Facing Tecno weak signal or network issue? Well, it could hamper your work as well as personal communication when needed. Since there is a broad spectrum of cellular networks available and there are plenty of reasons why you can either lose network or suffer from weak and irritating low-strength network, we have produced an explicit guide to curate the methods that you can utilize to gain a strong cellular network by either tweaking, fixing, or replacing the affected hardware or software components. Let’s dive into this guide to know more about it.

Reboot the phone

This is the primary master of all the issues on a smartphone. Thus, it has made it to the explicit guide too whereby it will fix the weak signal or lost network issue that people are observing on their Tecno smartphones. Although we don’t guarantee that it will work seamlessly for all users, we know that it will be fruitful for some of the users. If you aren’t one of ‘em, seek help from other methods listed below.

Enable and Disable Airplane Mode

Airplane mode is used to restrict phone’s incoming and outgoing cellular network which is important on a flight. But there is plenty of usage such as to save a bit of battery by restricting network on a smartphone. Since you have a query with the incoming weak or lost network on your phone, you can check if airplane mode does any good to your phone or not. It is easier since it requires the user to simply pull the notification tray and tap on ‘Airplane Mode’ icon to enable and tap again to disable.

Switch between SIMs (if dual-SIM)

If you have a dual SIM and observe that one of the SIM has no or poor network, you can use the dedicated SIM switch button or the icon available on the notification bar to switch between SIMs. This is a handy method to bring the strength of the signal but has limited effectiveness. Further, you can tap ‘#’ and call (only to disconnect). If this method doesn’t work, follow the next method.

Network selection mode

Every smartphone has two network selection mode wherein either the phone will automatically search and register to a network aka “Automatic” mode or it will take human intervention to manually search and register to a said network which is “Manual” mode. Here’s how you can use these two methods effectively.

When to set up ‘Manual’ network

As said, it requires the user to manually search and register for a network. This method works when you are traveling or when you are going to a village and town or outskirts of the cities where the network is not good. It also works in roaming i.e. out of the state. You can register on a network if you see that the phone hasn’t registered to a network yet.

When to set up ‘Automatic’ network

The default is ‘Automatic’ as you can check it by navigating to the Settings » SIM » Network selection mode. It works in the home network without any glitch. Since I live in Mumbai, I can expect seamless network on automatic mode until I reach the outskirts of Mumbai i.e. Panvel. But there are exceptions. If you are moving from a city to another city, the network will be affected during the journey but not when you reach the destination where there are abundant cell towers to provide the quality network.

Toggle preferred network types

2G is widespread and available across the country. 3G is also highly penetrative and finally, the 4G is faster but isn’t available across the country (for instance – India). This is where preferred network types come into play. You can instruct the phone to either choose between 2G/3G/4G or choose automatically. Doing so will enable the phone to search for lower bands of the network if higher bands aren’t available where you at least get the network to call or message someone while the internet is slow but it works too.

Could there be an intermediate issue?

Irrespective of what telecom carrier you pick, there are days when their networks are down due to maintenance, upgrades, natural calamity, etc. Most of the carriers would inform their users about the disruption in signal prior but many of times, the issues are quite literal and there isn’t enough time to notify the users about it. If you think that the phone is getting poor signal or no network at all, check with your friends or family or relative to confirm if they are facing the same issue or not. If yes, then you’ll probably have to wait until the services are continued. On the contrary, you’ll need to call the carrier for support if it’s only you facing this issue.

Are you blocking the cellular/signal antenna?

Your phone works with the help of antenna that intercepts signals from the cell towers and provides the network bars on the status bar. But by holding it in a wrong orientation or position or blocking that specific region of the phone where the antenna is located could block off the signals as well. This can cause weak signal or lost network issue depending upon the severity of the blockage. The simple fix is to Google the antenna location for your Tecno smartphone and avoids blocking the antenna.

Use network booster

It is a simple instrument that fetches signals from cell towers, amplifies it and broadcasts it in a room or office in a limited area where the user can observe strengthened signals at all time. This is, of course, an investment but it will definitely pay off in the long run if you live in a region where the network is severely affected due to any xyz reasons.

Check for incompatible apps/cache

It is quite possible that an incompatible app that you just installed or got a few days ago or the cache files are causing the phone to suffer from the weak signal or lost network issue. This is why experts suggest user to minimize downloading unwanted apps and clear cache files as soon as possible. Here, you need to uninstall an unwanted and incompatible app that you can check via ‘Safe Mode’. Further, you can clear cache files using the ‘Settings » Storage’ and ‘Settings » Apps » Downloaded’ options.

Could it be the SIM after all?

Now that we have covered almost all sectors that could have been problematic but you haven’t found the solution yet. It is probable that the SIM card that you are using is damaged or scratched which is possible since we usually pull it out and push it several times in its lifetime which has its own wear and tear. Simply remove the SIM card, check if the chip is scratched or not. Verify by inserting it on a different phone and if doubtful, report to the carrier for resolution.

Get assistance from a technician

Get help from a technician from an authorized service center to get a 360-degree resolution to the issue. This is for those who failed to find or resolve the issue using the troubleshooting tips and fixes to fix weak signal or lost network issue. But why authorized center when you can go to a local third-party repair shop and get cheap repair services? Although you can report the issue to a local party it will nullify the warranty on your device so beware.