After the magical world of Harry Potter was brought to us in ways of 7 really long books and 8 movies, it seems every Muggle wants their very own wand to make their lives a little easier. From enchanting your home to doing all those tedious household chores to teleporting to any destination with a fireplace by way of floo powder, it seems like magic can do just about anything for those lucky enough to be called witches and wizards. At least that’s what it seems like. Although magic looks as simple as a “swish and flick”, there are several limitations to everyday magic. Whether it was to keep the story going, or simply because it seemed too impossible, here are 10 limitations magic has in the magical world of Harry Potter.

Conjuring Objects From Thin Air

“Accio” is the spell most commonly used to summon objects but the catch is that the spell can only conjure things that already there. A common example of Accio is when Harry uses it to summon his trusty broom “Firebolt” when he is being chased by the Dragon in the Triwizard Tournament. Firebolt, as we know, was a gift from Harry’s estranged Godfather, so we can assume Harry had it safe in the common room, simply waiting to be summoned into action. He didn’t make it appear from thin air, which is why Harry had to duck and dodge the dragon’s fiery breath for a couple of minutes before the broom swooped and saved Harry.

Imagine how much shorter the book series would’ve been if Harry was able to just speak a Horcrux killing weapon, instead of enduring a grueling journey and almost losing his life and sanity on several occasions. Or if we’re Voldemort, how much trouble he would’ve saved if he could’ve just conjured his ingredients to bring him back instead of traumatizing Harry and killing Cedric Diggory. Simply put, anyone’s life would be easier if they were able to make things appear, but magic in the Harry Potter realm just doesn’t allow it. Like Hermione so happily reminded Ron, that Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration does not allow a wizard or witch to materialize objects out of thin air.

Creation of Material Goods

Speaking of  “The Principal Exceptions to Gamp’s Law of Elemental Transfiguration,” it not only prevents food from appearing from thin air but it prevents most things from appearing from thin air. Sure there are exceptions like Lily Potter making a flower appear from the palm of her hand, but we never really see it beyond that. But Imagine if Arthur Weasley was able to just produce an excess amount of gold and galleons? It would skyrocket the families’ finances and save their kids from Malfoy’s disapproving and snarky remarks for their hand me down robes. In fact, there wouldn’t be a poor witch or wizard anywhere.

Physical Alterations

Another very useful but very unavailable ability in the series. Sure we see amazing bouts of medical magic throughout the series. Some far beyond our medical capabilities today, like being able to grow bones after a freak accident, or being able to grow gills after eating a plant. But wizards wish they could do more. Like Mad-Eye Moody, who is scarred and mutilated from years of fighting the worst creatures in the wizarding world. Yeah he has a cool, enchanted prosthetic eye and his peg makes him more intimidating but surely he would like to have his old body back. Even Harry probably wants to get magical Lasik to finally get rid of those glasses.


Staying on the topic of physically altering, imagine a world of wizards and witches all in their early to late 20s. No one would want to age, imagine being able to swish away the wrinkles or make yourself just a few years older to go to that bar. Dumbledore could’ve stayed chiseled and stoic Jude Law forever instead of being the “100-something” wizard we see in Harry’s time at Hogwarts. At the very least, Harry could’ve saved some time and just chanted himself old enough to live on his own and not with the Dursleys. Point being, this is something that could’ve really been helpful to any character in the series.


We’ve seen Harry, Ron, and Hermione transform their appearances on several occasions. We’ve seen the torture of mind control, but what we’ve never seen is cloning. An army of Harrys to take down the Dark Lord, Hermione cloning herself an intelligent sister that doesn’t think shes a know-it-all, Ron copying himself so he could sleep in and send his clone to class. We see how much Fred and George enjoy their lives, why wouldn’t anyone else want their mischievous twin to hang out with. Even the Dark Lord himself could save himself the trouble of creating Horcruxes when he could just clone himself and use them to fight Harry.

Skills & Knowledge

How would the series look if everyone was as smart as Hermione? Or if you didn’t have to stress over OWLs or failing a potions final. Like us muggles, wizards have to hit the books and cram for their exams because there is no spell, chant, or potion that can give one unlimited knowledge.

Fortunately for Harry and Ron, they have a bright young witch that loves hitting the books and fortunately for the rest of Hogwarts, they have a pair of mischievous twins that hate exams as much they do. 

Make People Fall in Love

In the magical world of Harry Potter, we’ve seen love potions that claim to make your crush fall in love and we’ve seen how well it worked out with Ron. Chances of finding love are just as slim for the wizard as it is for muggles. Otherwise, Harry would’ve found a date to the ball with no problem, maybe Ron and Hermione could’ve started their romance earlier, or maybe Harry could’ve been calling Snape dad. In another world, Severus would’ve definitely capitalized on making his first and only love his and maybe they would’ve made a good couple.

Unsupported Flight

As mentioned earlier, there are several ways to travel that are quite unique in Harry Potter. From Floo Powder, to telephone poles, but free-flying is not one of them. The exception might be Voldemort who flew in route to catching Harry, no other wizard or dark lord has ever been able to achieve free flight. There are several spells that levitate to simulate flying but there’s nothing quite like being able to Superman out to Diagon Alley on a weekend. How would Quidditch be played if everyone could fly, or would Harry and Ron have gotten in trouble if they didn’t take the flying car?


Many of the most powerful wizards have tried and none have really achieved immortality. Not even Voldemort who attempted with heinous acts. Whether it be killing or finding a unique stone, there hasn’t been any achievable ways seen yet. With items like the Sorcerer’s Stone and Horcruxes that can prolong life, there really isn’t any spell or potion that can help with living forever. Even before Harry roamed the halls of Hogwarts, Grindewald attempted to find immortality and even waaayy before Nicholas Flammel attempted to find the way. Once again, like the mere mortals, wizards, and witches age and die just like the rest of the world.


When we talk about changing the narrative, this spell has to be at the top. Imagine if Harry was able to bring his loved ones back to life with his wand. He’d still have his parents, his Godfather, his mentor, and his classmates. Part of what makes Harry a complex and heroic character is that he was able to overcome the worst of the worst and avenge his parents with the dark lord. Every death in Harry Potter makes Harry stronger and makes him a more powerful character, using each name as motivation for moving forward. Without it, Harry would simply not be the Harry we know and Love.