Despite the violence and crime, the residents of Gotham managed to find time to have a personal life. Gotham introduced fans to some old and some very new relationships, changing the romances in the comics to fit their own agenda. While fans were already familiar with Jim/Barbara and Bruce/Selina, they were given new ‘ships in the form of Jim/Lee and Nygma/Lee.

They even gave the hardest of criminals a relationship of their own. However, not all pairings got a warm reception from fans. Keep reading to find out the 6 romances that ended too quickly (& 4 that didn’t end soon enough).

Too Soon: Jim & Barbara

When Gotham first began, Jim and Barbara were in an established relationship. However, their engagement came to an end when Barbara leaves Jim because she couldn’t handle the burdens of his job. She is seen to regret this decision later, which leads her to spiral into a depression and suffer a mental breakdown.

Although Barbara went on to become the mother of his child and a strong-willed businesswoman, you can’t say you aren’t intrigued about what could have happened if they reunited? People who called her ‘crazed’ forget that she had been traumatized by the Ogre. Let’s not forget that Lee’s crimes had been just as bad. Could she not be forgiven either?

Not Soon Enough: Jim & Sofia

Where and how did this relationship come about? It’s was so short and random. The relationship (if you can call it that) first began when Jim traveled to Miami to try and convince Carmine Falcone to return to Gotham. Instead, Sofia chooses to come down in her father’s place to help Jim.

Whilst working together, Jim and Sofia then started a brief relationship. However, this was doomed for disaster as the mob boss’s daughter revealed she was using him to get control of Gotham’s criminal empire. When Jim realized Pyg was working under the orders of Sofia, any romantic ties were severed and they became sworn enemies.

Too Soon: Fish & Harvey

One of the relationships fans would have loved to learn more about was Fish Mooney and Harvey Bullock. From the beginning, it was apparent that the detective and crime boss had a history together. He was very protective over her, helping her to escape the city when Penguin betrayed her and divulging confidential information. Fish, herself, proved to have a soft spot for Bullock, always sparing him when he was captured.

It’s a shame that the writers never explored the background of why these two were drawn together. It would have allowed fans to see their softer sides and why they ended up on two opposite sides.

Too Soon: Jim & Valerie Vale

Fans knew that Jim would end up with Lee in the end; he spent half the seasons pining for her. However, would it have hurt to see him engage in another relationship whilst he waited? No. When Valerie Vale first entered the picture, there was instant chemistry between her and Jim.

Valerie helped Jim with his investigation on Fish Mooney, providing key intel on her whereabouts. Their partnership took a romantic turn, with Jim hesitant to blur the lines between their work and personal lives. Unfortunately, this relationship came to a close when Valerie realized that Jim knew Jervis was going to shoot her. She broke up with him as he couldn’t move on from Lee.

Not Soon Enough: Bruce & Silver

The relationship between Bruce and Silver was one no one could get to grips with. The two first began to bond when Bruce found out she would be attending the same Academy as him. However, her kindness proved to be a façade when she threatened Selina to stay away from Bruce.

Fans later found out that Theo had ordered Silver to get closer to Bruce to try and persuade him into selling his company. With the help of Selina, Bruce cons Silver into revealing the name of his parents’ murderer. Other than the two saving each other one more time, the relationship was broken beyond repair. Fans can only assume she left Gotham after this.

Too Soon: Renee & Barbara

Fans may have to cast their minds back to season 1 to recall the brief romance between the detective and the future villainess. Renee was seen to hold residual feelings for Barbara, visiting the penthouse often to warn her about Jim. Barbara didn’t appreciate her constant pursuit of her fiancé and would rebuff Renee’s advances many times.

The two briefly reconciled once Barbara left Jim. However, this liaison didn’t last long as Renee realizes Barbara is still in love with Jim and calls it a mistake. She also revealed their relationship had a level of toxicity to it as the last time they were together, the pair ended up drinking and taking drugs. This was another opportunity the writers missed as it would have allowed fans to get a better understanding of Barbara’s mental health.

Not Soon Enough: Nygma & Kristen Kringle

Poor Kristen had no chance of coming out of this relationship alive. From the beginning, Ed had an unhealthy obsession with the record keeper. He would creep her out with his riddles and she hated when he would reorganize her cabinet. Kristen only began to soften towards him when he protected her from her abusive ex and saved her on numerous occasions.

However, their relationship took a dark turn when Kristen discovered Ed had murdered Officer Daugherty. When she confided in Ed that she worried about her ex’s return, Kristen was disturbed to find out about his death. She tries to escape Ed but was also killed in the process when he choked her to death.

Too Soon: Nygma & Isabella

Nygma almost his chance of happiness when he began a relationship with Isabella. After the death of Kristen, Ed sees another woman who is her replica. Kristen’s doppelganger then introduces herself to be Isabella and the pair soon hit it off.

Nygma had some reservations about the romance, worried that he would also hurt her the way he did with Kristen. Isabella refused to let him break up with her and forced him to confront his fears by dressing up as his ex. Her plan ultimately strengthened their relationship. However, this romance was short-lived when Penguin let his jealousy get the best of him and ordered her death. Ed was distraught by her death.

Not Soon Enough: Nygma & Lee

Ew, Ew and Ew. What were the writers thinking when they put these two together? Other than the fact that Nygma and Lee were the two smartest people in Gotham, they had nothing in common. While Lee was happy to be on the path to redemption, Nygma liked to embrace his dark side.

As soon as it started, fans knew this relationship was not going to last. Although he was meant to be her advisor, there was no trust between them. Nygma was insecure about Lee’s feelings for Jim and she struggled with the thought of turning her back on those in need. The toxic relationship ended when both killed each other.

Too Soon: Adult Bruce & Adult Selina

One of the fan’s favorite pairings came in the form of Bruce and Selina. Started on a strong foundation of friendship, the two teens grew to care for one another and became each other’s confidants. However, just as they were on the verge of starting a relationship, Bruce skipped town to embrace his ‘Dark Knight’.

While this was the right move for the story, the writers missed an opportunity by leaving the time jump till the last two episodes. Many fans have expressed their disappointment with the last season because of the lack of Batman. If they had brought the time jump earlier, there was potential to develop the dynamic between Batman/Catwoman.