If you looked in the dictionary for the word shameless, there is about a 70% chance you’ll see a picture of Blair Waldorf staring back at you. Her entire character was built around her desire for revenge and sabotage, placing herself at the center of a web of schemes and plans of various intensities.

Unlike Dan Humphrey, Blair was a kind, empathetic person deep down and we all loved her. That doesn’t stop her from gathering quite the portfolio of crazy, shameless actions. Here are ten.

She Was Mean To Cyrus

There are very few people in the world of Gossip Girl who are genuinely nice, not harboring secrets and manipulative tendencies, and Cyrus was one of them. In the 10th episode of season 2, Blair spent her time very poorly, as she tried to break up Eleanor and Cyrus.

She told Dorota that she needed to expose a secret of Cyrus’ and attempted to find something to do the trick when they went for lunch together. All she ended up getting was an insight into his relatively heart-breaking backstory which eventually helped her get past her initial meanness and come to love him.

She Was Very Mean To Vanessa

Sure, Vanessa wasn’t great. It was always pretty hard to find sympathy for her as she was about as confrontational and self-righteous as everyone else on the show. However, Blair was particularly harsh in her treatment of Dan’s ex-best friend.

Early on in the show, she enlisted Chuck to pretend to buy a Brooklyn bar that Vanessa was particularly passionate about before quickly making sure she knew they weren’t serious. The two are later embroiled in some vicious rivalries when at university together, even if they did end up teaming up on a few of their more manipulative projects.

She Was Very, Very Mean To Jenny

If anyone in Gossip Girl suffered, it was Jenny. Her brother betrayed her countless times, she was almost raped in the first episode, and to top things off, Blair banished her from the Upper East Side.

In a way, Blair’s anger makes sense; Jenny did just lose her virginity to the man Blair loves more than anything. However, that doesn’t really give her the authority to banish her from somewhere she certainly doesn’t own. She was also pretty terrible to her throughout the rest of the show, providing her with the role of Queen of Constance, but enforcing terrible changes in the once quite lovely Jenny.

She Tried To Get Rachel Carr Fired

Rachel Carr was only around for season 2, but she still made her mark on many of the main characters. She was a teacher but hooked up with Dan, and despite Blair being her student, she was treated to a bit of hazing.

When Blair found out she had been rejected by Yale, she assumed this was down to her ‘B’ grade given by Rachel. As such, it became her mission to discredit the teacher and have her fired, even though she quickly realized Rachel had nothing to do with the entire saga. It’s a very bold move to try and get your teacher fired, even when you’re Blair, and it ended with her moving away and never being seen again.

She Tried To Make Chuck Jealous

Despite both being incredibly obviously in love with each other, Chuck and Blair seem to be completely addicted to making each other as jealous as they can manage. In fairness to Blair, Chuck had his fair share of jealousy-inducing plans, but Blair came out on top.

This included propositioning Chuck’s enemy Carter Baizen, getting closer to her ex-boyfriend Nate, and even spending way too long dating the clearly unmatched Dan Humphrey. It ended up working, as she and Chuck finally got married at the end of the show, putting an end to years of pointless games.

Then Stole His Passport

In the season 4 episode ‘Touch Of Eva’, Chuck is being transformed by his newfound love, Eva, and, obviously, Blair is getting more and more jealous by the second. She spends most of the episode trying to discredit her, revealing her past life as a prostitute which Chuck already knows about. Her final move is to steal Chuck’s passport, attempting to frame Eva as a gold-digger.

Chuck is fooled by this but is unable to win Eva back when she finds out he doesn’t trust her. This turns Chuck back from his newfound personality and really shows the menace of Blair’s dark side.

And Basically Forced Him To Say ‘I Love You’

Over the course of the whole show, Chuck didn’t quite know where he stood. He was a bit wary of a relationship with Blair, and then every time he came close to securing the deal, she drifted away.

When it finally came to Chuck telling Blair that he loved her, it was after a fair bit of pressure. We all believed him and knew it was true, but might her relentless pursuit of the three words make the moment a little less special? Basically asking someone to tell you that they love you is a very shameless move.

For Some Reason, She Dated Dan

The undoubtedly worst thing that ever happened within the plot of Gossip Girl was the horrifying romance between Dan and Blair, two characters who, rightfully, hated each other.

Whether she did it to annoy Serena or make Chuck jealous, it was a manic storyline that showed Blair in her worst and most desperate light. Also, it made so little sense that allowing herself to get into such a mess showed a disregard for her own public appearance anyway.

She Told People That Serena Was A Drug Addict

Early on in the show, Blair attempted to stand up in front of a large crowd of onlookers and announce that Serena, her once and future best friend, was a drug addict. First of all, this was an incredibly bold, confident and shameless thing to do to anyone, in any context.

Second of all, it made things far worse when her betrayal ended up accidentally revealing that Serena’s brother Eric had actually been admitted into a mental hospital due to his own previous suicide attempt. Rough.

And That She Had Killed Someone

If outing her as a drug addict wasn’t bad enough, Blair was one of the few people who had knowledge of Serena’s involvement in the accidental death of a guy named Pete during the filming of a sex tape. Later on, Blair and Serena both end up at a reception in which early admission for Yale can be granted by answering a question.

Blair ends up publicly outing Serena for the death she was involved in by having Pete’s name read out, before explaining exactly who he was. Obviously, this leads to another of their classic fights.