The Golden Girls gave us many gifts. The catchy theme song, feisty Sophia, and a new respect for senior women’s issues are just a few.  The show may be off the air but that hasn’t stopped new generations from becoming fans and carrying these gifts in their hearts. Perhaps the greatest of these is the delightful cast. People of all ages have come to love the quirky show and the women who star in it. Betty may be the most beloved.

Her cult following is huge and devoted to the thoughtful actress. People can’t get enough of her honest, wholesome quotes. These memes prove just how relevant she is to this day. The world shines brighter with Betty White in it.

Betty White Is The Future

Unlike the stars that burn out before their time, there are some Hollywood legends that seem to live on forever. Move over Keith Richards because Betty White is everyone’s new favorite time-traveling celebrity. It’s great to see someone so full of positivity be graced with a long life. The world needs Betty’s light.

It may be a joke but the message is true, we all need to think about leaving behind a world that deserves this human gem. We could all stand to be a little more honest, a little more kind and even a little more feisty just like Betty.


One of Rose’s many endearing qualities is her unending optimism. Rose’s positive outlook is fueled by her innocent naivete. She always assumes the best in every person and situation. This makes her the perfect balance to skeptical and judgemental Dorothy.

While Dorothy assumes the worst and predicts doom Rose sees the silver lining. The truth often lies somewhere in the middle. Betty’s own perspective is just as bright and sunny but far more down to earth. She’s not afraid to speak her mind but she believes in the best in people.

Natural Appeal

Rose and Betty both agree with this one. Age is nothing but a number to the vivacious Betty. She loses no zest for life as she ages, she simply gains more wisdom for her firecracker wit. You couldn’t accuse Betty of slowing down.

She’s a tireless advocate for animals and still works as an actor. Betty reminds us that we can’t let ourselves get overripe and spotty. We’re never going to make banana bread. We must instead never hold still long enough to get old.


If there are immortal beings among us, Betty White may be one of them. The light in her eyes never seems to dim. She’s as bright and effervescent as she ever was. While the world watches other entertainers pass on Betty continues to thrive.

There’s a lot of gallows humor about our most beloved celebrities. but not around Betty. She’s going to live forever. Her fans wouldn’t stand for anything else. Betty is an advocate of living your best life. While others try to stave off old age with cardio and kale Betty happily sips margaritas.

A New Day

It’s happened to all of us, you’re peacefully scrolling through social media when your heart stops. Some thoughtless friend has shared a meme implying Betty White has died. You know it’s just clickbait but you google “Betty White alive” just to be sure. We all have to check on Betty.

Each time you breathe a sigh of relief. Thankfully her incredible energy hasn’t diminished. The world would be a darker place without Betty White. Every day that begins with her waking up and smiling is a good day.

Embracing Age

Aging isn’t easy for anyone. Not only does Betty White seem to be immortal but she’s impervious to shame. Betty wears her age like a badge of honor. Like most graceful, classy people she isn’t afraid to laugh at herself. This meme perfectly captures her easy nature.

While many try to hide their age and appear younger Betty is proud to rock her seniority. It’s a boss move worthy of respect. Accepting your age is the first step to aging gracefully. If you don’t take yourself too seriously you might just have a good time along the way.

Betty Is Goals

There are some images of Betty White that have little context and don’t really need it. Jedi Betty White is here to wield the force for the good of the universe.

She’s also here to encourage you to be yourself because that’s the best thing you can be unless you can be her. If you can be anything as majestic as Jedi Betty White you have to grab that bull by the horns. Her virtue, strength, and bravery know no bounds.

No Sleep For Betty

Like all immortal beings, Betty White has transcended sleep. She exists on a plane outside of our reality and simply projects her image to us. She’s a being of pure energy. She isn’t limited by the constraints of existing within a human body.

Unlike mere mortals, Betty doesn’t waste hours of every day asleep. She knows the secret to good health and long life is cold processed meat and clear liquor. Maybe it’s the preservatives in the hot dogs, maybe the vodka is acting as a pickling agent. Either way, Betty isn’t as feeble as puny humans. She requires no rest or recovery time to kill the game.

Simply The Best

Every English speaker is familiar with the idiom “The best thing since sliced bread”. In essence, it means that the object in question is the best thing to come around in a while. There’s absolutely no question that Betty White is the best. She’s the pinnacle of human potential. But where does she fall on the sliced bead timeline? Thanks to this meme, that question can be put to rest.

Betty White is literally older than sliced bread. Sliced bread may not even be the best thing since Betty White. One could certainly make an argument that the classic phrase should be changed to recognize Betty.

It’s Never Too Late

So many people get stuck in a slump. It’s easy to fall into the same old routines and habits. Many fall into the trap of thinking doors have closed and fate is set in stone.

Betty is living proof that it’s never too late for anything. You’re never too old to feel young. Betty’s playful nature and modern attitudes make her as relevant today as ever.