The world of wizarding schools spans far beyond the gates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Nations and regions across the Wizarding World house institutions, much like Hogwarts, which instruct their youth about the ins and outs of magic, history, and fantastical beasts.

One such school is Durmstrang Institute, one of the three schools which compete in the heralded Triwizard Tournament. This mysterious academy for young witches and wizards holds many secrets that fans have yet to discover. Here are ten lesser-known facts about Durmstrang.

Its Medieval Origins

Like Hogwarts, Durmstrang can trace its origins back many hundreds of years. Hogwarts, for example, can look back to its four medieval founders: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. These medieval witches and wizards banded together to offer instruction to the children of the British Isles.

Durmstrang also has Medieval Roots. The powerful witch, Nerida Vulchanova singlehandedly founded the institute. She served as the first headmistress of the school until she died mysteriously. Afterward, a long line of headmasters watched after the school.

It Accepts Students From All Around The World

As stated, the norm for most Wizarding Schools is to cater to the region where they are located. Hogwarts teaches children of Britain and Ireland, Beauxbatons instructs witches and wizards of Western Europe, and Ilvermorny and the Salem Witch Academy stand as the American Wizarding institutions.

Durmstrang however, does not limit its pupils to a single region. Due to its mysterious nature, it welcomes any and all who wish to learn under its roof. Much of this is due to its reputation for being one of the only if not the single school to teach elements of the Dark Arts as core curriculum.

It Does Not Accept Muggle-Born Students

While Durmstrang remains welcoming to students from any international Wizarding community, it still holds many biases that pervade social life of Wizards and Witches. Mirroring the beliefs of Voldemort and Grindlewald, this school forbids the teaching of Muggle-Born students.

This goes sharply against the rules in place at Hogwarts. Since the time of the four founders, Hogwarts has always welcomed any Witch or Wizard no matter the so-called purity of their line. It is shocking then that Hogwarts and Durmstrang’s relationship is as close as it is. How one school can welcome another with such differing moral standards is shocking.

Its Specific Location Is Unknown

Many Wizarding Schools choose to keep their precise location somewhat secretive. Hogwarts, for example, uses magic to camouflage the castle in the event of unwanted Muggle visitors. But, most schools’ locations are known among witches and wizards.

Durmstrang, as always, remains defiant of norms. No one apart from its staff and students knows the exact location of the school. It is believed to be located in the far northern regions of Europe. While many know it to be located in Scandinavia, precisely where is left on a need to know basis.

The Possible Etymology of Durmstrang

The etymology of the Harry Potter world is a fascinating corner to investigate. So many characters and location names hold so much more meaning than their surface would lead one to believe. Durmstrang is no different.

Some believe that Durmstrang’s name origins are connected to a German art movement. Durmstang could be a spoonerism of Sturm und Drang. This movement in literature and music occurred during the mid-1700s. It is defined through themes of revenge, violence, and greed. Musically, much Sturm und Drang pieces are written in a minor key, signifying these darker motifs.

It Consists Of A Castle Like Hogwarts

Structurally speaking, Durmstrang is somewhat similar to Hogwarts. Its grounds also consist of a large castle, but nowhere near as large. This castle only is made up of four floors, accounting for its much smaller student population.

Like the Highland hills and lochs of Hogwarts, Durmstrang is also surrounded by the natural beauty of lakes and mountains. But, it being so far North, it is much colder than Hogwarts. Worse than that, they also don’t allow the lighting of fires for magical purposes, to assist in its concealment.

It Was Grindelwald’s Alma Mater

Durmstrang is known the world over for its belief that the Dark Arts are an essential building block to wizarding teaching. This core foundation resulted in the education of one of the darkest wizards in history. Like Hogwarts and Voldemort, Durmstrang was hosted none other than Gellert Grindelwald.

The second most powerful dark wizard of all time, Grindelwald nearly caused a revolution among Wizarding kind and the deaths of many. His dangerous interest in the dark arts caused his expulsion of Durmstrang before he could complete his education.

Malfoy Almost Attended Durmstrang

As stated, wizards from all over the world are welcome to attend Durmstrang. This included Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker. But, one of Hogwarts’ most infamous sons almost attended the mysterious wizarding school.

Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter’s school-time nemesis himself, nearly was an alum of Durmstrang Institute. His father, Lucius, wanted very badly for his son to be taught the Dark Arts without interference from Hogwarts or the Ministry. Durmstrang, who was being led by former Death Eater Igor Karkaroff, would have been the perfect place to do it. But, Draco’s mother couldn’t bear the thought of her son living so far away.

Visitors’ Memories Are Wiped

Because the school is so secretive in its teachings, no one is allowed to know its precise location. That being said, this does not mean non-students and staff have never entered the location. Many have witnessed the teaching and vistas of this Northern Wizarding Institution.

This comes with a catch though. Anyone privileged enough to visit the castle, unfortunately, has their mind wiped. This is done so they cannot lead anyone back to the school. So, while they might remember what they saw inside the castle, they never remember how they got there or how they left.

It Is Not An All-Boys School

In the film adaption of The Goblet of Fire, Durmstrang is shown to be a school populated solely by men, just as Beauxbatons is presented as an all-girls school. None of this was book accurate though. When reading the books, Rowling shows that the school welcomed anyone no matter their gender.

There were at least one boy and one girl who accompanied both parties to Hogwarts during the year of the Triwizard Tournament. Not only that, but there is no reason a school founded by a woman wouldn’t allow women. It just goes to show the creative differences between the books and their cinematic adaptions.