Armie Hammer has finally laid to rest those Green Lantern rumors. Or has he? For the past few years, DC and Warner Bros. have had some ambitious plans for their shared cinematic universe featuring the comic book publisher’s characters. While only three movies have hit theaters to date, Wonder Woman and Justice League will make it five by year’s end. And if things don’t get pushed back again, Aquaman will be coming in 2018. From there, however, the dozen or so other projects DC have thrown out as potential films are all up in the air.

Among them is Green Lantern Corps, announced a few years back as the final piece of the initial DCEU plans. Since that time, we haven’t heard very much about the movie aside from a rumor that David S. Goyer might direct it. Outside of that, not even the characters of the film are known. Still, that hasn’t stopped fans from speculating as to who might play Hal Jordan should the flagship Lantern appear in the film. Last year, rumors popped up that Armie Hammer might have the part, with the actor then joking about it on social media. A month later, he denied the claims, but wasn’t done messing with fans. Back in March, he joked about the role again, before discussing a few weeks later how he was still in contention for the part.

While promoting his film Free Fire, Collider asked Hammer once again about the role and his tendency to troll fans about it on social media.

From his statement, it seems like the whole thing began as a joke that Hammer took too far. Considering he’s afraid of the wrath of fans, he may be indicating he’s not likely to land the role. Further clarifying the matter, Hammer confirmed that he’s never actually spoken to anyone about the part.

“Man, jeez…It was fun for a while and now I’m convinced that everyone’s gonna turn on me so I’m like ‘Oh sh**, slowly backing away.’”

While this seems like a definitive answer, Hammer has certainly cried wolf before. Actors denying that they’re in contention for a role they end up playing is nothing new, either, especially when it comes to blockbusters. Regardless, the charade isn’t likely to end. Even Superman himself, Henry Cavill, has joined in on the troll, adding another wrinkle to the matter. And fans have warmed to the idea. We recently saw a poster of what Hammer could look like as Hal Jordon, but that may be as far as things ever go.

“I have nothing to confirm nor deny. The only talk of me being Green Lantern that I have heard in my life has only come from social media.”

Source: Collider

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