Gossip Girl is full of characters that fans love to hate. Our beloved Upper East siders definitely had their fair share of problems, but they also each had redeemable qualities that made it impossible for audiences to write them off. Whether Serena and Blair were BFF goals or were at each others’ throats, viewers couldn’t look away.

It’s safe to say that fans were hooked for six seasons thanks to these characters, and were on the edge of their seats waiting to find out Gossip Girl’s true identity. Unfortunately, after the series finale, it seemed that fans were left with more questions than answers. Here are the 10 unanswered questions we still have about Manhattan’s elite.

Why Were Chuck And Nate Taking Public Transportation?

At the very beginning of the series, viewers see Chuck and Nate have one of their first encounters with Dan on the way to school - on a city bus. This makes very little to no sense, considering Chuck and Nate are pretty much rolling in it and would never be caught dead using public transportation.

While it’s true that Nate was actually having some financial problems at first, Chuck definitely wasn’t. It would have made much more sense if Chuck had picked up Nate for school in his limo, but then fans would have missed out on Lonely Boy meeting his future pals for the first time.

Why Did They Forgive Chuck?

It needs to be said, Chuck was problematic. He sexually assaulted both Serena and Jenny, treats women horribly, cheats on Blair, and then sells her for his hotel - and these are just a few of the many things he has done. So the question is, why in the world do all of the characters in the show forgive Chuck?

Why did Serena, Blair, and Nate continue to be his friend after all of the horrific things he has done? Not only does he not deserve them as friends, but he should also be arrested. It’s true that Chuck had some positive character development throughout the series, but nowhere near enough to right his wrongs.

How Did They Have So Much Access To Alcohol?

It’s truly wild how much access to alcohol these high-schoolers have at the beginning of the series. Viewers can find Serena, Blair and the whole gang with drinks in hand in pretty much every episode. They have drinks at home, at parties, in limos, and they even get served at bars.

How did they get served at bars? Either all of the characters had fake IDs or all of the bars in the Gossip Girl universe turn a blind eye to under-age drinking. The characters were 17 years old when the show started, so they were drinking under-age for the majority of the series.

Why Did Chuck Let His Dad Die?

This is a doozy of a question. In the second to last episode in the series, fans see Bart holding on to the side of a high-rise begging Chuck to help him up while he just stands there and stares. While Chuck definitely had his problems with his father, like Bart trying to murder him, for starters, it was still extremely surprising that Chuck didn’t try to save him.

We get that he was ready for his dad to be out of the picture, but letting him die is a bit extreme, even for Chuck.

How Was Dan Gossip Girl?

This is a sensitive subject for Gossip Girl fans. After six seasons of waiting, viewers were ready to have their minds blown when Gossip Girl’s true identity was revealed. Then it was announced that Lonely Boy himself was Gossip Girl and fans were furious. We get that writers were going for the shock-factor when they made this decision, but come on, it just doesn’t add up.

They did their best to rationalize how Dan was Gossip Girl all along in the finale, but fans saw right through it. Simply put, there were too many times where Dan was surprised by a Gossip Girl blast, which was strange, considering he was the one supposedly sending the blasts all this time.

Why Did Jenny Want To Be Put On Blast?

Let’s pretend Dan really was Gossip Girl for a minute. Dan rationalizes to his dad that he only put Jenny’s secrets on Gossip Girl when she asked him to. Yeah, okay. There’s no reason why Jenny would have wanted to go through all of the hardships and pain that Gossip Girl ultimately caused her.

Dan says that Jenny wanted to be put on blast so that Blair would give her the push she needed to leave the city. We’re not buying it. The Jenny Humphrey we know does what she wants, and if she wanted to leave the city then she would have, all on her own.

Why Is Serena With Dan?

After the truth comes out about Dan being Gossip Girl and his friends are furious (for about 90 seconds), Serena seems more in love with Dan then ever. Granted, Serena was initially upset when she found out that Dan was Gossip Girl, but that didn’t last long at all. She quickly convinced herself that he did everything out of love for her and her friends.

She truly seems brain-washed at this moment. Dan manipulated her and spread secrets about her so many times, how is this any sort of love letter? Not only does she forgive Dan, but fans also see her and Dan get married in the last moments of the series finale. It’s all very confusing.

Why Did Nate End Up Alone?

It’s safe to say that Dan came out of this series a winner. He got to be Gossip Girl, he got the girl, and there were no real repercussions for his actions. All of this just makes it even more upsetting when we learn that Nate ends up alone. Nate didn’t always make the best choices when it came to relationships, but he definitely dated some good ones, like Vanessa and Jenny.

It would have been nice for fans to have some closure when it came to Nate’s love life, but all we know for now is that he’s most likely playing the field and possibly running for mayor.

Why Is Lily With William?

Lily should not have ended up with William. It’s understandable why Rufus and Lily didn’t end up together, but why is William the only other option? Fans would have much rather seen Lily single and independent at the end of the series than stuck with William, who treated her horribly.

In case you’ve forgotten, William made Lily think she had cancer and dated Lily’s fake niece, all as part of a scheme to win Lily back. It was all pretty disgusting and William is clearly not a good guy. It’s unclear how he even made it into the finale in the first place.

What Happened To Alison Humphrey?

Remember the big drama in season one between Rufus and Alison? Well, that’s just about all there was as far as the Alison storyline went, and then she basically disappeared for the remainder of the series. While Alison has been mentioned a few times after her disappearance, such as Jenny going to stay with her in Hudson, they stopped mentioning her altogether after season three.

She was never seen during important events such as birthdays or holidays, and she wasn’t at Dan and Serena’s wedding either. Fans were pretty surprised to see her lack of attendance, but maybe she was just too busy in Hudson.