Even some superheroes and villains like to blow off steam by playing video games. After a hard day of work, turning on a video game console and playing a game is a good way to escape. However, in the case of Harley Quinn, it appears her favorite game is far too real: Hunting Deathstroke.

Artist Jorge Jiménez is joining James Tynion IV and Tomeu Morey on Batman #90. While the issue will set up the upcoming ‘Joker War,’ Jiménez’s debut features Harley Quinn playing on what appears to be a Playstation 4 controller. Instead of playing Red Dead Redemption or Fortnite (she had to download her own skin), Harley seems to be playing a life or death game with Deathstroke as the main character.

In the image, Harley is sitting in front of a bunch of screens with a headset on and a PS4 controller in hand. She’s even in a gaming chair. With a devilish smile on her face, Harley appears to be controlling a series of thrones that are chasing Deathstroke on a motorcycle. So far in the series, Deathstroke and his fellow assassins have been a major pain in just about everyone’s sides. He’s been on the hunt throughout Gotham to kill his targets and finish off his missions. However, he’s impeded when the Penguin captures him in Batman #88. He slits the Penguin’s throat and gets away. How Harley connects to his story remains to be seen. But, it’s clear she’s after Deathstroke with those drones. As for the Playstation controller, hey, they’re more than just video game consoles now - in the Batman universe, they might also work as killing machines!

Check out the preview images for Batman #90 below.


The upcoming issue also includes a flashback to the new villain the Designer assembling Batman’s biggest villains. Selina Kyle is wearing her original Catwoman suit while the Joker and the Riddler both are sporting more classic versions of their costumes. The preview also includes a good look at the Designer who’s sporting some fur, a very long cape, and a sword.

  • Batman #90 Written by James Tynion IV Art by Jorge Jiménez Colors by Tomeu Morey The mysterious master criminal known only as the Designer once brought together Gotham City’s greatest criminals to plot the perfect crime, and now his plan has been unleashed upon the city in all its might. Batman will go to any length to uncover the grand design, but Catwoman is the one who holds the greatest secret. If Batman wins against the Designer, he will lose everything In comic book stores March 4th, 2020.