Many fans of the Harry Potter series have imagined what it would be like to go to Hogwarts. While being able to learn how to do magic and live in a castle sounds like a wonderful school experience, there are some things about Hogwarts that aren’t so nice. This is especially true for the students who went to school at the same time Harry Potter did. While it wasn’t always his fault, having to deal with Harry as a classmate would be pretty awful at times.

Here are the ten ways that going to school with Harry would have been the worst.

Dumbledore was a horrible headmaster mostly because of his focus on Harry

While at first Dumbledore seemed like a kind mentor and caring Headmaster, as the books went on it was revealed that Dumbledore was not as innocent and kind as he seemed.

Going to school with Dumbledore as headmaster would have been really frustrating while Harry was at school. Dumbledore spent most of his time trying to manipulate Harry into defeating Voldemort one day which means that he didn’t really pay much attention to being a good Headmaster and caring for other students.

Even the professors spend so much time focused on Harry

While Dumbledore might have paid more attention to Harry, he wasn’t the only one. Many of the other professors were rather caught up with him whether the attention was negative or positive.

Snape had his personal vendetta against Harry, and other professors such as Gilderoy Lockhart were similarly super focused on Harry. While this isn’t Harry’s fault, this definitely would have been annoying as a fellow student.

Harry had nearly superhuman abilities when it came to Quidditch

There’s no denying that the way Harry was written often makes him more skilled than a normal person. While he has a lot of magical skills and a good deal of luck, probably the thing he’s most good at overall is Quidditch.

He often seems to have completely over the top skills at the game and is great at it without ever even practicing. Whether or not this is realistic, it’s clear that having to go up against Harry in the sport would be super annoying.

He was always taking the limelight

While it’s not always Harry’s felt, there’s no denying that Harry was often in the spotlight at school. Sometimes this was because of his skill at Quidditch, but it was often because of the fact he was the Chosen One.

While it’s not like he asked for it, his adventures often lead to him being rather famous at school and beyond. He could also get a fair amount of special treatment such as when he was allowed to play Quidditch as a first-year even when it was against the rules.

There were always professors there that were horrible because they were out to get Harry

This is another example of how many things weren’t Harry’s fault, but this doesn’t mean that dealing with these things as a fellow student wouldn’t have been annoying. Because of Harry, there were many Defense Against the Dark Arts professors that were actually evil wizards such as Quirrell and Barty Crouch Jr. disguised as Moody.

This means that all the other students were at risk and getting a poor education, too.

Harry was always breaking rules and getting away with it

One of the most annoying things about going to Hogwarts with Harry would be the fact that Harry got away with so many things. He broke so many school rules and yet somehow never got expelled.

If practically any other student did the things that Harry did, they would for sure have gotten worse punishments and likely kicked out of school for good. However, Harry got away with breaking school rule after school rule.

And sometimes his rule-breaking would lead to consequences for other students

The way Harry broke school rules didn’t always just impact him. While he sometimes got in trouble, he very rarely did. But, sometimes the rules he broke lead to other students dealing with the fallout.

The biggest example of this was during the first book when Harry and Hermione got caught out of bed after they delivered Norbert to Bill Weasley. This lead to Gryffindor losing a ton of house points and their fellow Gryffindors definitely weren’t excited about it.

When Harry would take away your chance of winning the House Cup

While some of the things that Harry did lead to negative consequences for the other Gryffindors, sometimes they were positive for them but negative for the other houses.

One of the absolute most infuriating things to be a non-Gryffindor classmate of Harry’s was when Harry and his friends one the house cup for Gryffindor after breaking a ton of rules. It was definitely for things that had nothing to do with being at school and was just weird favoritism.

Nothing you did would ever be able to compare to The Boy Who Lived

Going to school with Harry would have been really frustrating because it would be impossible to live up to him. One small example of this is when Harry became the other Hogwarts champion along with Cedric.

On a bigger level, it would be impossible to ever stand out when you went to school with the Boy Who Lived.

Harry being at Hogwarts made the school a target for Voldemort

While this is another thing that’s not Harry’s fault, and definitely something he would never want at all, there’s no denying it would have made going to Hogwarts scary.

Obviously, Voldemort would have made living in the wizarding world scary even if Harry wasn’t involved, but Harry being at Hogwarts definitely lead to the school being a huge target.