Death Eaters are one of the most sinister groups of villain in the history of literature. They are vicious and merciless, they serve one of the most powerful villains of all time, and they have equally influential allies (with the likes of werewolves, giants, and Dementors themselves serving their cause).

Nevertheless, it’s fun to sometimes reduce them to mere Muggles and image what kind of jobs they would have. After all the Harry Potter series has spawned a lot of fan fiction, but readers aren’t the only ones who like changing the canon. In any case, here are 10 Death Eaters and What Their Muggle Careers Would Be.

Corban Yaxley

Corban Yaxley might not have been the most well-known of the Death Eaters, but he was definitely one of their more talented members. Not only did he break out of Azkaban at some point but he also helped overthrow the Ministry of Magic and actively helped craft their strategy for bringing this plan to life.

Yaxley also belonged to the inner circle of Death Eaters who were close to Voldemort, so he was eventually made the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. This is why he would probably make a great cop… who is racist at the same time: Yaxley often expressed his hatred for Mudbloods.

Antonin Dolohov

Not everyone remembers him, but Dolohov was actually one of the strongest Death Eaters, one of Voldemort’s original servants. Just like Yaxley, Dolohov was imprisoned in Azkaban and escaped. He is also known for torturing both Muggles and wizards who did not support the Dark Lord.

Dolohov participated in many important battles including the Battle of Hogwarts where he was finally defeated by Professor Flitwick. Seeing that he was such a ruthless wizard with expertise in magic, Dolohov would probably make a great Muggle boxer who would have a reputation of beating his opponents almost to death.

Igor Karkaroff

Igor Karkaroff has never been brave. In fact, he had mostly cared for his own well-being and turned his back on his fellow Death Eaters once Voldemort fell. Of course, for such treachery, he was later hunted down once the Dark Lord had regained his abilities and rose to power once again.

In-between such stressful periods in Karkaroff’s life he had managed to become the Headmaster of Durmstrang Institute which could be a sign of his pedagogical capabilities. In this sense, Karkaroff could probably be the Headmaster of some Muggle school, preferably an all-boys boarding school with strict rules.

Regulus Black

Regulus Black is one of the best examples of how breaking the rules can be good for you (and for the entire world). Despite following in his family’s footsteps at first and joining Voldemort at a very young age, Black’s common sense eventually guided him towards the right choice (and subsequent death).

Black had acquired one of the Horcruxes and decided to hide it from the owner, which was basically treason. Black’s story is quite romantic in a way, especially if you consider all the situations he found himself in and his actions in these circumstances. His ambition and loyalty are very similar to that of a soldier, so as a Muggle, he would probably have a splendid military career.

Barty Crouch, Jr.

Barty Crouch, Jr. has been called many things thanks to his unbelievably vivid story. He was the first person ever to escape from Azkaban (at his own mother’s expense). But before he was sent to the wizard prison, he had joined Voldemort at a young age and served him with loyalty by following his orders faithfully.

Crouch tortured and killed many, but his most interesting aspect lies in a different chain of his actions. Crouch might have appeared as a lunatic at the end of his story, but he managed to manipulate people and plan everything just the way he needed it to go while pretending to be Alastor Moody. Such a twisted character could only be a criminal in the Muggle world.

Lucius Malfoy

Everyone remembers Draco Malfoy’s intimidating father, Lucius. Unlike many others on this list, Malfoy did not join Voldemort at a young age and only became a Death Eater because he shared their views on the purity of blood. However, it is important to note Malfoy’s loyalty to his family that he valued above all else.

Being a part of the social elite most of his life, it is safe to say that Malfoy could well be some kind of deputy as a Muggle or maybe a wealthy businessman. He would probably be the one to go to various elite gatherings and events, visit the opera and the theater, and generally lead quite a carefree life.

Peter Pettigrew

Some argue that Peter Pettigrew’s death ultimately gave him redemption for his evil deeds, but that argument seems too far-fetched. This Death Eater did enough to be considered a villain eternally. Not only did he betray the Order of the Phoenix but he also betrayed his closest friends and framed one of them for his crimes including his own supposed “murder”.

Pettigrew has always been a person who looks for someone he can flatter and serve. This eventually led him to join the ranks of the Voldemort followers. This is why it seems logical to make him a cleaner if he was a Muggle. Nothing personal, Pettigrew, but you really don’t deserve better.

Severus Snape

Severus Snape’s decisions and actions are still being debated by Potterheads, but you can’t deny the fact that Snape was officially a Death Eater, even though he became an undercover spy for the Order of the Phoenix later on. Nevertheless, most of the things he did were to impress Lily Evans, his lifelong love and Harry Potter’s mother.

Snape has always been a very skillful wizard with a talent for Potion-making. Moreover, he also managed to stay loyal to the forces of good and acted as a spy while calculating every step he made. As a Muggle, Snape would either be a chemist or a doctor. He would probably also manage a career as an FBI agent.

Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix Lestrange has often been considered one of the cruelest and sadistic Death Eaters in Voldemort’s service. In fact, after breaking out of Azkaban, she even made it her mission to kill as many of her relatives who weren’t followers of the Dark Lord as possible. Unfortunately, she was successful and murdered Sirius Black and Nymphadora Tonks among others.

Despite being such a twisted witch, Lestrange actually knew the meaning of love to an extent and gave birth to Voldemort’s child, Delphini. If this was a better world that they lived in and Lestrange was actually a Muggle, she might have made a decent housewife. Just imagine her making dinner as You-Know-Who comes home from his day job.

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy is definitely a fan favorite despite him being a bully throughout most of his school years and then eventually joining the ranks of the Death Eaters. Of course, this decision was not entirely his: after his parents failed to please the Dark Lord, it was up to Malfoy to make up for it. However, he quickly realized what he had gotten himself into.

Malfoy never actually had to work after graduation from Hogwarts and the defeat of Voldemort. Nevertheless, he did start studying alchemical manuscripts that belonged to his family. This shows his interest in the things of the past, so he would probably make a great Muggle historian or archaeologist.