While Ron Weasley might be one of the main three characters focused on in the Harry Potter series, it doesn’t always mean that he’s a likable character. Ron might have a lot of good quality and many heroic moments, but he can also be rather obnoxious at times. He definitely has his flaws, and there are many times in the series where he is rather annoying. Whether he’s being tactless or jealous, he had a variety of frustrating moments in the series.

Here are the ten most annoying things that Ron Weasley ever did.

Being rather rude in the things he said to people

Ron is known for being someone who doesn’t have a lot of tact. He can be rather blunt and isn’t good at keeping some of these thoughts to himself. This is why he often puts his foot in his mouth and ends up hurting other people’s feelings. Hermione is often the one who he says rude and insensitive things, too, and he often makes her cry.

But, she’s not the only one as he also says rude things to Luna, Nearly Headless Nick, and others.

The entire relationship with Lavender and then refusing to break up with her

How Ron acts about the entire situation with Lavender is extremely obnoxious. First of all, he only starts dating her to make Hermione jealous and because he’s frustrated he hasn’t kissed anyone yet.

Then, he continues to date her even though he doesn’t really like her that much. And, if that’s not enough, he doesn’t have the guts to break up with her but instead basically ignores her until she breaks up with him. While he might be only 16, he still should have known better.

When he expected Hermione to cook for him and Harry

Ron is one of the characters from the series who seems most invested in gender roles. When on the run looking for Horcruxes with Hermione and Harry, Ron basically expects to sit around while Hermione takes care of daily tasks like cooking. His assumption here is that she should do it because she’s the woman.

This is really backward thinking and also shows how lazy Ron can be at times.

The many ways he was rather entitled and expected to be taken care of

While the point above is just one example of Ron expecting to be taken care of, it actually happens a lot. It’s clear that he’s used to having people who cook and clean for him.

He is totally on board with the house-elves catering to him when they visit the kitchen, for example. It’s clear that he expects to be pampered somewhat, and he isn’t very good at taking care of himself and being independent. This is just an annoying trait for someone to have. He can also be rather unaware of the issues in the wizarding society and doesn’t question how certain groups, such as house-elves, are treated.

How he acted after Harry became Hogwarts champion

One of Ron’s worst moments that was most frustrating to read about was how he acted after Harry became Hogwarts champion. He became super jealous, and so he didn’t believe Harry.

He stopped being his friend even though it was clear that Harry was dealing with a lot of hate from most of the Hogwarts students. Ron was a bad friend in this moment, and it was really frustrating to see unfold.

Blaming Hermione for Scabber’s death

The way that Ron treats Hermione throughout the series is super annoying and kind of mean. These two often bicker, and a lot of their issues come down to the fact that Ron is immature.

One of the most frustrating things Ron does Hermione is when he accuses of Crookshanks killing Scabbers. Even if that had turned out to be true, it wouldn’t have been Hermione’s fault. He didn’t need to take things out on her so cruelly.

How jealous he got all the time

One of Ron’s worst qualities is the fact that he gets jealous so easily. His jealousy could come out in many different ways. He often got jealous of Harry and the fact that he got more attention.

He also tended to be really jealous when it came to romance. He would lash out at Hermione when he saw her around other guys, and he would even get jealous of the fact that other people were in relationships and he wasn’t.

Always wanting Hermione to do his schoolwork for him

This is another annoying example of how Ron always expected things to come easily and didn’t want to put in the work. He always wanted other people to do things for him that he didn’t want to do.

Ron was always trying to get Hermione to do his schoolwork. While she wouldn’t ever do it outright, she would often give in and check over his homework and help him with it. The frustrating thing is that Ron was capable of doing it on his own, but he just didn’t want to.

Moping around at the Yule Ball

This is another example of Ron being extremely immature and annoying when it came to dating. Everything about the way he acted during the Yule Ball was annoying and rude.

First of all, he was a very poor date to Padma and spent the entire time moping around and refusing to even be friendly to her because he was mad Hermione didn’t go with him. Then, he ended up lashing out at Hermione and ruining her night because of his jealousy towards Krum.

The way he always let his insecurities get the best of him

Ron’s overall most annoying trait is the fact that he was deeply insecure. His insecurities were many and included not feeling like he could match up to Harry, being jealous over things with Hermione, and not feeling like he could live up to his siblings. While everyone has insecurities, the issue is that he let these insecurities influence his actions too often.

This even leads to him ditching Hermione and Harry during the Horcrux hunt.