The Guardians of the Galaxy franchise has some incredibly complex characters and Gamora might just be one of the most difficult to work out. Her hard exterior gives way to a soft heart, as she continues to repent for her past.

There’s a number of shameless things that Gamora has done though. Perhaps some of these actions she has since regretted but in the moment she felt no guilt over her choice. Here’s 10 of the most shameless things that Gamora has ever done!


For some time Gamora did not realize how evil her adopted father really was. She willingly served the mad titan for some time before coming to the realization that she should not have been doing his dirty work. By then it was too late.

We don’t know for how long Gamora shamelessly acted as Thanos’ assassin but we do know that she has a long list of criminal deeds to her name. What’s worse is she served him for some time with the knowledge that he would have been responsible for her family’s death.


All siblings have their own rivalry but the competition between Nebula and Gamora was more dangerous than the average household. Every time Nebula would lose, Thanos would continue to upgrade her with various technology.

Gamora never allowed Nebula to win anything and this, in turn, lead to her sister’s torture. She shamelessly did this for most of her life without ever realizing the effect it had on Nebula. It was only when her sister explained it to her that she understood.


Not only did Zoe Saldana’s Gamora actually help Thanos on various missions, she actually aided in the attempt to further empire build. She clearly did not put up any resistance as the mad titan continued to go from planet to planet wreaking havoc.

For some time she must have been just like the Black Order, actually helping Thanos on his mission to amass more control. She seems to regret this now, but the magnitude of her actions has never been fully portrayed, considering what she’s responsible for.


The new Gamora, from a different time stream, has never met the Guardians that she calls family. She also doesn’t recognize their leader Peter Quill, her love interest in another life. When he comes to comfort her therefore, she attacks him, flooring him in two strikes.

This movement is completely shameless as she has no idea who he is and even when finding out that it’s her former lover, she doesn’t take his emotions into account at all. You’d think she’d take a moment perhaps to talk to him, but she is swiftly off again.


Gamora has been an assassin for such a long time that killing really is in her DNA. It’s not shocking therefore that every time she kills it seems pretty shameless. No matter who it is, she takes no regret in adding another murder to her resume.

At this point, Gamora is more likely to kill her opponents rather than just incapacitate them. It’s a trait that the rest of the Guardians do share, but other heroes such as Spider-Man might look down upon; such cold-blooded murder.


Due to her upbringing and experiences, Gamora is not a very trusting individual. She takes absolutely no shame in this fact. The problem is that she twice doesn’t quite give her trust to her friends, or supposed friends, damaging the team bond.

She fails to trust the team originally, although eventually learns to accept them. She then fails to trust them when she is reborn and actually runs away leaving them to look for her despite what Nebula informed her about the Guardians.


Indeed, this leads on to the next point, that Gamora fails to truly understand family. Although she was trying to protect Peter Quill, she was still selfish in her intent to try to break him and Ego away from one another, because she didn’t get that family bond.

She never truly understood her relationship with Gamora until it was too late and she died before truly showing her sister how she feels. She even has mixed emotions about her real family, due to the part she has since played in the deaths of so many others.


Despite all these family complications, Gamora still feels something for Thanos. She actually felt guilty about trying to kill him, despite the fact he later does exactly the same to her. In a tense moment she stabs him in the neck, seemingly ending him.

She realizes what she has done and falls to her knees crying about the death of this monster. We’ll never understand that complicated relationship, but then Gamora wasn’t exactly relieved when Thanos was revealed to be alive still.


When we first meet Gamora she’s actually bounty hunting for the orb. Her initial mission is to take it back to her father Thanos, but she seeks to betray him to stop him from amassing so much power. There’s a problem with all of this though.

Her new plan is actually to sell it to someone completely different, who could use it for just as dangerous purposes. There’s no shame in her plan and she’ll seemingly do anything to fulfill it, even endangering the lives of those on Xandar.


This is a positive shamelessness that we have to respect and showcases just how far the character has come. Gamora states that if Thanos is to capture her then Quill must kill her before it is too late.

This is perhaps selfish on some level as Gamora is putting this burden on the team captain and lover, however it also shows how strong-willed she is that she’d rather die now, than let Thanos actually get what he wants.