Both Dan Humphrey and Nate Archibald were typically seen as the “good guys” of Gossip Girl. Each had a pretty decent moral compass (most of the time) and they were both relatively responsible and friendly at a surface level. However, when you take a second look at this duo’s friendship, it becomes apparent that they both did things and had secrets of their own that made it impossible for them to truly be best buds.

What exactly came between Lonely Boy and Nate Archibald? We’ve done some investigating and uncovered the 10 reasons why Nate and Dan aren’t real friends.

Nate Was Initially Indifferent To Dan

Remember the first time Dan officially met Chuck and Nate? They were all riding the bus to school when Chuck accused Dan of following them. Dan replied with something witty about how he goes to school with them, obviously, since they’re all wearing the same uniforms. Instead of striking up a friendly conversation after this initial meeting, Chuck and Nate rolled their eyes and walked away.

This was pretty on-brand for Chuck, but it was out of character for Nate. Nate is friendly, approachable and respectful so it’s pretty strange that he initially treated Dan this way.

Nate And Dan Were Always Battling For Serena

Dan and Nate never seemed like they truly clicked with one another, in fact, the only thing they actually had in common was their love for Serena. While this mutual love may have initially bonded them, it wasn’t enough to keep them close.

Dan and Nate both took turns being in committed relationships with Serena which definitely didn’t build their friendship up in any way. The only time their friendship seemed to grow was when they both took a break from Serena, but those breaks never lasted very long.

Nate Got Mad At Dan For Trying To Be A Good Friend

Just when these two started to become buds, things went south when Dan found out that Nate had been living alone in his empty house with just a sleeping bag. Naturally, Dan felt bad for him so he invited Nate over to the loft.

Of course, Nate didn’t find out until later that evening that Dan had discovered his sad sleeping situation and was not happy about it. Nate got mad at Dan for getting involved in his life since they’d only hung out a couple of times and barely knew each other. It’s safe to say that the beginning of Nate and Dan’s friendship was pretty rocky.

Nate Dated Jenny

Nate and Dan seemingly became close throughout the series, however, if that’s true, then why would Nate date Dan’s little sister? Nate had to know that even if Dan said it was okay, that it would make things a little uncomfortable. Especially since Nate was painted to be an older brother figure to Jenny at the beginning of the series.

Seeing Nate go from brother-figure to boyfriend was just a little too much for fans to bare so we can only imagine how Dan felt about all of this.

They Both Dated Vanessa

As if Nate dating Dan’s little sister wasn’t bad enough, Nate also dated Dan’s best friend around the same time. It’s not like Nate was in the wrong by dating Vanessa but it’s pretty strange he went ahead and dated two of the most important women in Dan’s life.

On top of all of that, Dan also ended up dating Vanessa. Isn’t there some sort of code where you’re not supposed to date friends’ exes? All of this is just a little weird and it’s hard to believe that Dan and Nate stayed friendly through it all.

Nate Stayed Friends With Chuck

Dan and Nate’s friendship never made any sense for this reason alone. At the beginning of the series, fans witness Chuck sexually assault Dan’s sister, Jenny. This definitely wasn’t okay and Chuck never really faced any consequences for it.

Even after Nate became close with the Humphrey family, Nate stayed pals with Chuck as well. This is hard to believe considering Nate’s character. The Nate Archibald that fans know and love with never be friends with someone like Chuck who treated Jenny (and lots of other women) so horribly.

Dan Spread Nate’s Secrets On Gossip Girl

During the series finale, Gossip Girl is finally revealed and fans finally learn that gossip blogger was none other than Lonely Boy himself. While this made no sense and angered Gossip Girl fanatics everywhere, considering Dan was constantly surprised by Gossip Girl blasts throughout the show, this reveal also made fans hate Dan.

Dan ultimately exploited all of his best friends, including Nate, and shared their secrets on Gossip Girl for his own personal gain. How could Dan truly be one of Nate’s closest friends while also constantly betraying him?

Dan Dated Blair

Dan and Blair were an interesting couple, they managed to somehow seem perfect together while also being completely wrong for one another. They should have made a great match considering how much they had in common, like a mutual love for movies and books. However, they just weren’t meant to be considering their history with one another’s best friends.

Their relationship definitely left fans wondering how Dan could even consider being with Blair knowing she was Nate’s first love. At the least, this would have added a pretty awkward element to Nate and Dan’s friendship.

Nate Took Dan For Granted

Even though Dan made his fair share of mistakes, he was still Nate’s least problematic friend. Dan was always the pal that Nate could go to whenever he wanted to talk and escape the pressures of the Upper East Side. Dan was always there for him but the same can’t really be said for Nate.

Nate was often too concerned with his own drama and didn’t really go out of his way to check on Dan. Don’t get us wrong, Lonely Boy wasn’t an angel by any means, but he still deserved a friend who would support him through it all and he never really had that.

Dan Didn’t Tell Nate He’s Gossip Girl

While it’s not entirely surprising that Dan didn’t come clean to anyone about his secret blogging gig until the very end, it’s still strange that he was able to keep such a huge secret from his close friends. Dan shared in the finale that Jenny was the only one who knew his secret and that just doesn’t add up.

After everything the gang had been through together, it would have made sense if Dan confided in Nate about his Gossip Girl secret, but maybe he figured he was in too deep.