Rocket Raccoon is one of the most beloved characters in all of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Despite his cute exterior and sweet relationship with Groot however, Rocket is a cold-blooded murderer, criminal and sometimes a bit of a jerk.

Over the course of the multiple films we’ve seen him featured in, Rocket has done some pretty shameless things. Here are 10 of Rocket’s actions that we don’t think he thought about the consequences of, perhaps until it was too late!


One of the first missions that we saw for the Guardians after they had been formed was to bring back some harbulary batteries for an ancient race of aliens known as the Sovereign. The mission seemed simple enough but Rocket only joined for one reason.

He wanted to steal those batteries. Looking to sell them on or perhaps use them for one of his many inventions, Rocket endangered the whole team and even put their pay at risk, just so that he could have some selfish gains.


Rocket seems to have a strange obsession with mechanic body parts and limbs. Indeed, he’s previously had people’s legs and even an eye stolen, often tricking his teammates into taking these objects on his behalf, in a completely shameless fashion.

He finds it absolutely hilarious and was definitely interested in buying the arm of the Winter Soldier, during their conflict together. He doesn’t seem to understand that taking these body parts is a pretty terrible thing to do.


Rocket has been known to push away his teammates in the past. He has lived life mostly as a solitary being. Sure he has had Groot by his side for some time and this version of the team is perhaps one of their best rosters ever.

However, he still struggles to make deep, personal connections and is often quite horrible to those around him, especially when he is upset. He almost ripped the team apart when he started fighting with the captain, Peter Quill.


Speaking of fighting with his teammates, Rocket is pretty horrible when he’s drunk. His words become even harsher and he can even get violent. He speaks his mind, but what’s on his mind probably shouldn’t really be heard by anyone.

When the pair start gambling on Knowhere, before Ronan turns up, the two get into a squabble that quickly turns violent. Rocket will even use personal issues against someone just to get the upper hand. Starting a fight with Drax probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do though.


Rocket is almost always the last to stand, that is until recent times. He’s struggled to understand why the team would bother risking their lives for others, often thinking about material gains rather than doing things for the greater good.

He has slowly changed however but he will almost always be the last to stand. This is evident in the literal standing circle, where each Guardian pledged themselves to save the galaxy. He was the most reluctant to take part, almost shamelessly for his own good.


Before his time with the Guardians, Rocket was actually a career criminal. Perhaps the worst part about that is that he was actually good at it. He and Groot had some lofty bounties that they fulfilled, although their moral code did guide them at times.

Despite this, they broke the law on so many planets it’s a wonder that Rocket wanted to turn his skills to the good side at all. They made a lot of money being good at being bad and certainly have a long list of crimes that they are still repenting for.


Rocket has proven himself to be a stone-cold killer on a number of occasions. However, we cannot look over the fact that he, Yondu and Groot all murdered countless Ravagers after being captured by them. The criminal group really had no chance.

Sure these weren’t good guys. They had killed many of their own before locking up the trio. However, Rocket never took into account that perhaps some of these men had been pressured into it, afraid of what could happen to them. He killed the lot though.


Going back to the mission with the Sovereign, Rocket made things worse for himself when he was rude to the queen herself, Ayesha. This race of aliens clearly is very sensitive and Rocket probably should have thought about this.

However, he put his whole team in danger just so he could make a sarcastic comment about them not being full of themselves. It was the very obvious wink that cost them the most and it’s fair to say that Rocket was entirely responsible for the Sovereign hunting the team.


When Rocket, Groot, Gamora, and Quill first met, they were all after the same thing. The orb. No one realized, of course, that inside this orb was actually an infinity stone. Regardless though, they fought tooth and nail for the right to have the object.

This wasn’t any of their best moment. They were genuinely willing to capture or kill the other just so they could make a bit more money, or to please the mad titan Thanos. It’s probably why they all make a good team together though.


Rocket is probably the most intelligent member of the team. It’s why he’s actually managed to escape 22 prisons, or so he claims. Although we can now move this up to 24 after escaping the grasp of both the Nova Corp and the Ravagers.

We don’t know how many terrible deeds Rocket has done to be put in so many prisons and we definitely don’t know what he’s had to do to escape them, but we can guarantee some of his most shameless moments have been in the attempt for freedom.