Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is one of the oldest and most renowned in the wizarding world. So many great witches and wizards have attended its classes and walked its halls. But, none of those witches and wizards would have gotten where they were without the teachers behind them.

While Hogwarts might not always be the safest place for students, and though many of their teachers end up being criminals, many of them are some of the most dedicated and knowledgeable individuals in the Harry Potter Universe. While everyone gives the credit to Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Hagrid, here are some of the better and more underrated professors teaching at Hogwarts.

Mad-Eye Moody/Barty Crouch Jr.

Was he actually Mad-Eye Moody? No. Did he conjure up a conspiracy to murder multiple students and ministry officials including the boy who lived? Yes. But, you can’t deny that the lessons that Mad-Eye/Barty Crouch Jr. taught while in the Defense Against the Dark Arts post were valuable beyond belief.

The unforgivable curses, the lessons for Harry, and even gillyweed were all essential lessons that he taught. While his intentions were less than favorable (okay, straight-up criminal), he still was a valuable teacher for the students at Hogwarts. Not to mention it was probably a lot of the stuff Mad-Eye himself would have taught!

Professor Binns

In the books, the history of magic teacher, Professor Binns, is described as one of the most boring teachers around. This undead teacher fell asleep during one of his classes, died, and just woke up a ghost and continued teaching without fail.

While he might not be the most stimulating teacher, or conscious of the effects that dying in his class might have on the psyches of his students, at least he’s dedicated. Few teachers who died would continue teaching their class.

Madam Hooch

Madame Hooch is an absolute bad ass. The quidditch instructor referees all the games at Hogwarts and teaches students how to fly a broom. Described as having cat-like eyes and spikey silver hair, Madame Hooch is full of mystery.

Lesser known facts about Madame Hooch include her stint in World War I, where her broom was sideswiped by a Muggle anti-aircraft device. So not only has this woman been teaching flying at Hogwarts for years, but she also flew during one of the largest wars in human history? She’s an unrecognized powerhouse.

Charity Burbage

An unsung hero at Hogwarts School was Charity Burbage. The Muggle Studies teacher was sadly captured and murdered by Voldemort and his followers. This is a subject that most wizarding students most likely felt they didn’t need. Why would they need to learn about the muggle world, when their wizarding world offered so much more?

But it is in the spirit of building bridges and understanding that Charity Burbage dedicated her post to. This is a teacher who believed in coexisting with the muggle world, as opposed to separation. Those efforts and that spirit deserve recognition.

Sybill Trelawney

Although she seemed fake, and a little bonkers, Trelawney was a dedicated professor at Hogwarts, who actually gave a handful of correct prophecies. Dumbledore proved that the prophecies regarding the fate of Harry and Voldemort were some of the only ones she ever got right.

She was also beloved by many students at Hogwarts. While the main trio might have not loved her methods, students like Lavender Brown and Pavarti Patil were dedicated with her teaching, and very passionate.

Horace Slughorn

Slughorn was a latecomer to the series, appearing in only the final two books, and three films. But, his impact was felt immediately. While he might seem superficial, collecting only the best of the best of Hogwarts pupils, he was passionate, caring, and dutiful to his school and students.

The moment that embodies this best is actually not one from the films, but instead in the books. During the battle of Hogwarts, he defended his house’s honor, stating that Hogwarts was just as much home to Slytherins as any other house. He then defended the school bravely alongside his fellow teachers and students.

Professor Flitwick

Flitwick is mostly used as comedic relief, and rightly so. He has hilarious energy in many of the films, offering the right amount of comedy intense situations. But, he is also a dedicated teacher, instructing charms as well as the school choir.

Like many of his fellow professors, he risked his life defending Hogwarts school. His powerful use of charms came in handy when conjuring spells to protect the castle, as well as previously when protecting the sorcerer’s stone.


Although we didn’t get to see it in the films, the centaur from The Sorcerer’s Stone actually became a teacher momentarily. When Dolores Umbridge sacked Professor Sybil Trewalney, Firenze graciously stood in to teach his beliefs in prophecy.

In doing so, his colony exiled him for supporting humans. He sacrificed his heritage to teach the young students at Hogwarts. Not only that, but he did an outstanding job. Although his post was temporary, his impact should have gotten more attention.

Professor Sprout

Professor Sprout’s love of herbology was probably dismissed just as much as Neville’s. Who cares about plants that much? Well, if it wasn’t for her passion, many of the students at Hogwarts who suffered petrification by the hands (or lack thereof) of the Basilisk would have remained frozen.

She is knowledgeable beyond belief in her field and can hold her own in a battle. She remained a powerful ally during the battle of Hogwarts and continued teaching afterward. Those screaming mandrakes sure came in handy.

Madam Pomfrey

Madam Pomfrey might not be a professor per se, but she is still a valuable staff member at Hogwarts. As the head nurse, Pomfrey has dedicated herself to keeping the students of Hogwarts as healthy and as safe as possible. The trio and more are constantly getting into trouble at school, resulting in petrification, missing bones, poisoning, and more. Who is there to pick up the pieces but Madame Pomfrey? She is a skilled healer and an invaluable member of the Hogwarts staff.