HIM: Wolverine

The served together as members of the New Fantastic Four. They stood together alongside the Punisher against Blackheart in Hearts of Darkness. They teamed up during Acts of Vengeance to stop a gang of killers. Wolverine and Ghost Rider have been allies for a long time, possibly due to their mutual love of motorcycles and leather jackets. Plus, Ghost Rider’s flaming skull is a great way to light a cigar.

More than an ally, Wolverine might be the closest thing Ghost Rider has to a friend. But it seems unlikely that Ghost Rider cares for such things.