Apple employees in Ireland have been offered €20,000 ($23,000) for access to the login details, reports Business Insider, citing a current and former employee.

“You’d be surprised how many people get on to us, just random Apple employees,” the source said. “You get emails offering you thousands to get a password to get access to Apple. I could sell my Apple ID login information online for €20,000 (£15,000 / $23,000) tomorrow. That’s how much people are trying.” 

A former employee says that hackers target those who have recently joined Apple, rather than those who have been at the company a long time. They said that this is one reason Apple attempts to promote from within, launching a management scheme called ‘Grow Your Own.’

With Apple famously operating in tightly-secured silos, with employees not necessarily even knowing what product their work is for, it seems unlikely that random logins would reveal too much – especially in Ireland, which is geared to sales and support rather than R&D.