This week Benjamin and Zac discuss iPhone 8 ‘panic’ stories including wireless charging shipping late, new color rumors including a mirror finish, Apple’s new HomeKit displays, and changes and improvements in the latest iOS 11 betas.

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New episodes of Happy Hour are available every week. As mentioned, you can download this podcast via iTunes or plug in our RSS feed link into your favorite podcasting app.

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  • Benjamin Mayo
  • Zac Hall

Here’s what we discussed in this episode:

  • Report: Wireless charging accessory won’t be ready at iPhone launch this year
  • Report: iPhone 8 to come in four color choices including new ‘mirror-like’ model
  • Here’s how Apple could bring the mirror-like iPod finish to iPhone, but without the scratching
  • Apple Stores featuring Apple Home app and new interactive HomeKit demos
  • Apple releases iOS 11 beta 3 to developers
  • Apple releases macOS High Sierra beta 3 to developers
  • tvOS 11 developer beta 3 for Apple TV now available
  • What’s new in iOS 11 beta 3? Hands-on with 20+ features and changes [Video]

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