Groot is one of the best members of the Guardian’s roster, but even he isn’t perfect. While other members of the team could be argued to be more despicable, Groot has also done his fair share of shameless things over his journey in the MCU.

Despite going from lovable older Groot to cute baby Groot, he still makes many less than adorable mistakes. To his criminal background to the way in which he can treat his teammates, here are 10 of the most shameless things that Groot has ever done.


It’s difficult to get mad at Groot for this one as it was not only shameless for the right reasons but also quite selfless. However, we have to say that on two occasions Groot has left behind his friends for the greater good. The second time was when he and Rocket joined Thor instead of the team.

However, the first time was when he sacrificed himself to save the rest of them. He knew it would kill him and we absolutely love him for that, but perhaps he also knew that he could return in some form again and didn’t tell Rocket before!


Groot has been put into jail a number of times for a specific reason. At the end of the day, he is an intergalactic criminal. Therefore, it’s pretty shameless that he would decide to break out once again, putting the Nova Corps in jeopardy.

It appears that he’s broken out of prison a number of times in the past and could be considered a bit of an expert in it. He has no regard for the rules of the law or space and seems happy to go wherever he wants to, ignoring the restrictions that should apply.


Speaking of the prison breakout, Groot’s lack of listening skills and patience, as well as his inability to work properly as a team was on full display when he largely hindered Rocket’s escape plan as the team tried to evacuate their prison facility.

Groot shamelessly ignored what was being said and immediately stole one of the generators. This, of course, set off a prison alarm though which made the whole situation a lot more difficult to deal with, endangering his team in the process.


Rocket and Groot are a pretty good pairing but Rocket isn’t exactly perfect. He’s done a number of shameless things himself and often doesn’t give much regard to those around him; often pushing the people he cares for away.

Groot is incredibly loyal but this doesn’t always work in his favor. On a number of occasions, he’s stood by Rocket and backed him up, even when it’s clear that Rocket’s in the wrong. You can’t blame him for showing some loyalty, but it’s still a misjudgment at times.


We first see Groot and Rocket when they are hunting the orb that everyone wants their hands on. The secretive infinity stone could cause a lot of violence and danger if it fell into the wrong hands. It’s clear Groot doesn’t care about that though.

During the battle throughout Xandar, he put many citizens in harm’s way and actually captured both Gamora and Peter Quill multiple times, to try and get what they wanted. The behavior here is shocking and again shows a lack of understanding of the rules of the galaxy.


Groot absolutely needs to pay more attention. When Rocket is trying to instruct him on how to plant the bomb he clearly isn’t listening properly. He repeatedly points to the button that would immediately explode the device, killing the whole team.

He doesn’t quite understand how dangerous this could be and runs off with the device when Rocket isn’t looking. Luckily he manages to press the right buttons, but with literally no shame he could have killed all of his friends and himself.


Groot is a bit of a killer and this has been demonstrated a few different times. He’s gone on a number of killing sprees, both as full-grown Groot and even as baby Groot. The fight against the Ravagers is a particular example to point to.

The young tree often uses his arms as weapons and has been known to impale his enemies on his branches, before throwing them across a room or down a long drop to their death. There’s no remorse for the amount of killing he is responsible for.


When imprisoned by the Ravagers Groot is allowed to walk around the ship. This gives him an opportunity to break out his friends while the coast is clear. To do this he must retrieve the fin that will help Yondu use his arrow.

He fails spectacularly at his mission stealing a number of objects including, completely shamelessly, somebody’s eye. What’s worse is he also returns with a severed thumb, which we really don’t want to know the origins of.


The phrase sleeping like a log, couldn’t be more accurate for Groot’s time in prison. He became incredibly comfortable in his time in the jail, to the point of which he slept through all the commotion that was going on.

In the middle of the night, Gamora was attacked and nearly executed by a number of inmates. Luckily Drax came to her rescue before Rocket and Quill arrived to help out. However, Groot had no help for his new friend, instead preferring his nap.


Groot and Rocket are pretty sweet together; it’s easy to forget that they are actually master criminals. When the Nova Corps capture the two rascals their list of crimes and actions is shown to us.

Groot himself has escaped capture many times and also has a number of dodgy deals in his past. He must have an anger issue as well because he has multiple accounts of assault on various people. He’s not quite as innocent as he may look.