Harry Potter is one of the most universally beloved fandoms/franchises of all time. Fans across the globe have found role models and reflections of themselves and their loved ones in some of the more iconic series. But not all of the characters in the series have been seen in such a positive light by all who read the books and watch the films.

Though many fans have rather controversial opinions on some of the main characters in the Harry Potter series (i.e. some fans have found ways to victimize the main villains of the series while other fans have twisted the character flaws of some of the heroes until they have turned said characters into rather unsavory people) this list will focus on the secondary/supporting characters that drive the fandom mental.

10. Dudley Dursley

Though one could argue that Dudley is not fully to blame for his more cruel moments (due to his young age and his parents raising him to treat others, especially Harry, as though they are beneath him and should be treated accordingly,) the fandom has made it very clear that they do not like Dudley.

Even those who argue for a Dudley redemption arc still are not fans of the majority of his appearances in the books overall. SImply put, Dudley was a bully who sought out people to torment as if it were his main source of income. Though he did begin to sing a different tune after Harry saved his life in the fifth book/film, he is still one of the most hated supporting characters in the series.

9. Lucius Malfoy

From the moment that he first appeared on screen, it became very clear to the audience that Lucius was going to be a problem. Though he is nothing more than an overzealous PTA mom at the start of the series, by its end he becomes one of the bigger threats as he rejoins the Death Eaters and hides out in Voldemorts’ inner circle.

From mistreating his house-elf and attempting to murder a child for freeing the same elf, to slipping a cursed diary into a child’s cauldron and attempting to sack Dumbledore, Lucius made it very clear that he was going to be one of the antagonists in Harry’s life as soon as he entered it.

8. Dolores Umbridge

This character deserves every single drop of hatred sent her way. Hurting children, banning vital knowledge, manipulating the law in your favour, and punishing those who you deem lesser than yourself based on their family heritage is absolutely heinous.

The worst thing about Umbridge is that her cruelty is not theatric or as clear cut as that of Tom Riddle or Bellatrix. No, her cruelty comes in frilly pink wrapping and is all too familiar to the audience for it is the kind of villainy that can easily exist in the real world.

7. Lavender Brown

Unlike some of the more villainous characters on this list, most people hate Lavender Brown for rather petty reasons. While it is true that the character is rather irritating and is quite rude to Hermione while Ron is in the hospital wing, one must also note that it is not like Lavender actually did anything wrong.

Yes, her dating Ron prevented Hermione from being able to make her move. But, if we are being honest, that move was not going to be made for a long time regardless of whether Lavender was in the picture. Yes, she was rather irritating. But being annoying is not a crime.

6. Rita Skeeter

Rita Skeeter is a rather interesting character as she is a horrible person but she is truly amusing in every single scene in which she appears. Though spying on private conversations and exposing people’s most intimate secrets is unforgivable and delegitimizing children and fallen heroes in the paper for profit is not ideal, she commits these questionable acts with gravitas and enough showmanship that her character (though evil) is rather entertaining.

Watching her spin a phrase and twist a quote in her bright green costume is truly amusing. Though we do not forgive her for the hate that was sent towards Hermione after a certain rumour was spread far and wide, we have to admit that we do enjoy watching her antics play out on screen.

5. Vernon & Petunia

Hurting a child who has been placed under your care is truly unforgivable. Lily trusted her sister to care for her son and she treated the boy like last weeks rubbish. It is truly heinous to treat a boy so poorly that he does not know how to react to kindness when it is given to him.

There is no way to justify their actions. No fan theory or canon explanation can justify the cruelty they showed Harry both when he was a child and as he grew into an adult. The Dursley’s are truly grotesque characters and they do not deserve a single second of sympathy.

4. Bellatrix Lestrange

Not only did she kill Sirius Black and broke Neville’s parents beyond repair, but she also enjoyed every single second of it. This cruel Death Eater’s favourite afternoon activity is ruining the lives of those who her leader has declared enemies.

The hate directed at Bellatrix is just and she deserves nothing less. The only thing worse than a character who hurts other people is one that revels in the misery that they’ve caused.

3. Draco Malfoy

Though he did receive a redemption arc in the eyes of certain members of the fandom, when the earlier films/books were released, people absolutely despised Draco. Young Draco was prejudiced, cruel, entitled, and arrogant. He reminded all of us of our worst childhood bullies and we reveled in watching him fail.

Luckily for Draco, his more hateful moments were simply the product of his raising and he eventually unlearned all of the hateful rhetoric he absorbed during his formative years. Some fans have forgiven him because of this, others have not.

2. Cho Chang

This hate is a bit undeserved as, in the books, Cho did not do anything wrong. She was simply frustrated by Harry’s inability to pick up on any of the signals that she sent his way and was a bit competitive with the other girls in his life as she worried that he was far more into them than he was into her.

However, in the films, Cho deserves a little bit of guff from the fandom as she did sell Dumbledore’s Army out to Dolores Umbridge and her investigation squad. Not cool.

1. Severus Snape

This is a more controversial addition to the list as some people claim that Snape is a true hero and the greatest thing since sliced bread- while others believe that he is rather creepy and no amount of unhealthy obsession with someone’s long since passed mother can make up for his more heinous actions.

From openly mocking children to threatening to murder their pets, Snape was a rather unsavory character. It is rather unfortunate that he took his childhood pain out on the people around him, especially those who had nothing to do with the original incidents.

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