So many amazing friendships have come out of Grey’s Anatomy, proving that it’s not just any old medical drama. Of course, there have been thousands of unusual medical cases for the doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial to solve over the years but it’s the interactions between the characters that keep viewers tuning in week after week.

Sometimes, two characters go together so well that it’s incredible that they haven’t struck up a friendship before. Other times, two people who are the complete polar opposites find their platonic soulmate in each other. However, Grey’s has also featured a number of friendships which just didn’t work.

Would Have Loved - Jackson And Meredith

These two loveable surgeons are perfectly amicable towards each other, but they’ve always remained acquaintances at best, which is a real shame. For one thing, they actually have quite a lot in common. Jackson and Meredith both had to live up to their name, as esteemed surgeons ran in the family; Jackson is the grandson of Harper Avery, and Meredith had Ellis Grey as her mother.

For another thing, on the rare occasions that they actually spend time with each other outside of a group gathering, their banter is actually quite funny. Who could forget Meredith comforting Jackson over Richard dating his mother by reminding him that Webber slept with her mom too?

Don’t Care About - April And Dr Stark

Dr Stark was quite simply an ass of a character. He was brought in by Richard Webber to replace Arizona when she went off to help children in Africa in Season 7, and he quickly made enemies with most of the surgical staff, most notably Alex Karev. However, he seemed to have a soft spot for April and the two soon struck up a friendship.

However, Dr Stark took a liking to April and soon wanted a little bit more than her friendship. They went on one date but April wanted to just remain friends. Unfortunately, Dr Stark didn’t take it too well and went on to treat April like any other doctor, which is to say he was a total jerk.

Happily, there’s still time for these two to strike up a bromance and, to be honest, Owen really needs it. His character development has come to an absolute standstill. In his first appearance back in Season 5, Owen was a hotshot, confident army doctor, who knew his own mind, but apologized if he overstepped any boundaries.

Unfortunately, nowadays, Owen always believes he’s right and leaves utter devastation in his wake. His treatment of Amelia, Tom and Teddy in Season 15 was absolutely appalling. Link, on the other hand, is so nice and kind, and if he and Owen bonded over a couple of drinks, we reckon that he would be able to sort out Dr Hunt in no time.

Don’t Care About - April And Riggs

In Grey’s Anatomy’s twelfth season, the character of Nathan Riggs was introduced and, surprise surprise, Owen didn’t like him. In fact, Owen hated him so much that he turned almost the entire hospital against him. The only person who liked Riggs and enjoyed his company initially was April, who had met him during her time as an army medic.

This looked like it could have made for an adorable friendship, with the two bonding over their awkward first starts at the hospital. However, their friendship disappeared as soon as it had begun. They never really interacted onscreen and when they did, it was like they had totally forgotten that they were friends.

Would Have Loved - Jo And Jackson

Jo and Jackson’s relationship is similar to that of his and Meredith’s friendship, except Jo and Jackson know each other even less. Until recently, Jackson was Jo’s superior, so we can understand why they never really bonded back then. However, Jo was dating Alex, Jackson’s friend and colleague, so there was an opportunity there.

However, Jo and Jackson have far more in common than that. Both of them have a dark history with their parents, and they both regret going to find out more. When Jo was depressed after visiting her birth mom, Jackson was there to try and comfort her and offer her some advice. These two need to lean on each other more often.

Don’t Care About - Derek And Richard

Initially, these two surgeons appeared to be good friends, and they supported each other. However, as the show progressed, Derek and Richard seemed to like each other less and less. Firstly, Derek was unaware that he would have to compete with Burke for Chief of Surgery once Richard retired, something that Webber neglected to mention.

Their differences really came out to play, though, in Season 6. This was a very stressful time for Richard, as the hospital was merging with Mercy West, meaning there would be cutbacks and a loss of jobs. Unfortunately, this drove him to start drinking, and while Derek noticed first, he could have handled the situation a lot better.

Would Have Loved - Amelia And Teddy

Okay, so some of you might think that we’ve gone a little bit mad here, but just hear us out. Yes, Amelia and Teddy didn’t exactly get off to a great start, but actually, they’re perfect best friend material. They both know what it’s like to be in a relationship with Owen Hunt, and they know all the problems that come with it.

They also know exactly what it’s like to have a surprise pregnancy, and possibly by the same man too. This all sounds fairly counterintuitive but imagine the fun they could have; Teddy coming over to Amelia’s to drink and rant about Owen, and Amelia just giving sass back. Grey’s needs a great friendship at the moment, and Teddy and Amelia could be it.

Don’t Care About - George And Lexie

George and Lexie first met in the closing moments of the third season’s finale, in a cliffhanger that left a lot of people absolutely gobsmacked. In the next season, Lexie was the only person George told about him having to repeat his intern year, and like any good friend would, she kept his secret safe.

The two looked as though they had a good friendship going, and it was nice to seem them bond. However, when George became a resident, their relationship changed. George basically ignored Lexie in favor of hanging out with his old friends again and Lexie, who had developed a crush on him, was hurt by his actions.

Would Have Loved - Maggie And Mark

Maggie and Mark never even met onscreen, as the latter died almost two seasons before Maggie first appeared on the medical drama, and that was a real shame. Grey’s Anatomy presents both Maggie and Amelia as Meredith’s current ‘sisters’ but for some reason, everyone has always hated on Amelia. Personally, I found Maggie way more annoying.

Maggie is a brilliant surgeon, and she can be a real badass when she wants, but she is way too high strung and gets way too obsessed with relationships. Mark Sloan, however, was ridiculously carefree, and had the two of them met, they would have been hilarious together. Mark also wouldn’t have held back during that ridiculous Meredith-Maggie-Riggs love triangle.

Don’t Care About - Teddy And Owen

We know they’re currently in a relationship now, but Teddy and Owen were friends for a long time before that. Except, no one could really tell that they were friends because of the amount of times they fell out or developed feelings for one another.

Owen first brought Teddy to Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital as a present for his then-girlfriend, Cristina, who was desperate for a Cardio mentor. However, it soon transpired that Teddy had feelings for Owen, which resulted in a love triangle between the trio. Things just got worse, though, as Owen tried to get Teddy fired, and in Season 8, he refused to tell Teddy that her husband had died because she was still in surgery.