Today composing text for blogs, articles and basic internet-based texting has become a cakewalk. We have many helpful editing tools in the form of plugins that take care of our spellings, grammar, choice of words, etc. Not everyone is perfect in English and it’s okay. However, we cannot allow this excuse to mess up our articles, write-ups, etc. Though all languages are beautiful, when it comes to content, English takes the front-seat. Let me explain.

In our world there around 7.5 billion people out of which almost 2 Billion speak English. What’s interesting is a number of these people don’t have English as their native language. Now, you get the connection.? English may not be the best language out there but sure it acts as a bridge that connects a lot of people, content, information from all around the globe.

Coming back to plugins, when a person that has a basic to moderate fluency over English, can take advantage of these cool extensions. Grammarly and Microsoft Editor are two such popular tools of the trade when it comes to text editing based on grammar, spelling, and efficient use of English. In this guide, we will compare these two editing tools and see which one is more suitable for a user.

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Grammarly vs Microsoft Editor: Which Editing Tool is Best for You

First, I must mention that the point of this article is to do a comparison based on various factors commonly present on both the plugins.

Platform Presence

Grammarly is present on a wide variety of platforms. If you use the WordPress text editor just like I do for my blogging needs, then Grammarly is available as a web browser extension. Be it Chrome or Firefox you can download it for free. Free doesn’t mean you can enjoy all the features. Still, you get enough assistance from Grammarly to sort your article and make it sellable on the internet.

Wait, that’s not all. Grammarly is available as a standalone app for both Android and iOS smartphones. It is also available as a plugin for Microsoft Word. I have been using Grammarly for 2 years and I absolutely love it. I follow the free plan and still manage to get a lot of features that help me set up an SEO compliant and readable blog.

I really like the way Grammarly offers a nice brief explanation regarding a particular correction to a sentence.

Now, if we look at the Microsoft Editor, it comes bundled as an assistant application with Microsoft 365. It provides correction and editing assistance for MS Word and Outlook. It is also available on Chrome Webstore in the form of an extension. Both of these are primarily used for framing official and non-official drafts, mailers, campaign, pitches, etc.

As of this writing, while Microsoft Editor has a 3-star rating on Chrome Webstore, Grammarly is a bit ahead with up to 4.5 stars rating. This itself speaks volumes about what users prefer these days as their editing tool.

Process of Signing Up

This has been a major deciding factor for me. While on the Grammarly editing tool, it is easy to use the extension without having to log in. However, you only get the spell check feature. When you log in (non-premium) then you get much more assistance like phrase correction, grammar rectification, word usage, etc. For signing-up, you can simply use your Google account to get the job done. The process is pretty simple.

On the other hand, you need to sign-in in the first place to be able to use the Microsoft Editor. That too you must have a personal Microsoft account. So, yes, the sign-in/sign-up does consume a bit of time if you are a first-timer. Personally, I would always prefer Grammarly for the simple access it provides. Which one would you prefer.?

Better Features and interactive UI

We are in 2020 and any apps or programs that are available must have an interactive interface. Grammarly sticks to this pretty well. Its interface is very engaging and graphic oriented. I have used it both for WordPress and Microsoft Word drafting. I always liked how its interface is simple yet efficient.

Grammarly also has better features. One of which is the writing tone detector. MS Editor doesn’t have such a feature.

Once again, Grammarly gets one step ahead with its Premium feature Plagiarism checker. As the name suggests, this will help in determining whether the piece of write -up you are creating has similarity with some other article published on the internet.

Google doesn’t like copied content and forming such content is disastrous for the website. So, this is a helpful feature from the Grammarly editing tool. On the contrary, Microsoft Editor doesn’t offer this feature.


MS Editor Tool is mostly restricted to its own domain and native applications. However, it is still a good choice for anyone simply requiring a tool to keep a check of grammatical errors and spellings. For its premium users, Microsoft Editor does offer sentence structuring, styling, and refinement of content.


Now, let’s check out the pricing of both the  MS Editor and Grammarly editing tool. Below I have put up the pricing structure of Grammarly. It includes the list of features it provides on the free version as well as the premium version. The premium version is a tad bit expensive though.

Well, even if you use the free version, you will get enough features to improve your writing and overall content presentation. Readability will be taken care of by Yoast SEO if you are into blogging on WordPress based websites. So, even if you stick to the free version of Grammarly, you still do not lose much.

Else you can go for the business plan if you are more into customizing your writing style.

Now, to use MS Editor, as told previously, you need to have a dedicated Microsoft account. This is for the basic free version. To get more features, you need to go premium with the Microsoft 365 subscription. It is a bit cheaper around $10 per month. You even get 1 TB of cloud storage along with other components of Microsoft Office Suite.

My Opinion: Which Editing Tool Should You Go For.?

I personally use Grammarly on both my PC and Android smartphone. it’s easy to use, the free version has lots to offer for someone with good knowledge of English. I mean if you are pretty good at English (it doesn’t matter if you’re a native English speaker or not) the free version of Grammarly is sufficient.

Even if you prefer the free version of MS Editor, it’s still a good and helpful extension. If you are someone who is at the grass-root level of English, then the premium version of either extension would be quite helpful for you. Mostly, if you are dipping your toes into the world of blogging and copy-writing.

So, that was all about Microsoft Editor and Grammarly editing tool. Both have their own brand value and set of features they provide. Depending on how well-versed you are in Engish, you can choose your extension as a free add-on or with premium features. So, which one would you go for.? Also, if you already use any of these two editing tools, let us know your experience in the comment section below.

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