Metro Area City Relative Suggestions Depending on where you are, you’ll probably be searching for different things.  For example, if you are in Washington DC, a search for “Capitals” isn’t likely looking for a list of state or country cities, but rather you want to know about the DC NHL (hockey) team.

Corrected Name Spelling When you are looking up the name of your favorite doctor, lawyer, writer, etc., Google will now offer you a corrected spelling of the name.  I can’t tell you how much time I’ve wasted looking for my favorite Japanese chiropractor but was unable to find him on Google because I couldn’t spell the name!

31 More Languages Added To Spelling Corrector Google added a total of 31 more languages across 180 lands, but they didn’t include a list anywhere of what languages or lands those were – so sorry, but that is all we know!   Search with fewer keystrokes and better spelling Comment