Serena and Blair have been an iconic duo ever since Gossip Girl first aired in 2007. Fans rooted for them and were heartbroken whenever they were at odds - which was often. The two always seemed to be devising a plan to hurt one another and they were constantly jealous of what each other had.

It’s hard to believe that these two could have ever be seen as BFFs considering their past and the way they treat each other. Luckily, their friendship did sustain all six seasons no matter how rocky the road may have been, and the road was very, very rocky. Here are the 10 reasons why Blair and Serena aren’t real friends.

Serena Got Together With Nate

This one’s an obvious one as it was one of the show’s first big plot lines. Serena betrayed Blair and got together with her boyfriend at a wedding, she instantly regretted it and left town for a boarding school in Connecticut. Of course, Blair was left wondering where her best friend had gone and had no idea of the real reason she had high-tailed it out of New York City.

When Serena returned home from Connecticut Blair was rightfully angry that Serena had left her for an entire year without so much as a phone call.

Blair Told Everyone About The Ostroff Center

This was the aftermath of Blair being angry towards Serena for getting together with Nate. Blair told everybody at an ivy mixer that Serena had been staying at the Ostroff Center due to alcohol and drug addiction. At the time Blair believed this to be true but soon found out that Serena’s brother was actually the one staying at the center and being treated for depression.

Regardless of who was actually staying at the center, this was incredibly insensitive to Blair as she was only doing it out of revenge and wanted to hurt Serena however she could.

They Don’t Trust Each Other

When it comes to Serena and Blair, they are always ready to be hurt by each other in some shape or form. There have been multiple times where they have gotten angry simply because they were too quick to believe the worst. Of course, there have been many occasions where one of them truly did do something horrible, but even so, they believe it far too easily.

It’s because of their lack of trust in one another that these situations get out of hand, take on a life of their own, and Blair and Serena are once again back at each other’s throats.

Serena Took Over Blair’s Photoshoot

Blair was pretty darn quick to believe the worst in her BFF when she showed up to a fashion shoot, which she had recently been fired from, to see Serena was there modeling in her place. Serena tells Blair that she’s only modeling because she was told Blair would be there soon to model with her.

Well, this does look a little sketchy on Serena’s end, considering Blair previously left Serena a voicemail letting her know that she had been let go from the shoot. This also means that Serena didn’t think to call or text Blair the entire time to ask why she wasn’t there yet. This is all pretty suspicious and it’s easy to see why Blair thought Serena just wanted the spotlight for herself.

Blair Didn’t Respect Serena and Dan’s Relationship

Queen B was definitely not a fan when Serena and Dan got together. She always thought that Serena was too good for him and deserved better. While maybe this a nice friend move, it’s also disrespectful to both Dan and Serena. Blair should support whatever choices Serena makes romantically just as Serena often does for her.

Blair not only bad mouths Dan to Serena pretty much all the time, but she also manipulates and forces S to spend time with her on multiple occasions when she knows Serena already has plans with Dan.

Blair Got Together With Dan

A little way down the road and much further into the series, Blair ends up having a thing with Dan. While they’re actually kind of good together, it still doesn’t make any sense. Not only has Blair always despised Dan, but he was also Serena’s first big love.

Blair knew that dating Dan would ultimately hurt Serena and confuse things in their friendship, but she went ahead and did it anyway. Unfortunately, it’s very possible that dating one another’s ex-boyfriends is just something the two have gotten used it.

Serena Tried To Ruin Blair’s Chances At Yale

Remember when the two went head to head at Yale trying to impress the headmaster? Yeah, that whole episode was pretty hard to watch. Both girls acted immaturely and put each other’s futures in jeopardy. However, this episode painted Serena in an especially bad light as she knew how important Yale was to Blair and she still tried to sabotage her.

What’s even worse is that Serena knew full well that Blair often felt cast in Serena’s shadow. This is one thing Blair really wanted for herself and Serena didn’t even care about Yale, so you’d think she would have let it go.

Blair Always Had To Babysit Serena

Fans know from flashbacks in the show that Serena had a troubled past. Serena often drank too much, got out of control, and left her friends to pick up the pieces. Blair was always there for Serena and took care of her when she couldn’t take care of herself.

It ultimately seems that S took this for granted and maybe Blair’s underlying feelings of resentment towards Serena are actually justified. If only the two would talk out their problems instead of immediately planning one another’s demise.

They’re Always Jealous Of Each Other

It wouldn’t be Gossip Girl if Blair and Serena weren’t constantly at each other’s throats. When it comes to this duo, there’s always a new plan in the works to sabotage and steal the other’s spotlight. There are very few occasions where the pair seems genuinely happy for one another, and when this does happen it doesn’t usually last long.

Serena and Blair were obviously a pair that audiences were supposed to root for, but it was pretty hard sometimes when they were often just too toxic to one another.

Serena Disappeared On Blair Several Times

Aside from Serena’s initial disappearance at the start of the series, Serena has gone MIA in a few other episodes as well and each time Blair is never clued into where Serena has gone. This is pretty odd considering they’re supposed to be best friends, basically family.

For instance, Serena disappears after she and Blair have a falling out. Blair and the gang travel to find Serena and eventually find her living an entirely new life. Serena disappearing on Blair is pretty dramatic and seems like a desperate cry for help.