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New episodes of Happy Hour are available every week. As mentioned, you can download this podcast via iTunes or plug in our RSS feed link into your favorite podcasting app.

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  • Benjamin Mayo
  • Zac Hall

Here’s what we discussed in this episode:

  • Apple reportedly introducing a red chassis color option with new ‘iPhone 7s’ in 2017
  • Apple says more iPhone 6s models may be affected by random shutdowns, issuing iOS update
  • Apple details Single Sign-On app + provider support as feature goes live on iOS & tvOS
  • Apple Music crosses 20M paying subscribers nearly a year and a half after launch
  • Apple Pay head: 35 percent of US retailers now support Apple Pay, coming to Gap in 2017
  • IDC: Apple Watch sales estimated at 1.1 million units in Series 2 launch quarter, falling 70% YOY
  • Tim Cook: Apple Watch sales growth is ‘off the charts’, expecting best quarter ever this holiday season
  • Siding with Samsung, Supreme Court reverses decision on $339 million owed to Apple over iPhone design dispute [U]
  • Apple believes 2016 MacBook Pro graphics issues are addressed in macOS 10.12.2 update, according to Craig Federighi email
  • 2016 MacBook Pro battery complaints grow for both 13- and 15-inch models
  • New 2016 MacBook Pros default to scaled non-native Retina screen resolution, here’s how to change it
  • Review: Three weeks working from the 15-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar

Feedback? Drop us a line at happyhour@9to5mac.com. Remember: Subscribe on iTunes to catch all of the episodes as they go live and thanks for listening!