It’s hard to believe that Netflix’s Grace and Frankie is on its penultimate season, with Season 6 to be released on January 15, 2020. We’ve been watching these two best friends get into mischief since 2015, and have seen their lives do a complete 180. After getting ditched by their husbands of over 20 years to creating a successful business for older women, there’s nothing Grace and Frankie can’t come back from. Along the way, we’ve met some pretty crazy characters — some made a lasting impact while others were harshing our girls’ buzz. From rude entertainment workers to awful family members, let’s take a look at some of the most hated.


We learned early on in the first season that Coyote and Nwabudike were adopted. Like the fantastic parents they are, Frankie and Sol gave their sons everything to help them succeed. However, in the second season, we learned that Coyote was searching for his birth mother and that she was coming to California to meet him for the first time.

Her name was Krystle and while she was very Southern, sweet, and charming, she also cut a big hole in Coyote’s heart. He wanted an actual bicoastal relationship with his biological mom while she wanted to keep him a secret. The thought of her “real” family finding out about her previous child wasn’t in the plan for her, and that crushed Coyote.


In the third season, Robert feels the need to come out to his mother (even though he and Sol were already married). We learn how awful she is when Sol calls her “Voldemort.” Barbara is a racist, bigot, and an apparent horrible mother. No matter how many times Sol pleaded with Robert to stay away from his mother, he did it anyway. Sadly, the conversation went exactly how he thought. Robert came out to Barbara and she refused to believe that her son was gay and did not give her blessing.  It was an emotional episode for viewers and made us have a soft spot for Robert.


In the second season, we met a few of Grace’s friends that she had before Frankie. And just as Grace was a different person before Frankie, her “friends” were the same. Janet, in particular, was the worse. She was judgmental, selfish, and incredibly hurtful.

She insulted Grace’s new way of life and looked down on Frankie. Thankfully, by the end of their bowling match, Grace realized that she and Janet were in different parts of life and had nothing in common anymore. Janet was left with a cocktail and a dog while Grace headed home to her best friend Frankie.


Brianna is an independent businesswoman who would rather die than ask for help. But after Say Grace hit rock bottom, she joined forces with her sister and mother to bring it back up. However, while Brianna is bringing her company back from the dead, her nemesis Lauren decides to stop by for a chat. (Ironically, her boyfriend Barry also worked for Lauren, which really drove Brianna crazy.) In the fourth season, Lauren showed up to Say Grace where the two shared fake greetings and pleasantries until Lauren offered to buy Say Grace from Brianna. This, of course, was a big middle finger to both Brianna and Say Grace. It also made viewers hate Lauren for upsetting someone as strong as Brianna.


Is there anyone on Grace and Frankie more infuriating than Allison’s dad, Vince? Allison may have a cornucopia of different minor health issues and silly quirks but she’s not verbally abusive like her dad is.

When we first met him, Allison warned Bud to be nice and civil as Vince is prone to comparing Allison’s life to her brother’s. He also spoke over his wife and made her feel unworthy whenever she spoke. And this wasn’t a one-time incident. Vince was the same misogynist at Allison and Bud’s wedding but thankfully. her mother had enough and put him in his place.


In the fourth season, we met Lisa Kudrow’s character, Sheree. With Frankie living away in Santa Fe with Jacob, Grace took Sheree in as a lodger, and the two became best friends. Although Frankie tried to make Sheree out to be a bad person, she was actually very humble and kind and going through a hard time after the loss of her husband. Eventually, we learn that it wasn’t Sheree who was crooked, it was her stepson, Arnold. After the death of her husband, his kids kicked Sheree out of their home so they could sell it for the money. Thanks to Grace and Frankie, Sheree was able to confront her evil stepson, get her house back, and live in harmony. Meanwhile, Arnold ran out like a scared little boy.


At the end of the first season, the kids throw their dads a joint bachelor party. Sol and Robert desperately didn’t want a big ordeal filled with strippers and a theme. Instead, they planned a nice, quiet cocktail party at their home.

At the party, we meet Nelson, a former colleague of Robert and Sol’s. Nelson was very warm to Robert but cold to Sol and apparently judges him for being too flamboyant. Obviously, Nelson had a problem with gay culture and wasn’t fond of their relationship. Regardless, he was a despicable human being and didn’t’ deserve such wonderful people like Sol and Robert.


In the fourth season, Grace and Frankie’s bathtub falls through the floor and lands in their kitchen. Their home had major water damage and needed an experienced contractor to patch things up. Frankie found a man to help but he wasn’t up to Grace’s standards. Instead, she hired a man named Hank to get the job done because he seemed more official. Sadly, Hank and his men robbed their pipes and left without finishing the place, making Grace look like a fool.


With Grace no longer working at her company, she became bored and even more uptight than usual. She stumbled upon a mentoring program and mentored a woman named Billie. Billie was a bartender who needed to get her life on track. Grace gave her great advice on how to act during an interview, how to dress, and what people in the corporate world like to see.

From the start, Billie was a challenge. It wasn’t like she was a bad person, she just had trouble connecting with other people. She had a good heart but before we got to know her as we did at the end of the episode, Billie was a huge pain in the you know what.


After the kids sold Grace and Frankie’s house, the women came face to face with Benjamin Le Day. He worked for celebrity Kareena G, and tried everything he could to get rid of Grace and Frankie before Kareena showed up to her new home. He despised Grace and Frankie and was not empathetic to their cause. Although he was just doing his job and protecting himself as well as Kareena G, he was insulting (while also hilarious) and aggressive towards the two older women.