Godric Gryffindor was the founder for one of the four Hogwarts houses, his particular house was known for courage and bravery. When we originally picture someone who is courageous, we think of a hero slaying a giant dragon, yet JK Rowling proves throughout the series that there are many forms of courage and bravery. Who were some of the most fearless Gryffindors throughout the entire Harry Potter series? Read on to find out!


Okay, so this one is pretty obvious considering the fact that he’s the titular character in the series, but people sometimes take Harry’s extreme bravery for granted. Harry is able to face Voldemort (or at least his poorly CGI’d face) all the way back in Harry Potter in the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Keep in mind, Harry is only 11 years old at this point, yet he manages to somehow outsmart the most powerful dark lord in the world. Oh yeah, he does the same thing as an infant too. Where can we get these magical abilities that Potter has? Asking for a friend.


Hermione Granger is not only wickedly intelligent but she is also incredibly fearless, revealing her true Gryffindor persona. Many people believe Hermione should be in Ravenclaw rather than Gryffindor because Ravenclaws tend to favor intellect over bravery, but the brightest witch of her age was sorted into Gryffindor for a reason.

She is a character who has no problem saying exactly what is on her mind, regardless of what the rest of the crowd may think. She sticks to her values and will stay true to herself despite the world reprimanding her know-it-all behavior. Ron and Harry may refer to her as bossy every once in a while, but deep down, they know she is pretty much always right.


It takes a lot of courage to live as Ron Weasley aka the underdog of the trio. Ron has spent his whole life in the shadows, not only with Harry and Hermione but with all his siblings as well. It’s not easy when you are constantly underestimated by the people around you and feeling insignificant is extremely challenging, especially at Ron’s adolescent age.

Yet Ron is able to prove that you don’t have to be the brightest person in the room or the most famous person in the room in order to earn respect. Being true to yourself can take you a long way and Ron proves that everyone has something unique to bring to the table.


Fred and George Weasley are always there to brighten any dark and gloomy situation and that is why we love them so much. When things get way too eerie at Hogwarts due to Voldemort’s evil forces, we can always count on the twins to bring a trail of laughter wherever they go. Remember when Fred and George set off those fireworks during the O.W.L.’s when Umbridge was in charge? That took some serious bravery to do that right under her evil nose! The Weasley Twins are never afraid to cause trouble and without these two, Hogwarts would probably be incredibly bland.


Ginny may seem as though she’s on the timid end of the spectrum, (at least in the movies it sure seems this way), but let us not forget all of the hell she went through in Chamber of Secrets. Ginny Weasley, a young girl no older than eleven, had unknowingly been communicating with Lord Voldemort via Tom Riddle’s Diary. Once you go through something as sinister as that, you never come back the same! Ginny only became stronger after she suffered these traumas with Riddle and she came out of it as one of the bravest Gryffindor’s of all.


Sirius Black likes to live his life on the wild side and we have serious admiration for his daredevil ways. After being locked up in Azkaban for thirteen years, we understand why he was so thirsty to experience all of the joys that life and freedom can offer. The best thing about Sirius Black is that instead of being bitter over his false conviction, he chooses to look on the bright side of life and he fully appreciates the world around him. Sirius took advantage of his freedom after being locked up for so long and he was undeniably fearless throughout.


Remus Lupin is extremely brave, and he is arguably one of the bravest Gryffindors of all time. He has faced internal struggles throughout his whole life, dealing with the unfortunate fact that he is secretly a werewolf. This means that he is not only a harm to himself but he is also harmful to others, even the people that he loves most. He does not believe he is worthy of love because he doesn’t want to hurt his family or pass down his werewolf gene, yet Nymphadora Tonks teaches him that he is worthy of love and the two have a beautiful son together named Teddy.


This one pretty much goes without question because Albus Dumbledore is known throughout the magical universe as “the greatest wizard of all time”. There is something about Dumbledore’s presence that is so powerful yet at the same time warm and comforting, and that is what makes him such a memorable and important character throughout the series. He teaches Harry that power is best suited for those who don’t seek it, and Dumbledore is someone who does not seek power for himself - He just naturally has the wisdom and charm necessary to make him the strongest force in the room.


Although we unfortunately do not get to see much of Lily Potter throughout the series, we do know that she is easily one of the bravest Gryffindors of all. After all, it is the power of a mother’s love that is the strongest source of magic throughout the entire series and her love for Harry is ultimately what kept him alive while causing Voldemort to face destruction. Lily risks her life for the people she loves and she does it without a moment’s hesitation. She is incredibly brave and selfless, and she would do anything to protect her son.


At first, we are meant to believe that Neville Longbottom is a bit of a coward. We know in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone that the poor kid means well, but unfortunately, he isn’t a character who has a lot of guts. People are constantly underestimating Neville’s abilities, yet at the end of the series, he comes out to be one of the bravest Gryffindors of all. He is arguably even braver than Harry Potter as we can see when he stands up to Voldemort and the extremely large posse of death eaters.  You show ’em, Neville!