Harry Potter might be an epic fantasy story about defeating evil, but it’s also a story about friendships and love. The relationships in the series are varied and include friendships, family relationships, and romances.

Given the fact that Harry and his friends are teens for most of the series, it makes sense there is a good deal of relationship drama, but there are also romances between the adults. While some of the romances from the series were loved by fans for being endearing, many of the other couples were just rather annoying.

Loved: James and Lily Potter

James and Lily Potter are the main romantic relationship from the Marauders era that many fans loved. While this isn’t to say that their relationship was perfect, these two seemed to grow to love each other a lot.

The fact that their lives were cut short when they were so young and just after Harry was born is extremely tragic. The tragic nature of their relationship definitely makes people have even more love for this couple.

Annoying: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger

This might be one of the more controversial couples on the list because there are people on both sides. While many people love their relationship, others think it doesn’t make much sense and is really annoying.

These two never really got along even as friends, and it’s hard to imagine them making it work as a married couple. They both have strong personalities but are very different. They want different things in life and seem to struggle to get along no matter what they are doing.

Loved: Bill and Fleur Weasley

Bill and Fleur seemed like a couple that would be annoying at first, but they grew to be rather endearing. While Fleur was seen in a bad light by Bill’s family as someone who was vain and obnoxious, she turned out to be extremely devoted to Bill.

These two seemed great together and even began building their own lives at Shell Cottage. There were both talented, beautiful, and brave, and their love for one another was strong.

Annoying: Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks

Remus and Tonks might at first seem like a decent match, but honestly, it seems like their relationship was a mess. One of the first things we learn about the relationship is how the stress of it is making Tonks depressed.

Lupin always seemed to be hot and cold about the relationship because of a misguided attempt to protect Tonks from the bias of dating a werewolf. Then, when Tonks gets pregnant, Lupin tries to leave her to help Harry. These two made each other less likable, not more.

Loved: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley

While not everyone loves this relationship, they were actually good for each other in many ways. Ginny is a person who doesn’t take a lot of nonsense, so she is a good balance for Harr who can be more dramatic.

They also know each other quite well and were friends for a while before they started dating. Harry would fit in perfectly with her family, and they would likely encourage each other and complement each other’s strengths.

Annoying: Harry Potter and Cho Chang

While Harry and Ginny turned out to be a great match, Harry and Cho weren’t. While Cho definitely deserved more than what she got, these two were just too young when they started dating.

Their young Hogwarts romance clearly wasn’t right for either of them. Harry wasn’t mature enough to understand that Cho was dealing with a lot of emotions and grief, and Cho was too jealous over Harry’s friendships. When they started dating, it was just obnoxious to read about.

Loved: Hermione Granger and Viktor Krum

While Hermione and Ron might be the canon couple, Hermione and Krum seemed like they might be a better match. While Krum seemed more immature when he appeared at Bill and Fleur’s wedding, he seemed like a good option during the Yule Ball.

They were both rather studious, and Krum seemed to respect Hermione and her opinions a lot more than Ron ever did. Plus, they didn’t bicker nearly as much as Ron and Hermione either.

Annoying: Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson

Draco and Pansy were another couple that clearly wasn’t meant to be. Pansy was always way more into Draco then he was into her, and she was often hanging all over him. She was rather annoying and Draco mostly just used her.

Luckily, these two didn’t end up together in adulthood as they were both awful people. While Draco seemed to mature and try to become a slightly better person in adulthood, there’s no indication that Pansy did.

Loved: Molly and Arthur Weasley

One of the longest-lasting and most stable relationships from the Harry Potter series is Molly and Arthur Weasley. These two have been together for decades and have a family.

While they aren’t perfect, they do love each other a lot and seem to work great together. They are committed and caring, and it’s easy to find them endearing. The Weasley family is one of the few examples of a loving family in the series. Despite the things they’ve been through, these two seem as strong as ever.

Annoying: Vernon and Petunia Dursley

Two of the worst and most annoying people in the entire series are Vernon and Petunia. While they might not be Death Eater levels of evil, they are cruel at heart, judgemental of others, and abusive to Harry.

While they actually make a good pair because they are both horrible people who accept the other’s flaws, they are truly obnoxious people. Spending time around them would be miserable and annoying, and they will always be sad, hateful souls.