The love story between Harley Quinn and The Joker will never be the same again, now that Batman has learned the truth about their renewed love affair: Harley Quinn is pregnant with her and Joker’s baby. But now that it’s finally happening, it might actually be more beautiful than horrifying.

The comic book fans who missed out on Batman: White Knight will want to catch up immediately, now that its follow-up series, Batman: Curse of the White Knight has taken the strengths of writer/artist Sean Murphy’s original series to a whole new level. Fans knew that the DC Black Label book wouldn’t pull any punches, especially after White Knight delivered one of the freshest, and most ambitious takes on the Batman universe in years. That included giving Harley Quinn and Joker the love story they never got to have as villains. But nobody ever expected their romance to result in a baby on the way. So forget Batman–what happens when JOKER finds out?

The pitch for Batman: White Knight was simple in both its premise and its provocative changes to the Batman status quo: what if The Joker was cured and saved Gotham from the damage caused by Batman’s crazed crusade on crime? What if the classic and modern Harley Quinns were two different women, each with their own problems and agency? And if Joker became the sane man he always was deep down… could DC’s most infamous lovers get their happy ending?

Harley & ‘Jack’ Got Their True Love Story

Murphy’s White Knight mission to give fans a version of Dr. Harleen Quinzel that was both faithful and forward-thinking was obvious, and seems too poetic to not be folded into DC Comics canon at some point down the line–and for a character as tenuously connected to reality as Harley, it would actually be an easier retcon than usual. For now, the story continues in the current Curse of The White Knight, with its second issue now in comic book shops everywhere. The available issues may not stay on shelves for long, now that the re-imagined Azrael origin story has taken a shocking turn. Not just for the story being told by Sean Murphy and colors it Matt Hollingsworth, but for the entire Batman universe to come.

While not technically the star of the series, Harley Quinn distinguished herself as a brilliant and morally sound tactician in White Knight, both in flashbacks to her dealings with Batman away from The Joker, and in her present day mission to restore Gotham City alongside the reformed Joker. While Jack (the cured identity of Joker) was right to doubt he would ever be free and clear of his criminal past, leaving Harley once again on her own, Batman obviously knows that Harley is still someone to turn to for assistance and advice.

Which is why he comes to her in Curse of the White Knight, set after the explosive conclusion of White Knight… to find her in an unexpected state.

Batman Detects: Harley Quinn is Pregnant

It’s ironic that in a Batman story built on the oldest, most personal secret in Gotham history–involving the ancestors of both Bruce Wayne and Jean-Paul Valley–that the spotlight should be stolen by a relatively mundane secret like Harley Quinn’s pregnancy. For fans who may have mixed feelings on the idea of Harley carrying Joker’s child, it should be pointed out that the baby’s father is almost certainly the Joker’s sane, decent identity, Jack Napier. The White Knight series established them as two distinct identities sharing one body, and while Jack isn’t afraid of manipulating the truth (and some supervillains) to make Gotham better, he was always the perfect, loving gentleman to Harley.

The White Knight series had the pair on the path to becoming husband and wife, which casts this new twist in a completely different light than unfamiliar readers might assume from appearances. It was Jack who loved Harley, and whom Harley truly loved. So it’s touching that a piece of him should survive even if Joker has once again taken control. And despite Batman’s request that Harley help interrogate him to see if Jack Napier still exists, Black and white preview art from the next issue shows Harley’s pregnancy being unveiled to the maniacal villain. We don’t yet know what he says to get Harley so angry… but it sure can’t be good.

Batman fans will have to wait for the next issue to see Bruce and Harley actually discuss the ramifications of her pregnancy, since his shocked reaction (and her own clever response) is all readers get for now. And as we alluded to above, how a child on the way will be handled by The Joker is anyone’s guess. For now Harley’s pregnancy won’t impact her other comic books, including her new team-up with friend and (former?) love Poison Ivy, due to the standalone nature of the White Knight series under the Black Label banner. But given the acclaim for Murphy’s first White Knight tale, expect this Harley Quinn story to earn a special place in Batman lore, as well.

Whether you’re a fan of Murphy’s, Batman, the White Knight universe, Harley Quinn, Joker, or any time two comic book characters get the love story they always dreamed of, be sure to pick up your copy of Curse of the White Knight #2 today. Read on below for the full solicitation details and plot synopsis:

  • Batman: Curse of The White Knight #2 (2019) Written by: Sean Gordon Murphy Art by: Sean Gordon Murphy The Joker’s plan is in full swing—with a single devastating secret and his puppet strings controlling the elites, the Clown Prince and his new recruit, Azrael, are ready to eliminate Batman and obliterate the Wayne family’s legacy. With Gotham City’s identity and institutions hanging in the balance, Gordon makes a surprising public announcement—but The Joker’s response will send the Bat-family and the GTO spiraling.

Batman: Curse of The White Knight #2 is available now at your local comic book shop (but may not stick around for long), or can be ordered from DC Comics directly. Seriously, try to pick up your copy earlier rather than later.

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