When a show gets a few years older, fans like to go back and watch the original seasons where the differences in characterizations for the main characters bring back the feeling of freshness they once used to have when the series was new. Grey’s Anatomy easily qualifies here, considering its first season was fourteen years ago. 

With nostalgia coming into play, there are a bunch of moments from the show’s first season that evoke warmth in one’s heart because of how far we’ve come. For you to have this similar feeling, you need to rewatch Season 1 and experience these 10 heartwarming moments yourself.

Meredith And Derek In The Elevator

Meredith was attempting to keep her attraction to Derek at bay after she’d earlier found out he was her boss. However, Derek’s charms were such that they engaged in a prolonged embrace before the elevator they were in reached its intended floor. The two pretended as if nothing had happened, which reminds us now of the kooky comedy Grey’s Anatomy had once excelled in.

While DeLuca hasn’t been the worst for Meredith, there’s no beating the chemistry she had with Derek. And, with the original premiere episodes being so special now that we have over 300 episodes, this moment is where we find ourselves remembering why “MerDer” were such a selling point for the show.

George Getting A Shot

George used to be the butt of the jokes the interns made, but these were all generally in good fun once you realize they did it because they were fond of him. Now that we’ve seen the remaining characters in such high ranks, it’s very heartwarming to see how they used to be young and teasing. 

In this scene, George had to get a shot on his backside from Alex, but they were interrupted by Izzie, Cristina, and Meredith, all of whom teased George over him having a cute butt. It’s the sort of breezy scene you don’t get nowadays.

Meredith Answers The Chief’s Question

We’d seen Meredith’s romantic angle with Derek right from the opening minutes of the premiere, but we still hadn’t seen if she was capable as a doctor. She displayed her knack for knowledge in this scene, where Meredith established she was more than just a pretty face. 

When Dr. Webber was tearing Alex and the rest of the staff apart for not remembering what the symptoms of post-op were, Meredith volunteered and answered him when nobody else could. It was the first time we’d seen Meredith show her confident side when it came to medicine.

Bailey Saves Derek

Before this scene, all we’d seen of Miranda Bailey was her bossy attitude. This extended even to her superiors for some reason, as Miranda had no fear of Derek despite him being much higher than her in rank. 

However, she showed her caring side when she saved Derek from being run over by a bunch of cycle-riding hooligans. It was mainly significant due to Miranda acting as if she didn’t care what Derek had to say just seconds ago, before she pulled him away in the nick of time and saved Derek’s life. Turns out she did care in her own way.

Meredith’s First Surgery With Derek

The viewer would’ve been inclined to agree with Miranda that Meredith was only getting to scrub into surgeries because she was having an affair with Derek, but it wasn’t the case in the slightest. As it happened, Derek had seen Meredith’s talent before anyone else had. 

After they were in surgery together and Meredith had excelled, she was like a schoolgirl who had just been told she was the best student, as she circled around playfully and asked Derek how he wasn’t relishing how much of a high moment this was.

Interns Discussing George’s Situation

The new cast might be good, but they’ll never reach the screen presence the original did, more specifically the chemistry the first batch of interns we’d seen. In a scene where they discussed George’s transmitted disease, we got to see how different everyone’s character was.

We had Izzie, who liked to tease George without being mean, Cristina who liked to give him tough love, and Meredith who was the nicer, more supportive friend. Even Alex was friendly to George, as he tried to raise his spirits by claiming George would now be seen as a player by the ladies. As Grey’s Anatomy doesn’t have that many “friendship goals” as some other shows do, it were breezier times like this that seem much more cherished to look back at.

Cristina And Burke Getting Together

No, we’re not talking about when they got physically close for the first time, but when they admitted they had no other romantic interest other than each other. This happened when Preston saw Cristina standing in line to get checked out for the same disease George had, with Preston telling her she didn’t need to be checked out because he hadn’t been with anyone else.

When she responded with the same to him, the two had a high school student romance moment, where they shyly smiled as they realized they had been exclusive to one another without realizing it.

Meredith Puts Alex In His Place

Somebody had to do it, and we were glad to see it being Meredith who delivered the “Reason You Suck” speech to Alex, who had been treating the female interns as if they were simply objects of pleasure.

When Alex arrived in the locker room after a successful surgery, he attempted to get physical with Meredith, who had enough of his antics and manhandled him to get him to shut up and treat herself and the women as worthy of respect. This was one of those empowering scenes people love nowadays, but was delivered to us way back in 2005.

Bailey Telling The Interns The Rules

There’s no way any Grey’s Anatomy fan watches this scene now and doesn’t have a smile on their face because of how far the show has come. Here, Bailey was surrounded by Meredith and her fellow interns, and delivered a memorable intro as to how things were. 

It told us all about how both Bailey and the show worked, which makes brings us fond memories of the earlier seasons; all of which began right here from this very moment. It gets even better to watch when you realize the interns copied Bailey’s speech when they became residents in Season 4.

Derek Tells Meredith Why He’s Interested In Her

Since these two had hooked up upon first meeting without even knowing who they were, it was reasonable to think Derek was just after Meredith because he wanted more of the same, but he squashed that notion when he confessed to her that he wasn’t in it just for the fun. 

After Meredith had confronted Alex, a surprised Derek told her how admirable he thought it was that she would stand up for herself, and that because she was unlike anyone he’d known, he wanted to know her more. Now that this couple is over, we can’t help but feel our heart warm over how perfectly their romance had started.