Similar to Chrome, an update to the Google app for iOS today adds a new incognito mode that prevents search or browsing history from being saved. Other features include native playback of YouTube videos, improved iOS 10 compatibility, and performance improvements that reduce crash rates by 50%.

The new incognito mode can be accessed by going into Settings and tapping “Turn on incognito” or by hard pressing with 3D Touch on the app’s icon from the homescreen. Like on Chrome and Allo, the app will switch to a darker theme when in incognito mode. When activated, Google Now cards disappear and the search box says “Search incognito.”

For added security, users can enable Touch ID for incognito mode, ensuring that only they can re-enter an existing incognito session after exiting the app. This option is configurable under “Incognito settings.”

YouTube videos from search results can now be instantly played from within the Google app versus opening another webpage or opening the installed YouTube. Smaller updates include increased stability for iOS 10 users and performance improvements that reduce crashes by 50%.Matching a similar move on Android, this update renames Google Now to “the feed.”

Version 19.0 is available now for download on the App Store. The full release notes are below: