One thing that keeps audiences coming back for more is the romances between characters. Whether it be a love for the ages or something just plain wrong it is always entertaining to watch things unfold.

Throughout Grown-ish we see the audience’s favorite friend group go through different relationships. With some being matches made in heaven, others seemed to be random or paired in hell. Watching the characters grow throughout the series, we also get to see how their relationships evolve over time (if they last that long). Let’s see where your favorite and least favorite couples in this Freeform hit lands on our list of “5 Couples That Are Perfect Together & 5 That Make No Sense.”

No Sense: Nomi & Dave

This pairing didn’t even last a full episode so it is no surprise that Nomi and Dave made it on our list.

In this pilot season episode, we see Nomi happily dating her new beau Dave when she is confronted with the reality that not everyone thinks her being bisexual is invalid. When she finds out that Dave is bisexual too she starts to treat him the same way that her old flames treated her. Throughout their brief time together Nomi acts like a hypocrite and treats Dave horribly in the process.

Perfect: Skye & Rodney

In the season 3 premiere, audiences were introduced to Skye’s new love interest Rodney. A mellow Cal U student, who is not afraid of Skye’s quick-witted wrath.

Despite only seeing them interact a few times within the episode’s run it’s clear that these two have chemistry. Not only that but their personalities compliment each other well. Skye being a bold and outgoing young woman and Rodney being reserved yet confident allows for a comforting dynamic between the two that keeps the audience on their toes.

No Sense: Zoey & Cash

Starting as his tutor, Zoey and Cash weren’t on the same page from the get-go. Whether it be their priorities or how they communicate, these two never really seemed to fit.

After multiple trials and tribulations, Cash ends up breaking up with Zoey out of nowhere, and to no one’s surprise he ends up wanting her back. Seeing that they both need different things in a relationship and their career goals paralleled in focus it was obvious that this unfortunate but attractive couple’s chapter was coming to a close.

Perfect: Luca & Nomi

Even though they haven’t actually gotten together in the show, it is clear that these two would make a great couple. With them both being free spirits with calm and reserved personas these two complement one another in many ways.

Almost always being on the same wavelength, these two make more sense as a couple than some of the actual couples paired together throughout the series thus far.

No Sense: Aaron & Anna

When Aaron and Anna started hanging out in Season 2, it’s an understatement to say that it took audiences by surprise.

Not only do these two have opposing political views, but their personalities crash in every way possible. Ana is a slight type A, liking things to be done a certain way and knowing where she stands in situations, while Aaron goes more with the flow. If that wasn’t enough, while whatever they were was happening, Aaron still had feelings for Zoey which made for things to slowly crumble.

Perfect: Aaron & Zoey

Before this spin-off was set to air, audiences got a glimpse of Aaron and Zoey before being introduced to the rest of the gang.

These two have always been friends from the start, but they have always had not so underlying feelings for one another. Being in a situation for the majority of the pilot season, audiences had rooted for them to be together from the jump. With their undeniable chemistry, their bond as friends and the fact that things always seem to circle back to each other making it hard to root for anyone else to end up with Zoey.

No Sense: Nomi & Professor Hewson

Everything about this “relationship” was wrong. Starting with the plain and simple fact that Nomi is dating her professor. If that wasn’t bad enough, Professor Hewson was also Nomi’s mentor.

Throughout season 2, audiences see Nomi struggle to understand who she is as a bisexual woman, so for guidance, she enlists the help of her Gender Studies professor who happens to be a proud lesbian. Overtime their professional relationship develops into something more, resulting in them hiding relationships from others. Overall their time together was messy because of the logistics at Cal U. In the end, their relationship never should have been, but unfortunately, it did.

Perfect: Skye & Junior

This pairing may be odd, but audiences can’t help but enjoy seeing these two opposites find comfort in one another.

No one expected Zoey’s nerdy little brother to get with one of her best girlfriends. Especially the one who takes no b.s. from anyone. Despite her efforts to fight it, Skye has a soft spot for Junior. Whether if they are just hanging out at Cal U or bathing together at the Johnson household, audiences have seen the two briefly bond. Whether it’s love or lust, these two are entertainingly cute together.

No Sense: Luca & Zoey

The fact that Zoey chose Luca at the end of Season 1 over Aaron and Cash is baffling. These two barely make sense as friends let alone as a couple.

Throughout their relationship, Zoey continuously has to work to figure out how he is feeling and whether things are ok with them. When things are off between the two, Zoey is usually the one to try and make amends, while Luca seems indifferent. The knife in their relationship’s coffin was when Zoey tried to help to get Luca to talk to his favorite artist, and accidentally getting a job with him. Instead of being supportive of her and appreciating her help, he blames her and assumes that she only got the job because of her looks. In the end, these two were not good for each other and almost every instance between the two shows that.

Perfect: Doug and Jazz

It should come as no surprise that Doug and Jazz are Grown-ish’s best couple by far.

These two show the real ups and downs in a relationship, from the honeymoon bliss to arguments and jealousy. Through the tough times, these two show the love that they have for one another. Not only that but they have mutual respect and genuine concern for each other whether that be in their career or the day to day. Whenever these two hit the screen, expect to see light PDA and undeniable love in their eyes.