This animated series has a devoted fanbase but what are the odds of Gravity Falls season 3 happening? Gravity Falls is the brainchild of Alex Hirsch, who wanted to create a cartoon that was a mash-up of Twin Peaks and The Simpsons. Gravity Falls follows twelve-year-old twins Mabel and Dipper Pines, who are sent to the titular town in Oregon to spend the summer with their quirky Great Uncle. Pretty soon upon arriving the twins are sucked into a summertime adventure involving the various paranormal secrets surrounding the town.

Gravity Falls has been acclaimed for its animation, voice acting - including Jason Ritter and Kristen Schaal as Dipper and Mabel respectively - and its writing. The show famously had something of a stop/start approach to production, with episodes being aired as they were finished instead of all being aired at once. Its mixture of adventure and great characters has seen in compared to the likes of Steven Universe and Rick & Morty.

The show came to an end in 2016 with a two-part finale, but what are the chances of Gravity Falls season 3 happening?

Alex Hirsch Decided To End Gravity Falls

In spite of the show’s irregular airing, it was a ratings hit and attracted a loyal fanbase. Creator Alex Hirsch had always envisioned Gravity Falls telling a definitive story with a beginning, middle and end, so he announced in late 2015 that the season 2 finale “Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls” would be the final episode.

Hirsch’s reasoning behind the decision to end Gravity Falls is that the show tells the story of one epic summer adventure, and once the summer ends, so does the story. He wanted it to have a proper ending and not keep going until it lost its spark.

Gravity Falls Season 3 Is Still Possible

While a full Gravity Falls season 3 probably won’t happen, Alex Hirsch hasn’t ruled out a return to the series either. He wanted to end the show on a high but also confessed to loving the characters so much he could see himself returning to make a one-off special or more episodes. Nothing is currently on the cards, however.

A Gravity Falls Comic Arrived In 2018

A graphic novel dubbed Gravity Falls: Lost Legends was published in 2018 that included new original content. The comic was written by Alex Hirsch and while it’s not quite Gravity Falls season 3, it was a fun continuation and proof the show’s creator is still interested in telling stories set with the world of the show.

Next: Gravity Falls Finale Deleted Scene Has An Extended Live-Action Sequence