Dark Mode is becoming a feature that all users love to use in apps on their phones. It is even useful as it reduces stress in the eyes while using phones in low light. Recently, we have seen so many apps like Messenger, Twitter, etc. adding the support of Dark Mode. Whatsapp is also rumoured to bring this mode to Android soon, as the IOS version has already got one. Now coming back to the main topic, Chrome has also introduced Dark Mode starting from version 74.0.3729.112 for Android devices. You can download the latest version from the Play Store, or directly from here.

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How to enable?

Surprisingly, this options isn’t directly accessible yet as you have to manually enable it through Chrome flags. The process is easy and needs to be done just once, as the Dark Mode option will appear in your settings forever after doing this. To enable it, follow these steps:

  • Paste “chrome://flags/#enable-android-night-mode” in the address bar in Chrome Browser and hit enter.
  • You’ll see “Android Chrome UI Dark Mode” written and highlighted in yellow colour.
  • Select the drop-down menu below it and choose “Enabled”.
  • A popup message will appear asking to relaunch the browser, click on “Relaunch Now”.

You’re done now. You can now toggle the Dark Mode at any time. Go to “Settings > Dark Mode”, and you can enable or disable the dark mode whenever you want. If it still doesn’t appear in your browser’s settings, try repeating these steps again.

Along with the Dark Mode, this update also brings one more change that is the addition of Translate shortcut in menu. It appears only if Chrome detects a website is in a language other than English (or whatever your phone’s default language is).

If Play Store doesn’t support the update for your device / location, you can manually install it from an external link mentioned above. If you face any problems, do let us know in the comments below.