Fans of the Harry Potter universe who’ve only seen the films often hear their reader friends gush about “the Marauders” from the series, lamenting that they don’t have their own movie series. They’ve also heard of one “Marauders Map,” and wonder just who made it and why it has this name.

The Marauders were four young men who attended Hogwarts together. These bests friends, known as James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, were much more clearly developed in the books than the films, but even in author J.K. Rowling’s works they still don’t always make sense.

Who Even Are They?

The film version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban left everyone scratching their heads, wondering just who these Padfoot, Moony, Wormtail and Prongs people who were so good at insulting Severus Snape were. If one hadn’t read the books, they certainly wouldn’t have been able to guess at the identities of these young men.

Remus Lupin’s friends quickly discovered his “furry little secret” and decided to perform complicated magic and become unregistered Animagi in order to transform with him every full moon. This explains the significance of Harry’s Patronus Charm, which is a stag, like his father in Animagus form.

They Never Registered As Animagi

It’s really difficult to believe that Albus Dumbledore had no idea that Remus Lupin’s BFFs became unregistered Animagi in order to hang out with him while he was a werewolf. As sweet as it was for them to do in order to ensure that their friend would never be lonely, it was also incredibly illegal, and it’s far-fetched for a bunch of boisterous teen boys, three of whom transform into rather large creatures, to go their whole lives undetected.

While Rita Skeeter did the same, she transformed into a tiny bug, making it much more believable. Who knows what would have happened had they been found out.

They Became Animagi In The First Place

If you learn about your best friend’s status as a werewolf, the first thing that comes to mind is definitely to become a fellow shape-shifting creature like him so you can tear up stuff together and possibly perish in the middle of your adventures, especially if you’re a well-to-do wizard like James Potter and Sirius Black, and could afford, I don’t know, wolfsbane potion or something.

Actually, no, wolfsbane sounds like a much better idea, and Black or Potter could definitely have afforded it, had it existed. Lupin implies that it wasn’t yet invented in his youth. Still, it seems like a less drastic means of fellowship could have been arranged.

How Did They Even Make The Map?

The fact that the Marauders performed magic complicated enough to yield three unregistered Animagi is impressive enough, but the famous Marauders’ Map that allows one to see anyone inside Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at all times, no matter their location or true identity, is even more incredible.

The way this map was created is never explained, nor is how the Weasley twins decoded the thing to use it for their own purposes. It’s one of the most powerful magical objects without even meaning to be and should have been used more judiciously, particularly during tense times at the school.

Lupin Didn’t Share The Map With Dumbledore

When Remus Lupin confiscated the Marauders’ Map from both Harry Potter and Severus Snape, he should have taken it straight to Headmaster Dumbledore, especially when he saw Sirius Black’s name pop up during a manhunt for the escaped convict from Azkaban. Instead, he completely disregarded his own advice he’d previously given Harry and simply went to investigate on his own.

Lupin should have trusted Dumbledore with the information once he saw Pettigrew’s name, and as a teacher, he should have had his students’ safety in mind above all else. His terrible transformation that nearly offed the trio was a good reason to leave the school, but so were his awful instincts.

They Were Awful Bullies

Harry found it quite sobering to discover that Snape hadn’t been lying after all: his father and his father’s friends had been terribly arrogant bullies who’d tormented Snape to no end. This can’t be blamed for Snape bullying his own students or even choosing to pursue the Dark Arts, but it certainly does paint the young men in a new light.

As kind as they may have been toward one another, the Marauders weren’t nice kids to everyone. Even the supposedly tolerant, wise Lupin didn’t stop his friends from bullying Snape. It’s even possible that James and Sirius really only wanted to become Animagi for the thrill of it rather than to support Remus.

Peter Was Chosen As Secret-Keeper

Do James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus even know their friend? There had to be doubt about Peter Pettigrew’s abilities as a Secret-Keeper from the beginning. Fans argue that James and Lily could have been each other’s Secret-Keepers, as one’s spouse is their most trusted person in the world. Even if that weren’t the best option, so many others, from a teacher to another Marauder, would have been a better option.

Even if James and Lily never suspected gutless Peter as a traitor, they certainly had to doubt his abilities to keep a secret in the first place. It also makes no sense for Lupin to believe Sirius’s guilt in the matter.

They Knew Snape Would See The Map

How on Earth would the Marauders not only know that Severus Snape would someday read their masterpiece of a map but also which perfect insults to throw at him? Moreover, how did the map itself identify Snape and emit these nasty comments toward him when he attempted to read it?

Surely the map was enchanted to insult anyone who tried to read it without the password, “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” but how did it know such personal insults? Did the quartet write them in for Snape especially? These are questions that fans hope to be answered someday.

Lupin Gave The Map Back To Harry

Once Lupin departed from Hogwarts as a teacher, he decided that it was okay to give Harry back the map he’d confiscated, even though he had previously admitted that it could be dangerous for him to use. He said that he felt like he could give it back since he wasn’t a teacher anymore, but that doesn’t remove him from being a concerned adult in Harry’s life who should be looking out for the kid!

Lupin also didn’t see a reason to keep the map for himself any longer since he would no longer be at Hogwarts, which makes this move seem more selfish. Indeed, there are many things that make no sense about R.J. Lupin, from these decisions to the ones he made concerning his late wife, Nymphadora Tonks.

Sirius Didn’t Use Polyjuice Potion

In all of the time that Sirius Black found himself outside Azkaban, why did he never think to use Polyjuice Potion? He could have been anyone and enjoyed the freedom of walking around as a free wizard, not to mention done more for the Order of the Phoenix than offer them the home he despised as headquarters.

Dumbledore knew how restless Sirius was and should have offered him the opportunity to spy, recruit wizards or do anything for the Order, even if using Polyjuice Potion as another Order member. Surely any of them would have gladly taken a day off to give Sirius a much-needed venture outside the house.