The Harry Potter series is full of characters who are actually really big bullies. These bullies range from being childhood jerks who terrorize their peers to adults who treat everyone around them horribly. While some of the characters who exhibit bullying behavior have redeemable qualities, there are others that don’t.

Whether they are just bullies sometimes or always treating others around them horribly, here are the ten biggest bullies from the Harry Potter series.

Lavender Brown

While the Slytherins in the series might get a bad reputation for how they treat others, other houses can be jerks, too. While Lavender Brown is far from the biggest bully in this series, she isn’t always that kind. She’s someone who uses her words to make people feel bad about themselves, and she often makes fun of people. Some of the people that she mocks include Hermione and Luna Lovegood. While her bullying isn’t the most egregious, it’s still not nice to put people down.

Pansy Parkison

It’s true that pretty much all of the people that are in Draco’s group of friends are bullies. Crabbe and Goyle could also easily be on this spot because they are used as Malfoy’s goons to pick on other people. But, Pansy Parkinson is also a bully. She is also someone who makes fun of other people and mocks them. She is cruel to many other people including Hermione, and she goes along with Draco’s bullying and also becomes a member of the Inquisitorial squad.

James Potter

While the Slytherins might have a big group of bullies, the Grynffindors sometimes give them a run for their money. Both of these houses have treats that lend towards being arrogant and wanting attention, and this can sometimes become bullying behavior.

While James has his heroic moments, how he acts at Hogwarts towards Snape is definitely being a bully. This is especially true when he turns him upside down and shows a whole bunch of students in underwear.

Sirius Black

Along with his best friend James, Sirius was also a big bully during his time at Hogwarts. Sirius was just as arrogant as James was, and it seems like he often had even less remorse. The worst example of bullying he ever showed was when he tried to pull the prank on Snape that would have led Snape to Lupin in his werewolf form. This could easily have killed Snape, and this was way too far and really cruel of him to do.

Dudley Dursley

Dudley Dursley is basically the definition of a schoolyard bully. He was someone who used his size and the fact that he had parents who let him get away with everything in order to abuse people more vulnerable than him. For many years, Harry was his favorite target. Dudley would physically bully him. But, it wasn’t just Harry, Dudley and his group of friends would bully and harass basically anyone that was weaker than them or that they didn’t like. Dudley was definitely one of the biggest jerks in the series, but luckily he seems to have grown out of some of that awful behavior that he was taught by his parents.

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy is another example of a character in Harry Potter who was a huge bully in his youth. He was clearly taught how to manipulate and intimidate people from his parents, and he definitely wasn’t taught how to be kind or caring.

Because of this, he was always looking to get other people in trouble and tried to make people’s lives miserable if he didn’t like them. He definitely had it out for Harry, but he would mostly bully people more vulnerable than him such as Neville Longbottom.

Vernon and Petunia Dursley

While hearing the world bully might bring to mind kids who make fun of and harass other kids, adults can really be the biggest bullies of all. The tactics that bullies use can be done by people of all ages. Vernon and Petunia were both bullies, and they were also abusive. They treated Hary horribly and neglected and verbally abused him from a young age. This is especially horrible because they were doing this to a young child who was entrusted in their care.

Severus Snape

Severus Snape is one of the biggest bullies in the entire series. While he is a bit of a bully while he’s at Hogwarts, he really becomes one when he’s a professor there. He is one of the worst of all because he chooses to bully the children that he’s supposed to be teaching. He intimidated and harassed them, and for some reason, he got away with it. While he’s pretty awful to many of his students, he especially bullies Neville and Harry.

Dolores Umbridge

Dolores Umbridge is a character that has bullying in her soul. She is truly one of the most vile characters in the entire Harry Potter series, and she is extremely cruel.

She loves to charm and intimidate others who she thinks are weaker or less than her. She bullies her students, other intelligent creatures who aren’t humans, and then later on Muggle-borns. She doesn’t really care who she is bullying, she just loves to be cruel and to hurt other people. There is something truly sadistic about her.


While pretty much any of the characters from the series that are Death Eaters could be on the list for being bullies, including Lucius Malfoy, the worst bully of the entire series is Voldemort. He exhibits this type of behavior even as a young child where he uses his magical powers to hurt and abuse the other students at the orphanage. Then, he uses all of his power to try and hurt and abuse people who he views as lesser than he is. He’s cruel and literally has a fractured soul.