Hermione Granger is one of the three main characters of the Harry Potter series, and she’s loved by many fans. Hermione is smart, capable, and very brave, and she is central to helping Harry defeat Voldemort in many ways. While Hermione has a lot of great qualities, she also has some flaws as without them she wouldn’t be a very interesting character. She definitely had moments where she could be incredibly annoying, especially when it came to being a little bit of a know-it-all.

Here are the ten most annoying things that Hermione ever did.

Being rather rude when Lavender lost her pet rabbit

Hermione might have a lot of compassion and many moments where she’s good at being there for other people, but when it came to trying to be right about something, she could be a bit uncaring. One big example of this is when Lavender is upset about the death of her pet rabbit, Binky. Instead of being kind about this, she tries to prove to Lavender why Trewlaney’s prediction about this was wrong. This was definitely not the right time to make herself seem smarter or to prove a point.

Her constant fighting with Ron

While Ron and Hermione might be good friends who care about each other, they often didn’t get along. This isn’t to say that the fighting was Hermione’s fault, as it was really both of them contributing. And Ron could be a big jerk at times.

However, the way they were always arguing did get super annoying to read about. It’s hard to see how they would end up being together romantically for so long considering they were always bickering.

When she got really jealous that Harry became better at potions than her

In their sixth year at Hogwarts, Harry started using the Half-Blood Prince version of their potions textbook. The instructions in this book led to him being better at potions than Hermione was. While Hermione might have some reason to be concerned, her biggest beef was that Harry was outshining her. This was definitely annoying because both of them were just reading instructions out of a textbook; Harry’s book just happened to be better.

Using a Confundus Charm to help Ron, then being a hypocrite

When Ron was trying out for the Quidditch team for the second time in the Half-Blood Prince book, Hermione casts a Confundus Charm on Cormac McLaggen in order to ensure Ron gets to keep his position on the team. While this is definitely unfair, the most annoying part about it is that she then gets mad at Harry for using (or pretending to use) Felix Felicis on Ron during a match. This was really hypocritical of her and super obnoxious.

Attacking Ron With Birds

Ron could definitely be a bit of an obtuse jerk, and the way he went about his relationship with Lavender Brown was unfair to both Lavender and Hermione. While Hermione being upset with Ron was understandable, reacting with violence isn’t acceptable. She used a spell that sent a flock of small birds at Ron who then pecked him. The way she got angry and acted out like this was annoying, and not cool at all!

Wingardium Leviosa

One of Hermione’s most iconic moments from early on in the series, during her first year at Hogwarts, is when she corrects Ron on his pronunciation of “Wingardium Leviosa.” While she might have been right, there’s no denying that she could be a bit rude and abrasive about things. She often made people feel stupid, and when she was younger, she definitely didn’t know how to make friends very well.

She tends to think she’s better than other people

While Hermione is definitely extremely smart and talented at magic, she would often be a little condescending toward other people. Being aware of her own skills and intellect is a great thing, but there were times when she talked down to others because of this. While this isn’t exactly the worst trait to have, there’s no denying that it could get pretty annoying at times.

Her approach with S.P.E.W.

Hermione is someone who wants to do the right thing, and she most definitely cares about people who are suffering. Her attempts to make a better life for the house-elves were admirable and her heart was in the right place.

However, she could be a bit condescending at times to the house-elves themselves and don’t listen to them very well. However, the entire narrative of the house-elves wanting to be slaves is definitely messed up in the first place.

The way she mocked Luna for seeing the world in very different ways

Hermione is someone who sees the world in terms of logic and rules, and there are many positives to this. However, she can be a bit rude when others don’t see things how she does. While critiquing some of Luna’s more outlandish beliefs is understandable, she was rather dismissive and even mean when it came down to it. She might have disagreed with her point of view, but it wasn’t a very good reason to be mean.

Breaking rules only when she thought it was all right

One of the most annoying things about Hermione is also one of the most hypocritical things about her. She often gets frustrated about Ron and Harry breaking rules. But naturally, she’s totally okay with breaking rules when she deems it acceptable herself. She can be a bit inconsistent about rule-breaking, but she’s rather condescending or passive-aggressive when people around her break rules that she doesn’t agree with. It’s not really up to her to determine which rules are all right to break and which are not.