Despite never seeing them all together in the flesh, the Marauders are an integral part of Harry Potter canon. But the actions of all four young Gryffindors — James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter — are felt throughout the series, long after they were split — and not just their actions during the actual course of the story. Even when they were young, the Marauders were making ripples that would spread out into the future and shape Harry’s life in unexpected ways.

The Marauders are so important that many fans feel they know them almost as well as they know the central Golden Trio. For a time, Harry idolized them (or most of them) but every member has done terrible things. Harry had to learn firsthand that even good people, people you love, can make bad choices. We’re here to look at some of the worst things the Marauders did.

Terrified Harry

After Sirius escaped from Azkaban, he went on the run in his Animagus form of a large black dog. Unfortunately, this coincided with Harry’s third year when he first took Divination and learned all about the Grim…which is also a large black dog. So now the poor boy thinks his death is being foretold with every sighting of his godfather, who only wanted to check up on him. Sirius even once made Harry fall down in the street, where he was almost run over by the Knight Bus. Maybe just talk to the kid next time, Sirius.

Broke Ron’s Leg

Third year was a rough one for everyone involved. Harry’s dealing with the stress of a crazed murderer and a whole flock of Dementors; Hermione is trying to juggle about a thousand classes while keeping time travel a secret. But sometimes we forget about Ron. Poor kid learned his beloved pet rat was actually a grown man who’d been sleeping in his bed — one who sent his best friend’s parents to their deaths. The real icing on the cake is when Sirius comes gunning for Peter and grabs Ron instead, dragging him into the tunnel beneath the Whomping Willow and shattering his leg in the process. At least Sirius apologizes.

Bullied Snape

This is one of those fateful actions that went on to shape a lot of Harry’s Hogwarts experience. James Potter may have been a very talented wizard, had lot of friends, and grown up to be a good father. But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a bully when he was a kid.

We’re not saying young Severus Snape was the most pleasant person to hang out with, but that doesn’t excuse James’ actions. He just didn’t like the kid and was jealous of his friendship with Lily, and that made him a target. And Snape’s grudge certainly made Harry’s life just a little more difficult.

Tried to Abandon His Pregnant Wife

Overall, Remus is probably the most ethical of the group. He grew up into a good professor and a brave member of the Order of the Phoenix. But he wasn’t brave in every aspect of his life. He was perfectly willing to risk his own skin for the greater good. However, after he and Tonks got together and Tonks became pregnant, Remus started getting cold feet. He was afraid he would pass the curse on to his child, or otherwise put the two of them in danger, and tried to leave. It took Harry confronting him and calling him a coward for Remus to rethink his decision.

Refused to Be Secret-Keeper

Now admittedly, Sirius didn’t know how this would end up. He genuinely thought he was doing what was best for his friends. He believed that, because of his family’s connections to the Dark Lord, he would be a target and place Lily and James in more danger. It was his idea to select Peter as Secret-Keeper instead. And we all know how that went down. If Sirius has just trusted himself to keep his friends safe, everything could have been different.

Tried to Kill Snape

Boy, Sirius sure is showing up on this list a lot. When the Marauders were young, Sirius fully supported James’ torment of Snape and even continued to harbor distaste for him as an adult. During their Hogwarts days, Sirius’ dislike went so far as to directly put Snape in serious danger

Snape was suspicious of the Marauders because of their tendency to sneak out every month. Sirius told him he’d find out their secret if he made it through the Whomping Willow’s secret tunnel…and would have sent him directly into the claws of a werewolf if James hadn’t intervened.

Killed Cedric

Listen, we all know who the worst of the worst among the Marauders is. We were just saving his many crimes for last. And poor Cedric got caught up in the crossfire. He always demonstrated his good nature and his open friendliness toward Harry. Even when he stole some of Cedric’s glory, Cedric was happy to help. And when the two of them decided to take the Triwizard Cup together and ensure a Hogwarts victory, he was transported to the graveyard alongside Harry — where Wormtail dispassionately cut him down.

Helped Revive Voldemort

And Wormtail doesn’t stop there. At the end of the third book, the trio are merciful and decide to spare his life. And Peter spits in the face of their kindness. He escapes and goes scrambling back to Voldemort, hoping for protection in exchange for his service. He brews the potion, he captures Harry, and he even cuts off his own arm to bring his master back to full strength. Without his help, Voldemort might have stayed an ineffectual wraith forever.

Sought Revenge

Another of those actions with big unintended consequences. After Sirius found out what Peter had done, he passed baby Harry into Hagrid’s safekeeping and set off to track Peter down. Sirius wanted to make him pay for the death of his best friends. That’s understandable.

But if Sirius had stopped and thought for a moment, and seen through his grief, he might have realized Harry needed him — needed him more than ever, with his parents gone. But Sirius chased Wormtail instead, failed to kill him, and ended himself up in Azkaban while Harry spent eleven years being abused by the Dursleys.

Betrayed Lily and James

The worst thing any of the Marauders has ever done is far and away the betrayal of Lily and James Potter — Wormtail’s most unforgivable act of malice and cowardice. After Sirius went to all that trouble to convince them Peter would be the safest option for Secret-Keeper, Wormtail turned around and told the Dark Lord. Harry’s parents were killed, Harry became the Boy Who Lived, and everything else was set into motion.