Harry Potter is one of the most loved and financially successful book and film franchises of all time. Since the release of the first book, the world became engrossed in the wizarding world, with Harry Potter being so successful that it even spawned a spin-off series called Fantastic Beasts.

The Harry Potter series tells the story of a young wizard’s clash with an evil, genocidal dark wizard called Lord Voldemort. However, Voldemort isn’t necessarily the most hated character in the series. Characters like Umbridge and the Dursleys often take that honor, but what is often neglected is how the Dursleys change over the course of the film and book series.

This article will list 10 ways in which the Dursleys changed, from Philosopher’s Stone through to Deathly Hallows.

Accepting Harry’s Magic

Throughout the Harry Potter series, Harry is hated and oppressed by his aunt and uncle because he is a wizard. This hatred of magic comes both from Aunt Petunia’s jealousy of her sister’s magical abilities and the Dursleys’ hatred for anything out of the ordinary.

Rather than accept Harry’s magical ability, the Dursleys oppress it. They tell Harry that there is ’no such thing as magic’ and lie about the nature of his parents’ death. Towards the end of the series, however, it is clear that the Dursleys have accepted Harry’s magical ability, even if they may not love it.

Allowing Harry To Sleep In Dudley’s Second Bedroom

Throughout all of Harry’s life, he was forced to live and sleep in the small cupboard under the stairs at Privet Drive. He was forced to sleep there despite the fact that Dudley, Harry’s cousin, had two bedrooms meaning that the Dursleys could easily have allowed Harry to sleep in one of those rooms.

Fortunately for Harry, after he returned from his first year at Hogwarts, the Dursleys allowed him to sleep in Dudley’s second bedroom.

Dudley’s Diet

A theme throughout the Harry Potter series, particularly the Philosopher’s Stone, was how the Dursleys spoiled Dudley while severely mistreating and oppressing Harry. As a consequence of their treatment of Dudley, their son became overweight.

Vernon and Petunia only became aware of this after Dudley’s school pointed out that he was overweight and couldn’t fit into his school uniform. Consequently, their treatment of Dudley had to change.

Dudley Stopped Bullying Harry

Perhaps due to the fact his parents spoiled him and let him get away with everything, as well as their treatment of Harry, Dudley would frequently bully Harry. In the first film, Dudley ran up and down the stairs while Harry was in the cupboard. In The Order of the Phoenix, Dudley and his friends openly mock Harry.

However, after the Dementor attack in the fifth movie, Dudley begins to treat Harry differently. This, naturally, led to Dudley putting an end to his bullying of Harry.

Dudley Tried To Make Amends With His Cousin

The Dementor attack in the fifth movie and book was a life-changing experience for Dudley. Not only was he attacked by an evil, magical creature but he was also saved by his cousin; a cousin who had been bullied and mistreated by Dudley for all of his life.

After this event, Dudley tries to make amends with his cousin in his own little ways. At first, Dudley left a cup of tea outside Harry’s door, which Harry assumed was some kind of prank. However, before leaving Privet Drive, Dudley shook hands with Harry.

Petunia Expressed Remorse

Aunt Petunia’s treatment of Harry was driven by jealousy for her sister. She hated that Lily had magical powers while she was powerless, leading Petunia to resent the magical world.

Before leaving Privet Drive to go into hiding, Petunia heard Dudley offer words of acceptance to Harry and then burst into tears. As she was about to leave, Petunia turned to face Harry as if to say something, before she suppressed whatever she was about to say and left.

They Gave Harry More Freedom

Throughout Harry’s life, he had been suppressed by the Dursleys. The Dursleys oppressed his magical abilities, locked him in a cupboard, and when they gave him a bedroom, they put bars on the window. When Harry stayed with the Dursleys, it felt closer to a prison than a home.

However, as Harry grew up the Dursleys began to grant him slightly more freedom. In Harry’s third year, Vernon was going to sign the Hogsmeade permission slip before Harry blew up Marge (can’t exactly blame Vernon for that one), but the following year, they allowed him to go to the Quidditch World Cup.

Dudley Stayed In Contact With Harry

Despite the fact that two spent most of their childhood at each others’ throats, Dudley and Harry remained in contact after the events of the Second Wizarding War. This was sparked by Dudley’s efforts to make amends with Harry after the Dementor attack in The Order of the Phoenix.

While the extent of their communication is unknown, Rowling has confirmed that the two cousins send Christmas cards to each other and if one is visiting close to the other, they will make time so their kids can play together.

Vernon’s Respect For Harry

The day the Dursleys left Privet Drive to go into hiding was a monumental day in their relationship with Harry. Not only did Dudley shake Harry’s hand, but Petunia was even moved by her son’s gesture.

Similarly, Vernon had a similar experience to Petunia. Before he left, Vernon was about to shake Harry’s hand before changing his mind due to his feelings toward magic. This suggests that, somewhere deep inside Vernon, there is a respect for Harry.

Dudley Learned That The World Didn’t Revolve Around Him 

For most of his childhood, Dudley learned that if he screamed and cried he would get whatever he wanted from Vernon and Petunia. These tantrums, while benefitting Dudley in the short term, would hinder him as he aged due to the fact that giving Dudley whatever he wanted subconsciously reinforced these toxic behaviors.

In his own way, via a Dementor attack, Dudley learned to show compassion to others and that the world did not revolve around him.