Grey’s Anatomy has been on the air for a whopping 16 seasons. It currently shows no signs of slowing down. Many fans of the series are truly devoted. They’ve stuck it out through thick and thin, through deaths, heartbreak, marriage, divorce, and beyond. Grey’s Anatomy can be a very sad show sometimes and that’s why many people go online to find some humor amidst the tragedy.

There are hundreds of memes out there about the various characters and relationships. However, patients are the backbone of the show since it is their medical histories that push the medical stories forward. Here are some fun patient memes fans will enjoy.

Is working as a nurse in real life the same as on the show?

Grey’s Anatomy has been on for 16 seasons and yet a nurse has never been a main character. You’d think they would elevate a nurse into a bigger role given how many doctors on the series do things that nurses would do in real life.

This meme pokes fun at the fact nursing on Grey’s Anatomy is nothing like it is in real life. You would never see a group of three doctors, nonetheless, surgeons, ambulating a patient together.

What it feels like after you binge-watch Grey’s Anatomy

As this hilarious meme suggests, it’s easy to think of yourself as a doctor once you’ve watched a suitable amount of the series. This photo of a little cat dressed up as a surgeon makes it even better.

No one truly believes they have a medical license after watching hundreds of episodes, but you can’t help but pick up a few things from the series, even if they might not be accurate in real life. It’s fun to pretend and who doesn’t like looking at cats wearing people clothes?

Practicing sutures on a grape

Similar in fashion to the previous meme, watching this show can have a substantial impact on how fans interact with the world around them. For example, had you not watched Grey’s Anatomy, you probably wouldn’t think about practicing stitch work on a grape.

This hilarious tweet shows someone who did just that and then clarifies by saying the grape’s “vitals are normal.” If that person really is practicing to become a surgeon, it’s not a bad idea for them to try and use fruit to mimic human skin. That even happened on the show in a couple of instances.

Something is going down when you hear “Chasing Cars”

“Chasing Cars” is a popular song by Snow Patrol that grew even more popular when it was played on Grey’s Anatomy in the early seasons. Since then, it has shown up on the series a few times and become synonymous with grief and tragedy.

Nowadays, when Grey’s fans hear the opening chords of that song playing they know to be on guard because someone is probably going to die. Oftentimes the death ends up being a patient, bonus points if it’s a beloved patient.

Clay Jensen was once Meredith Grey’s patient

Did you know that 13 Reasons Why star, Dylan Minnette, was once Meredith Grey’s patient on Grey’s Anatomy? Dylan played a little boy who didn’t have ears. Meredith works to help him get some through the aid of medical science.

What makes this more amusing is that another Grey’s alum also appeared on 13 Reasons Why. Addison Montgomery’s actress, Kate Walsh, played the mother of Hannah Baker on the Netflix drama. A grown-up Dylan has to listen to Hannah’s tapes after she commits suicide. Good thing he has ears now!

Who needs doctors when you have Grey’s Anatomy?

Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re watching a new episode of Grey’s Anatomy and you begin to realize what the patient has before the on-screen doctor gets the chance to? Whenever that happens, you might feel triumphant.

In reality, a moment like that wouldn’t make you enroll in medical school but it’s funny to think to yourself “wow maybe I could be a doctor” if only for a few minutes. The show has a knack for making its fans feel smart from time to time.

Grey’s Anatomy doctors versus real-life doctors

Whenever a patient winds up at the Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital you know that we will eventually find out what illness is plaguing them. It might take time but the doctors will use every resource they have available to determine what is ailing their patient.

In real life, odds are you could be shuffled around through several different doctors and still come up without a correct diagnosis. That’s not to say doctors are bad at their jobs but in real-life they don’t have the time or resources to spend hours and hours on one patient.

Find you a man like Jeffrey Dean Morgan

If you ask someone what they recognize Jeffrey Dean Morgan from, odds are they’ll tell you one of three things, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, or Grey’s Anatomy. It’s funny that Morgan has gained so much notoriety from Grey’s Anatomy because he was only in a few episodes initially and yet became one of the most popular patients on the entire series.

His character was instantly beloved by fans and his death devastated enough people that he even came back as a ghost in season five. But if you compare his character, Denny, to Negan, it’s like night and day.

One does not simply…

This popular meme format is a play on the iconic line from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring where Sean Bean’s character Boromir says “One does not simply walk into Mordor.”

Since then, many people have made versions and variations on the line and in this instance, the meme says “One does not simply watch Grey’s Anatomy without crying.” Most of the time when you cry during Grey’s Anatomy it’s going to be due to a patient dying, getting a terrible diagnosis, or having to watch someone they love die.

That feeling you get after watching 14 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy

As we’ve suggested in some of the other memes on this list, watching too much Grey’s Anatomy can make you feel like you’re on top of the world and fully capable of handling yourself in an O.R. That might not actually be true but it’s fun to pretend it is.

This Twitter user posted several pictures of someone imitating the life of a surgeon on Grey’s. How many times have we heard a doctor yell for “shots of epi?”