One of the longest-standing franchises in the world, Harry Potter continues to capture hearts worldwide. The very first movie is especially dear to Potter-heads, because that is where all the magic began. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was where much of the lore of wizards and Hogwarts was established, and the young wizard found out about his roots and the Dark Lord who gave him his scar.

  • As fans celebrate 25 years of magic and mayhem since the release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone book, it’s time to look back at the debut novel and movie with fresh eyes. The series has been meme-d about endlessly, yet there are always new facets about it that fans find to create more hilarious content about. It’s a worthy way of celebrating the silver anniversary of The Boy Who Lived.

Memes are the universal language of the internet and all of its netizens, making them the best way to sum up the first fantastic Harry Potter movie. Fans have made hundreds of memes, which depict the events of the movie accurately and hilariously.

Hermione’s All-Encompassing Knowledge

Hermione proved herself to be quite a resource early on in the book, as she guided the boys through their harebrained adventures and filled the gaps in their knowledge.

She was the smartest witch of her generation, with an encyclopedic trove of information stored away in her big brain. In a way, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was when people discovered the true genius of Hermione.

A Fine Summary Of The Movie, Doge Style

It’s safe to say that fans were pretty overwhelmed (in a good way) by all the various histories and laws that they were presented within the debut movie. This Doge meme by Toomfolery very simplistically put sit all together on one single poster: wizards, magic, potions, Hogwarts, and Dumbledore made up Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

If someone had to really dumb it down for a newbie who wanted to know what the Harry Potter movie was about, this meme would be the way to go.

The Iconic Exchange with Hagrid

As Harry grappled with what his real identity was, it was finally revealed to him in the cottage by the sea by none other than Hogwarts’ own Rubeus Hagrid. This exchange between Harry and Hagrid was the foundation of their friendship and finally informed Harry of the reality regarding his parents.

It has been joked about and interpreted in many different ways, especially because of Robbie Coltrane’s adorably enunciated delivery of his dialogue. This meme, posted on bookstr, pretty much sums up the vibe of their interaction perfectly.

A Rejected Friendship

Before Harry and Draco became mortal enemies, it’s important to remember that Draco had offered him his hand in friendship, which Harry rejected, leading to years of animosity.

Harry’s reasons for letting Malfoy down were noble, since he was nasty to Ron, but it’s interesting to think about what their situation would have been if Harry had accepted Draco’s offer in the first installment.

The Sorting Hat Conundrum

All the child actors performed well in Harry Potter, but Radcliffe’s slightly dramatic acting was the best. Talking to the Sorting Hat was one of the most important conversations he had, and it became so legendary that a man with a cone on their head is reminiscent of the scene, (like this meme posted on wechoiceblogger by @wedabmoms).

Fans lean in both directions, with some feeling like Harry was a true Slytherin who diverted his destiny, and some thinking that the Hat would only put him in Gryffindor if he had the traits.

A Sassy Dumbledore

Albus Dumbledore was left in charge of thousands of students at Hogwarts, but, the truth was, he cared for only one. Harry Potter was his priority, and other kids, like Draco Malfoy, hardly mattered to the great wizard who happened to be the headmaster of the school.

Even when Harry broke rules, he was pardoned and given a free pass, which wasn’t something others enjoyed. Dumbledore’s partiality has been a big joke for decades, and continues to be one. In this meme, posted on wechoiceblogger, a very sassy Dumbledore tells Draco how he does not care for him, or Slytherins at all.

Harry’s Curiosity Killed The Cat

Many fans wouldn’t realize this at first glance, but Harry and his curiosity was what led Quirrell/Voldemort towards the Sorcerer’s stone. Quirrell had been on the lookout for it but did not guess where it was hidden until Harry led the way.

It is possible that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would have put two and two together at some point, but Harry’s shenanigans were a catalyst.

Poor Nicholas Flamel

Voldemort’s biggest claim to fame was how he had managed to cheat death and become invincible, but that left poor Nicholas Flamel out. Flamel was the man who had created the Stone which granted unlimited life, and had also extended his own lifetime by centuries.

He was a quiet creator, but was the true kickstarter behind the events of the first book and movie.

He Had His Mother’s Eyes

Another line that was ubiquitous in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone referred to the young wizard’s resemblance to the great Lily Potter. His green eyes were the topic of conversation - but, funnily enough, Radcliffe did not have green eyes, ever.

The internet, more specifically TotalPotterhead on the Harry Potter wiki, posted a meme that managed to find some resemblance in the eyes between mother and son.

Dumbledore’s Bias

Harry was only 11 years old when he killed Quirrell/ Voldemort. The Professor’s life could not be saved when Voldemort left his body, but Dumbledore seemed to not care of the consequences.

He lauded Harry for his bravery and completely skimmed over the part where his adventure at the end of the year had led to the death of a man. Classic Dumbledore.

A Natural At Quidditch

One of the biggest moments in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was the discovery of his natural aptitude for Quidditch, which predictably came from his father who was also on the team. Harry may have struggled with enough on the academic and Voldemort front, but this came to him naturally.

He even had an upper hand on Hermione in this one, who was known for being an all-rounder. After feeling lost and confused, being a Seeker was what gave Harry the most joy in the first movie. The meme that had been posted on Memegenerator’s (and now resides on Pinterest) really shows how great Harry was at the game, using Jay-Z’s iconic tune.


Besides the trio and all their friends, Draco Malfoy was a notable nemesis who emerged in the first movie. Classist, racist, cruel, and a product of his upbringing, he had a few catchphrases that became his signatures.

If he was mad, his father would hear about it. If he hated someone, he called them a mudblood. At all other times, he seemed to be calling Harry by his last name, which became an instant hit because of how he enunciated it. This chart, posted on imgflip, shows just how much Draco talks and what he talks about.

The Kids Are Alright

One of the most laughable decisions in the movie was how often students were put in danger, and willingly, by all teachers. Detention could be lethal for most of them, and Harry’s punishment was to go into the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid to figure out which terrible creature was haunting the unicorns.

Considering it was Lord Voldemort who was drinking unicorn blood to sustain himself, this could have been the end of Harry, even though the Dark Lord was in a weakened state. It was teens against the evilest wizard of all time, and this meme, posted on, demonstrates how odd it was to send kids into such a dangerous place.

The Final Fight Between Quirrell And Harry

This meme perfectly sums up, and with succinctness, the fated battle between Lord Voldemort, Quirrell, and Harry Potter. Since he got the scar, this was the first time Harry faced Voldemort, but in a different fashion since he was pasted to the back of the Professor’s head.

The discovery of the Dark Lord in a trusted teacher was a shocking one for Harry, but he fought back valiantly and definitely defeated him for the second time in his life.

Infinity Points To Gryffindor

A tradition that Dumbledore set early on in the series was never letting Gryffindor lose the House Cup. No matter how many times Slytherin was in the lead, he had to find a way to give Gryffindor points at the last moment to turn the odds in their favor.

These reasons ranged from killing Quirrell, to showing bravery, to even standing up to their friends (which was Neville). Gryffindor’s victory was a given, and meme-arsenalry’s work of art depicts Dumbledore’s eyes for only Gryffindor.