Wands! In the Potterverse, they are the necessary wizard or witch accessory. Or are they? Actually, a witch or wizard can, if they focus really hard and concentrate, do magic without a wand. But the wand comes in handy to speed up the process. It’s a convenience item, a way of channeling the maximum amount of magical energy. Zapping power, you might say.

Before the movies came along, you had to imagine what the wands actually looked like. The movie wands, in consultation with J.K. Rowling, were designed especially for the films. There is so much wand lore and knowledge to be had. Here are 10 hidden details about wands you may have missed.

The Thing About Unyielding Wands

Did you realize that Bellatrix Lestrange’s wand was unyielding? Okay, what does that mean? Wands are a bit like people. Some are easy-going, while others are inflexible. An unyielding wand is just that. If another witch or wizard gets their hands on an unyielding wand, they better beware.

Why? Because the unyielding wand is unlikely to cooperate with anyone other than its original owner. Bad things can happen if another witch or wizard tries to use the unyielding wand. We’re talking backfiring big time. Bellatrix’s claw-like wand was a one-witch kind of wand.

The Movies Brought The Wands To Life

J.K. Rowling is a genius. We all know that. She not only wrote fabulous stories, but she also designed and had in place the backstories to things like what Hagrid did before he came to Hogwarts. Same for the wands. She had the history of Potterverse wands down pat.

But, it was down to the movie design people to, well, design the wands. There were some details in the books, like the skeletal nature of Voldemort’s wand before he lifted the Elder Wand, but the movies brought that to life.

Everybody knows that when Voldemort killed Harry’s parents and tried to zap him, that a piece of the evil one went into Harry. There is, like it or not, a definite connection between the two. There is a piece of Slytherin in Harry. But is there a touch of decency in Voldemort? Doubtful.

Did you know that their wands are related, brother wands so to speak because both have at their core a feather from Dumbledore’s phoenix Fawkes? Like Harry’s connection to Voldemort, the two wands have a connection first pointed out by wandmaker Olivander when a very young Harry first stepped into his shop. His comment? “Interesting”. Yes, it was.

Wizard Doesn’t Choose The Wand

Daniel Radcliffe and the rest of the cast were so adorable in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. There was an 11-year-old Harry venturing into Olivander’s wand shop to choose his first wand. That was his first mistake, as Olivander was quick to point out. Witches and wizards don’t choose their wand. The wand chooses them.

You should know that the wand is a semi-sentient being that senses the personality, character, and appearance of the witch or wizard. The wand knows what will be a good fit for its abilities and powers. We’ll never forget the scenes where Harry tries out a wand or two, only to have a serious backfiring, zapping moments. The wand chooses the wizard, Harry.

Phoenix Core Is Slow To Get Going

It’s a question of balance. As a wand core substance, the phoenix feather has a very wide range of magical power and ability. But, and this is a big but, it can be slow to develop and get going. Why this is true is a mystery. But it is what it is.

Other popular cores like unicorn hairs and dragon heartstring get going faster, but don’t have the range of powers that the phoenix feather can deliver. Harry had to get to know his phoenix core wand, almost develop a relationship with it, before it delivered all it could. You could miss that quite easily.

The Thing About The Elder Wand

It is said to be the most powerful wand in the world. It’s no wonder Voldemort stole it from Dumbledore’s grave. It is one of three objects that make up the Deathly Hallows, the other two being the Resurrection Stone that features in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and the Invisibility Cloak Harry enjoyed using so much.

At its core, you will find a Thestral tail hair. Thestral? A Thestral is a ghostly horse visible only to those who have gotten up close and personal with death. Harry could see them. So could Luna Lovegood. That was because Luna’s mother had died and Harry’s parents had been murdered by Voldemort.

Big Personality, Big Wand

Lucius Malfoy is a diehard Deatheater. We all know that. And we know that wands are designed to reflect the personality of their owners. Hence his snake design. But size also matters. The longer the wand, the bigger the personality, good, bad or indifferent. And Lucius is a huge personality. Just not a very good one.

Not many realize it, but wands can range from around nine inches to fourteen inches. Harry’s wand was around eleven inches long and made of holly, while Lucius Malfoy’s was a whopping eighteen inches long and made from elm.

Wands Can Be Fickle

Not many people know that Bellatrix Lestrange’s first wand was walnut with a dragon heartstring core. It was said to be a part of her, unyielding in its loyalty.  When Hermione goes to Gringott’s a Bellatrix in Death Hallows Part II, she is carrying Bellatrix’x wand and is freaked out because it seems to radiate Bellatrix. Big mistake, Hermione.

On the other end of the spectrum, laurel wands are said to be fickle. That may be a bit harsh. Really, they just can’t tolerate laziness in its owner and will take up with another more energetic witch or wizard if given the opportunity.

Wands May Or May Not Be Adaptable

In the Potterverse, the more flexible the wand, the less loyal it is. Inflexible, rigid wands are rabidly loyal to their owners. As J.K. Rowling has written, “wand flexibility or rigidity denotes the degree of adaptability and willingness to change possessed by the wand-and-owner pair…”

You also have to take into account the core. Wands with unicorn cores are the most loyal of all the wands. They stay true to their original owner more so than any other kind of wand. And, because of the innocent nature of the unicorn, wands with a unicorn core are tough to turn to the Dark Arts.

Broken Wands?

Repairing a broken wand is tricky, if not impossible. Remember when Ron repaired his broken wand with sellotape, it kept malfunctioning. Hermione was beside herself. But enter the Elder Wand, which is said to have the power to repair broken wands.

In Deathly Hallows Part II, Harry uses the Elder Wand to successfully repair his broken holly and phoenix wand. He holds the repaired wand in his hand, feeling the warmth from the wand. It was a touching moment. Although Ron’s repaired wand was good for a laugh or two.