The Weasleys’ are one of the most beloved families in the Harry Potter franchise. Harry meets Ron on the Hogwarts Express and the two strike up an iconic friendship that is later completed with Hermione. Ron and his family fight beside Harry during the Second Wizarding War and are instrumental in overthrowing Voldemort and his followers.

The Weasley family paid a steep cost for their bravery, however. They are attacked and almost killed several times and, although they won the war, they weren’t without their losses. Here are the ten worst things to happen to the Weasleys’ during the Second Wizarding War.

Fred’s Death

Molly Weasley’s worst fears come true in the final Harry Potter installment when her son Fred is killed during the Battle of Hogwarts. It is a devastating blow to the Weasley family, who sacrificed so much to fight Voldemort during the Second Wizarding War.

In Order of the Phoenix, Harry sees a tearful Mrs. Weasley’s attempt to banish a Boggart which keeps showing her the dead bodies of her children. Sadly, this foreshadows Fred’s demise in the final book.

Ron On The Run

Ron is separated from his family for most of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. He accompanies Harry and Hermione as they go on the run from Voldemort and attempt to find and destroy all of the Horcruxes. Although he abandons them briefly, Ron can’t live with the guilt of leaving his friends and reunites with them just in time to save Harry’s life.

Being isolated from his family for the first time in his life was a struggle for Ron, who worried about whether or not they were alive every day. It was another blow for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley to lose contact with one of their children for so long.

Death Eaters Crash Bill And Fleur’s Wedding

The relationship between Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour is established in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and the two characters tie the knot in the following book. However, their happiness is short-lived as Death Eaters crash the wedding after the Ministry of Magic falls to Voldemort and his followers.

Bill and Fleur’s wedding was a beacon of hope and celebration during a dark time for the wizarding world. When Death Eaters crash the reception and attack the guests, it bleakly emphasizes that the Weasley home is no longer safe.

Arthur Is Attacked By Nagini

Dumbledore’s forces take turns to guard the prophecy in the Department of Mysteries during Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Whilst on guard duty, Arthur Weasley is savagely attacked by Voldemort’s snake Nagini. The Weasley patriarch almost dies but, luckily, is saved thanks to Harry’s dream about the attack.

Arthur’s attack is a close call that could have been fatal if it weren’t for Harry. Although the Boy Who Lived resents his connection to Voldemort, seeing the attack through Nagini’s eyes saved Arthur’s life.

The Weasleys’ Are Placed Under Surveillance

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione break into the Ministry of Magic during Deathly Hallows to steal a Horcrux from Dolores Umbridge, Harry makes an unnerving discovery. He finds several files in Umbridge’s office that proclaim him a wanted criminal as well as confirming that Arthur and the entire Weasley family are being watched.

The Weasley family are considered “blood traitors” by Voldemort’s followers due to their association with muggles and muggle-borns. Being under surveillance prevents Harry, Ron, and Hermione from reaching out to them whilst on the run.

Ron Is Poisoned

Another Weasley has a close brush with death in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Ron accidentally drinks a love potion from Romilda Vane intended for Harry, much to his best friend’s amusement. Harry takes him to Slughorn for an antidote but the mood quickly takes a turn for the worst after Ron again drinks something that wasn’t intended for him.

Ron nearly dies after drinking a bottle of mead laced with poison by Draco Malfoy, which he planned to use to kill Albus Dumbledore. Harry saves him with some quick-thinking and a bezoar.

Fenrir Greyback Attacks Bill Weasley

The Weasley family is dealt another blow in Half-Blood Prince. Ginny and Bill both fight against the Death Eaters in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, and Fenrir Greyback attacks and almost kills the oldest Weasley child.

Bill’s face is left scarred after his encounter with Greyback, though luckily, he doesn’t become a werewolf as a result of his injuries. Bill recovers but still bears the scars from the battle. Although he lived, the war still irreversibly changed him forever.

George Loses An Ear

Neither Weasley twin escaped from the Second Wizarding War unharmed. At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Fred and George are part of the group who escort Harry from Privet Drive and are attacked in the air by Death Eaters. Snape uses the Sectumsempra curse and cuts off George’s ear.

George survives and his wound is promptly tended to by a devastated and tearful Molly. George sees the humor in his horrible situation, remarking to his twin that he is now “holy.”

Percy Turns On His Family

The Weasley family was nearly ripped apart forever during the Second Wizarding War. Percy betrays his family and sides with the Ministry after the career-focused wizard is manipulated by his employers, including Cornelius Fudge. This leads to a rift between the Weasley children that devastates Molly, who feels as though she has lost her son.

Percy eventually sees the error of his ways and abandons the Ministry to fight with his family during the Battle of Hogwarts. However, as Molly gains a son she also loses one, as Fred is killed almost immediately after.

Bellatrix Almost Kills Ginny

Ginny fights alongside her family and friends and is a loyal member of Dumbledore’s Army. During the Battle of Hogwarts, she narrowly avoids being hit with the Killing Curse by Bellatrix Lestrange. This lights a fire in Molly, who already lost one child during the battle, and the Weasley matriarch kills Voldemort’s best, last lieutenant.

Bellatrix’s attack on Ginny was the final straw for Molly, who proved how fierce and capable she truly is. Bellatrix fought for Voldemort and loved him dearly, but Molly’s love for her children was stronger.