For most of Gilmore Girls, any awkward moments or nervous characters make the show unique and memorable, but when rewatching, fans notice some scenes that stand out for all the wrong reasons. On his podcast “I Am All In,” Scott Patterson shared that he didn’t enjoy a scene when the other characters were staring at and talking about Luke Danes’s butt. Patterson said, “It’s as disgusting for women to objectify men as it for men to objectify women and it’s as harmful. Just because it was 2003 didn’t mean it was okay. It’s never okay,” according to Entertainment Weekly.

But even though fans have so much love for Gilmore Girls, there are some scenes that stand out as being awkward and cringeworthy. Viewers are discussing some strange moments on Reddit that they wish had gone differently.

Rory Acts Strangely During Her Internship

Mitchum may be harsh to Rory when she works at his newspaper, but she doesn’t act like someone who really wants to succeed in this world.

When it comes to the most cringeworthy moments on the show, Redditor saltydune said, “her first day at the newspaper internship with Mitchum, I can’t even watch the episodes.” Many viewers feel that Rory acts like she doesn’t even know what she’s doing there, and it doesn’t fit with her character.

Why Does Lorelai Stay At Yale On Rory’s First Night?

For Redditor ScreenHype, it doesn’t make sense that Rory’s peers think it’s cool and fun that Lorelai stays over that first night at Yale. The fan wrote, “she’s trying to reclaim her youth, and it’s so weird that Rory is so co-dependent that she can’t do the first night without her mum there.”

While it’s sweet to see the mother/daughter duo in a new location, carrying on their traditions, the scene would still work if Rory and Paris bonded with their new peers by themselves.

Rory’s Beloved Study Tree

Redditor GilmoreGirls22 doesn’t understand how Rory could have so much trouble looking for somewhere to study, noting the tree that she claims as her own. The fan wrote, “Also how she went to the random guy saying that’s my tree. How is it YOUR tree??”

Fans know that studying is one of Rory’s favorite activities and that she takes it very seriously, but it still seems awkward that she would act like she can’t read anywhere but under a very specific tree.

The Life & Death Brigade’s Musical Scene

When remembering the characters in A Year In The Life and what’s going on in their lives, viewers can’t help but remember the musical scene featuring the Life & Death Brigade.

One Redditor said that of the most cringeworthy moments on the show, “for me it’s the musical scene in the revival with logan, wasnt a big fan of it.” This scene doesn’t work well or fit into the series, and it would have been fine to catch up with Finn and Colin another way.

Why Does Rory Lie To Clara?

For Redditor sliebman10, “Rory pretending to be a girl scout to Dean’s sister” is a cringeworthy part of the show.

It seems confusing that Rory would lie about who she is and not just be honest. Instead, Rory makes Clara feel uncomfortable as she keeps asking if Dean still has photos of her. Clara tells Dean that “the girl scout” scared her, making this entire interaction seem confusing and unnecessary.

Lorelai’s Comment To Pennilynn Lott Is Awkward

There are many Gilmore Girls episodes about Richard and Emily that show fans how much they adore each other. When fans look back on their marriage, there’s one part of their past that always haunts them: Richard’s, ex Pennilynn Lott.

Redditor CharmedCartographer doesn’t like “Lorelai saying “‘you’re my almost mommy’ or something like that to Pennilyn Lott when they meet at the Yale-Harvard game.” While Lorelai is trying to be funny like usual, this is definitely the wrong thing to say.

Rory Asks Paris A Horrible Question About Asher

It makes sense that Rory doesn’t think that Paris should date the much older Asher, but Rory doesn’t conduct herself very well when she learns that Asher has tragically passed away. Instead of offering Paris comfort and support, she asks her an odd question.

Redditor jbnaps_ isn’t a big fan of “when paris tells rory that asher died and she asks her if he died during sex.” Several viewers are confused by Rory’s question.

Rory Says Dean Wasn’t Wearing His Wedding Ring

Rory and Dean’s Gilmore Girls relationship goes into a weird place when they begin seeing each other again at the end of season 4. Fans don’t like thinking about the characters sleeping together when Dean is married, and Rory says something that makes this storyline even worse.

When Rory says “He took the ring off,” Redditor hoffsdrawlar finds it to be a cringeworthy moment, and many fans share this sentiment.

Rory Sings After She And Dean Sleep Together

Redditor Prestigious_Mud1662 doesn’t love what Rory does after sleeping with Dean for the first time. The fan wrote, “Rory singing Candyman while she’s naked in bed with Dean.”

Several fans felt that this scene was awkward, especially since Dean just cheated on his wife and Rory participated in that. While viewers don’t like that this even happened in the first place, the song makes it worse.

Lorelai’s Behavior During The Funeral For Richard

Gilmore Girls fans knew that it would be tough to see the characters mourning Richard, but the funeral scene is more than anyone anticipated. Lorelai doesn’t know what to say about Richard when Emily asks everyone to swap memories and Emily feels terrible.

Redditor zenpizzapie doesn’t like watching “Lorelai at Richard’s funeral” and added, “I watched it once and will never watch it again.” It’s disappointing for many fans that Lorelai and Emily are still at odds in the revival and that she still doesn’t feel that she had a good relationship with her dad.

Logan Steals A Sewing Box From Richard And Emily

Redditor Advanced_Weakness_60 doesn’t like the scene in the season 5 episode “How Many Kropogs To Cape Cod?” where Logan takes a sewing box. The fan wrote, He really says ‘they never notice!!’ and then they immediately noticed. And Lorelai’s reaction, omg it was so uncomfortable to watch."

This is definitely bad behavior, and it’s odd that Logan would do when at Friday Night Dinner with Rory, Lorelai, Richard, and Emily. This isn’t the way to make a good impression.

Rory Tells A Yale Student He’s Gossiping About Her

While Rory learns lessons at Yale on Gilmore Girls, she does behave strangely in some scenes. Rory is doing laundry at school when she meets another student named William. She asks him out on a date and he says no, and when she overhears him saying that someone asked him out in an awkward way, she yells at him for gossiping about her.

It turns out that he wasn’t talking about Rory, and Redditor rainmorelikeasea shared that this made them cringe, writing, “yiiiikes.” Rory doesn’t usually scream at strangers or act in such a combative manner.

Sookie And Jackson Yell At Davey To Turn Down The TV

Sookie St. James and Jackson Belleville might have a charming relationship when they first start dating, but they seem really stressed out throughout the rest of the show. In one scene that is memorable for the wrong reasons, they keep telling their son Davey to turn the volume down on the TV.

Redditor downrightdisaster said, “I HATEEEE this scene lol” and several fans agreed that this wasn’t their finest moment. Viewers feel that Davey is young and Sookie and Jackson could walk over and fix the volume themselves.