Business Insider pointed us to an interview on OpenForum with the Guess? CIO Michael Relich. The clothing retailer implemented iPads for merchandising in 2010, and it has since installed iPads in stores, started accepting credit card payments via iPod touch, and even started supplying extra iPods instead of cash registers to stores during the busy holiday seasons.

Well our buyers saw an improvement immediately. Instead of just seeing a number on a spreadsheet, our iPad app allowed them to see the specific coat, pant or dress accompanied by a photo and where it was selling. Suddenly, they were going into stores with a lot better idea about what to do and how to act to improve the store. 

For shoppers, our engagement went through the roof after we installed iPads in the stores. People instinctively go up to the device and use it to find out-of-stock merchandise or track their loyalty program points. We’ve gotten great feedback.

Well I believe that cash registers will go away and will be replaced by iPads or iPod touches. We currently use an iPod touch in stores for credit-card transactions, similar to the Apple store…

You can check out the full interview here.