So, I’m sure you will agree with me that what Google recently Announced is very exciting.  With the latest Security upgrade, when creating a new Picasa Photo Web Album either from the Web Interface OR the Google Picasa Web App, you will be asked to select one of the following Album Visibility/Security Choices:

Public – Great for PUBLIC photosUnlisted – Great embedding Photos into Blogs or Share Photos you don’t need to control tightlySign-in Required to View – PERFECT for those pictures of the Kids you don’t want out on the Internet!

  What if the person you invite doesn’t have a GMAIL account? After reading the announcement, this was the first thing I tested out.  I set up a new Photo Album, configured it to Sign-In to View and then invited my email address using the SHARE feature of the Web Albums. I have to say, although I was a little skeptical, the folks over at Google did an excellent job with this scenario.  A few moments after sending the Share Invite to a NON-GMAIL account, the email from Google Picasa showed up informing me about an invite to view a Photo Gallery with a Link.  When I clicked the “View Album” link it took me to a page and prompted me to log in.  Under the Login Box was a “Create an Account” box which allowed me to create a new account USING my Non-Gmail account.

Once I created a Google Account using my email address (Didn’t know I could do that) I was dropped into the Picasa Web Album and was able to view the Photos I shared out. Nice job Groovy Picasa Google people!  VERY smooth implementation! Tags: security, google, picasa, web-albums, privacy, photos Comment