Grey’s Anatomy has had a habit of featuring interesting and complex characters throughout its 16 plus seasons. Almost every main cast member (and the majority of supporting characters) are well written and likable from the off. Thanks to Sara Ramirez’s nuanced and loveable portrayal of Callie Torres, the Ortho Goddess has become one of the medical drama’s best-loved doctors.

Callie first appeared in Season 2 and didn’t leave until 10 seasons later! Fans obviously wanted her to stick around. In her years on the show, Callie went through an awful lot of heartache and drama but there are still some things that only the most hardcore Grey’s fans know.

The M.A.G.I.C. Interns Didn’t Like Callie

With the obvious exception of George, Meredith, Izzie and Cristina didn’t particularly like Callie at first (Alex didn’t really care either way). The problem was, no one really knew why everyone hated on Callie. She was a beautiful, confident orthopedic surgeon whose skills with a scalpel were second to none.

Cristina was rude to almost everybody so no one was particularly bothered about that but Izzie and Meredith were just plain horrible. Every time Callie entered the room, they ceased being amazing surgeons and instead turned into a high school clique, gossiping about Callie behind her back and questioning her relationship with George.

Callie Ended Her Marriage To Arizona

Some could argue that this was foreseeable the moment Arizona cheated on Callie in the Season 9 finale. However, after a long, long period of time, Callie let go of her anger and finally forgave her wife. The couple even looked like they were getting back to a strong place in their relationship at the end of Season 10.

However, new problems threatened their relationship in the following season, resulting in Arizona suggesting they take a break from each other for at least 30 days. Initially, Callie was devastated but after her time away, she came to realize that she was feeling trapped in her marriage and ended things with her wife.

Callie’s Middle Name Is Iphegenia

Dr. Calliope Iphegenia Torres has one of the coolest names in Grey’s Anatomy. Unfortunately, she found it embarrassing and so went by the shortened version, ‘Callie’. However, Callie hated her middle name even more, which is why she only over told it to the people she loved.

Unfortunately for Callie, one of those people was George O’Malley. While George was basically a sweetheart, he told Meredith and Izzie absolutely everything and the two doctors wasted no time in sharing a laugh at Callie’s expense. With friends like these, no wonder Callie hid her name for so long.

She Was The First Main LGBT Cast Member

Technically, Callie shares this spot with Erica Hahn but given the latter’s extremely short stint on Grey’s Anatomy, we’ve decided to disregard that. Plus Callie did so much for the LGBT community.

Way back in Season 4, Callie started to develop some not-so-platonic feelings for Dr. Hahn. The two were always hanging out together and clearly enjoyed each other’s company but something else was brewing beneath the surface. Early in the fifth season, the two decided to get together and become the show’s first LGBT couple. Ultimately though, due to Erica’s weirdly abrupt exit, this couple didn’t last.

Callie ‘Cheated’ On George With Mark Sloan

Despite Callie being such a great character, her relationship with George was annoying to watch. It made Callie appear clingy and emotionally needy and portrayed George as an uncaring, indecisive ass. No one enjoyed themselves in this relationship and it was easy to see why.

To be fair, Callie also had the added bonus of having to put up with George’s extremely judgemental roommates who picked on her constantly. Feeling that her relationship was going nowhere, Callie told George that she was done. However, George thought that this was just a fight, whereas Callie had meant to end the relationship and so when George found out that she had slept with Sloan, he wasn’t best pleased.

Her Mother Disowned Her Because She Was Bisexual

Another thing that Grey’s excels at is highlighting topically relevant issues that still exist in society today. In Season 7, Callie was getting ready for her wedding to Arizona, to which she had invited her parents.

Callie’s dad had appeared earlier in the series and had initially rejected his daughter because of her sexuality. However, he managed to overcome his prejudices and rekindled his relationship with his daughter. However, Callie’s mother had a harder time accepting her daughter’s sexuality and refused to attend her wedding, disowning her daughter in the process.

Arizona Refused To Date Her

Considering that Calzona is one of Grey’s Anatomy’s longest-lasting and most popular couples, this is slightly surprising. When Arizona first debuted in Season 5, she and Callie hit it off almost instantaneously. Therefore, Callie decided to pluck up the courage and ask Arizona out in Joe’s Bar after work.

However, Arizona declined, shocking Callie and viewers everywhere. These two had some serious chemistry! Arizona went on to elaborate, explaining that Callie was still getting used to her bisexuality and that she herself wanted something a little more mature and serious. Happily, though, Arizona couldn’t say no for long.

Callie Was The Doctor Who Actually Identified George’s Body

The Season 5 finale was an emotional rollercoaster, and one of the hit medical drama’s most unforgettable episodes. Izzie was dying of cancer and an unidentifiable patient was dying from having been hit by a bus. In other words, just a normal day at Seattle Grace Hospital.

However, Meredith soon ‘identified’ the John Doe patient as George ‘007’ O’Malley and the hospital went into overdrive. In the Season 6 premiere, however, there was a brief moment where the doctors realized no one had actually checked properly if it was George on the operating table. Callie stepped up and went to see the body, collapsing in a fit of tears and confirming that George was indeed dead.

She Is The Third Longest Running Female Cast Member

In a show as long as Grey’s Anatomy, one expects cast members to come and go. After all, nothing lasts forever. However, on occasion, some main cast members decide to stick around for the long haul.

Meredith and Bailey have both been on the series since the very beginning. However, having first appeared in Season 2 and only leaving in the Season 12 finale, Callie beat out other strong competition to become the third longest-running female cast member. Other contenders were Cristina Yang (10 seasons), Arizona Robbins (9 plus seasons) and April Kepner (8 and a half seasons).

Callie Appeared In The Season 14 Finale

This was a very difficult easter egg to spot and a lot of fans probably will have missed it but in the very last scenes of the episode, you can hear Sara Ramirez singing her beautiful rendition of “The Story”.

As it was Arizona’s last episode on the show, many fans were hoping for an appearance from her ex-wife, even if it was just a cameo. However, it just wasn’t meant to be. All was not lost though as Callie made a sort-of comeback by singing one of the songs from the polarizing Season 7 episode “Song Beneath The Song”. It was a fitting tribute to the amazing orthopedic surgeon and a nice note for Arizona’s time on Grey’s Anatomy to end on.